Glaisher 703642e40e Hide thanks button for botedits if bots are not allowed to receive thanks in mobile as well
Also only load 'ext.thanks.mobilediff' module if the recipient is not an IP.

Bug: T118686
Change-Id: I096d3b05a46590db426ae038f17f6e180fa5bf37
2015-11-24 22:47:56 +05:00

107 lines
3.4 KiB

( function ( mw, M, $ ) {
var popup = M.require( 'mobile.toast/toast' ),
SchemaMobileWebClickTracking = M.require( 'mobile.loggingSchemas/SchemaMobileWebClickTracking' ),
schema = new SchemaMobileWebClickTracking( {}, 'MobileWebDiffClickTracking' );
* Create a thank button for a given edit
* @param {String} name The username of the user who made the edit
* @param {String} revision The revision the user created
* @param {String} gender The gender of the user who made the edit
function thankUser( name, revision, gender ) {
var d = $.Deferred();
( new mw.Api() ).postWithToken( 'edit', {
action: 'thank',
rev: revision,
source: 'mobilediff'
} ).done( function () { mw.msg( 'thanks-thanked-notice', name, gender ) );
} )
.fail( function ( errorCode ) {
switch ( errorCode ) {
case 'invalidrevision': mw.msg( 'thanks-error-invalidrevision' ) );
case 'ratelimited': mw.msg( 'thanks-error-ratelimited', gender ) );
default: mw.msg( 'thanks-error-undefined' ) );
} );
return d;
* Create a thank button for a given edit
* @param {String} name The username of the user who made the edit
* @param {String} rev The revision the user created
* @param {String} gender The gender of the user who made the edit
function createThankLink( name, rev, gender ) {
var thankImg = mw.config.get( 'wgExtensionAssetsPath' ) + '/Thanks/WhiteSmiley.png',
thankImgTag = '<img width="25" height="20" src="' + thankImg + '" class="mw-mf-action-button-icon"/>',
// Don't make thank button for self
if ( name !== mw.config.get( 'wgUserName' ) ) {
// See if user has already been thanked for this edit
if ( mw.config.get( 'wgThanksAlreadySent' ) ) {
$thankBtn = $( '<button class="mw-mf-action-button mw-ui-button mw-ui-constructive thanked">' )
.prop( 'disabled', true )
.html( thankImgTag + mw.message( 'thanks-button-thanked', mw.user ).escaped() );
} else {
$thankBtn = $( '<button class="mw-mf-action-button mw-ui-button mw-ui-constructive">' )
.html( thankImgTag + mw.message( 'thanks-button-thank', mw.user, gender ).escaped()
.on( 'click', function () {
var $this = $( this );
schema.log( {
name: 'thank',
destination: name
} );
if ( !$this.hasClass( 'thanked' ) ) {
thankUser( name, rev, gender ).done( function () {
$this.addClass( 'thanked' ).prop( 'disabled', true )
.html( thankImgTag + mw.message( 'thanks-button-thanked', mw.user, gender ).escaped() );
} );
} );
return $thankBtn;
* Initialise a thank button in the given container.
* @param {jQuery.Object} $user existing element with data attributes associated describing a user.
* @param {jQuery.Object} $container to render button in
function init( $user, $container ) {
var username = $ 'user-name' ),
rev = $ 'revision-id' ),
gender = $ 'user-gender' ),
$thankBtn = createThankLink( username, rev, gender );
if ( $thankBtn ) {
$thankBtn.prependTo( $container );
$( function () {
init( $( '.mw-mf-user' ), $( '#mw-mf-userinfo' ) );
} );
// Expose for testing purposes
mw.thanks = $.extend( {}, mw.thanks || {}, {
_mobileDiffInit: init
} );
} )( mediaWiki, mw.mobileFrontend, jQuery );