Martin Urbanec 9cef38e80f IP Masking: Do not allow temporary users to thank other users
It has been decided to not allow temporary users to thank
other users (see task). This is because the transition
between anonymous and temporary account is nearly invisible,
and it might be confusing why the thanking ability appears
and hides.

Bug: T345679
Change-Id: I62e67327c9a80b3da9e98a2dccdd4ec2051f3026
2023-10-03 22:23:02 +00:00

527 lines
16 KiB

// phpcs:disable MediaWiki.NamingConventions.LowerCamelFunctionsName.FunctionName
namespace MediaWiki\Extension\Thanks;
use ApiModuleManager;
use Article;
use ConfigException;
use DatabaseLogEntry;
use DifferenceEngine;
use EchoAttributeManager;
use EchoUserLocator;
use ExtensionRegistry;
use Html;
use IContextSource;
use LogEventsList;
use LogPage;
use MediaWiki\Api\Hook\ApiMain__moduleManagerHook;
use MediaWiki\Auth\Hook\LocalUserCreatedHook;
use MediaWiki\Block\Hook\GetAllBlockActionsHook;
use MediaWiki\Diff\Hook\DifferenceEngineViewHeaderHook;
use MediaWiki\Diff\Hook\DiffToolsHook;
use MediaWiki\Extension\Notifications\Model\Event;
use MediaWiki\Extension\Thanks\Api\ApiFlowThank;
use MediaWiki\Hook\BeforePageDisplayHook;
use MediaWiki\Hook\GetLogTypesOnUserHook;
use MediaWiki\Hook\HistoryToolsHook;
use MediaWiki\Hook\LogEventsListLineEndingHook;
use MediaWiki\Hook\PageHistoryBeforeListHook;
use MediaWiki\Linker\LinkTarget;
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionRecord;
use MediaWiki\Title\Title;
use MediaWiki\User\UserIdentity;
use MobileContext;
use OutputPage;
use Skin;
use SpecialPage;
use User;
* Hooks for Thanks extension
* @file
* @ingroup Extensions
class Hooks implements
* Handler for the HistoryTools hook
* @param RevisionRecord $revisionRecord
* @param array &$links
* @param RevisionRecord|null $oldRevisionRecord
* @param UserIdentity $userIdentity
public function onHistoryTools(
) {
self::insertThankLink( $revisionRecord,
$links, $userIdentity );
* Handler for the DiffTools hook
* @param RevisionRecord $revisionRecord
* @param array &$links
* @param RevisionRecord|null $oldRevisionRecord
* @param UserIdentity $userIdentity
public function onDiffTools(
) {
// Don't allow thanking for a diff that includes multiple revisions
// This does a query that is too expensive for history rows (T284274)
$previous = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()
->getPreviousRevision( $revisionRecord );
if ( $oldRevisionRecord && $previous &&
$previous->getId() !== $oldRevisionRecord->getId()
) {
self::insertThankLink( $revisionRecord,
$links, $userIdentity );
* Insert a 'thank' link into revision interface, if the user is allowed to thank.
* @param RevisionRecord $revisionRecord RevisionRecord object to add the thank link for
* @param array &$links Links to add to the revision interface
* @param UserIdentity $userIdentity The user performing the thanks.
private static function insertThankLink(
RevisionRecord $revisionRecord,
array &$links,
UserIdentity $userIdentity
) {
$recipient = $revisionRecord->getUser();
if ( $recipient === null ) {
// Cannot see the user
$user = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getUserFactory()->newFromUserIdentity( $userIdentity );
// Don't let users thank themselves.
// Exclude anonymous users.
// Exclude temp users (T345679)
// Exclude users who are blocked.
// Check whether bots are allowed to receive thanks.
// Don't allow thanking for a diff that includes multiple revisions
// Check whether we have a revision id to link to
if ( $user->isNamed()
&& !$userIdentity->equals( $recipient )
&& !self::isUserBlockedFromTitle( $user, $revisionRecord->getPageAsLinkTarget() )
&& !self::isUserBlockedFromThanks( $user )
&& self::canReceiveThanks( $recipient )
&& !$revisionRecord->isDeleted( RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT )
&& $revisionRecord->getId() !== 0
) {
$links[] = self::generateThankElement(
* Check whether the user is blocked from the title associated with the revision.
* This queries the replicas for a block; if 'no block' is incorrectly reported, it
* will be caught by ApiThank::dieOnUserBlockedFromTitle when the user attempts to thank.
* @param User $user
* @param LinkTarget $title
* @return bool
private static function isUserBlockedFromTitle( User $user, LinkTarget $title ) {
return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getPermissionManager()
->isBlockedFrom( $user, $title, true );
* Check whether the user is blocked from giving thanks.
* @param User $user
* @return bool
private static function isUserBlockedFromThanks( User $user ) {
$block = $user->getBlock();
return $block && ( $block->isSitewide() || $block->appliesToRight( 'thanks' ) );
* Check whether a user is allowed to receive thanks or not
* @param UserIdentity $user Recipient
* @return bool true if allowed, false if not
protected static function canReceiveThanks( UserIdentity $user ) {
global $wgThanksSendToBots;
$legacyUser = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getUserFactory()->newFromUserIdentity( $user );
if ( !$user->isRegistered() || $legacyUser->isSystemUser() ) {
return false;
if ( !$wgThanksSendToBots && $legacyUser->isBot() ) {
return false;
return true;
* Helper for self::insertThankLink
* Creates either a thank link or thanked span based on users session
* @param int $id Revision or log ID to generate the thank element for.
* @param User $sender User who sends thanks notification.
* @param UserIdentity $recipient User who receives thanks notification.
* @param string $type Either 'revision' or 'log'.
* @return string
protected static function generateThankElement(
$id, User $sender, UserIdentity $recipient, $type = 'revision'
) {
// Check if the user has already thanked for this revision or log entry.
// Session keys are backwards-compatible, and are also used in the ApiCoreThank class.
$sessionKey = ( $type === 'revision' ) ? $id : $type . $id;
if ( $sender->getRequest()->getSessionData( "thanks-thanked-$sessionKey" ) ) {
return Html::element(
[ 'class' => 'mw-thanks-thanked' ],
wfMessage( 'thanks-thanked', $sender->getName(), $recipient->getName() )->text()
$genderCache = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getGenderCache();
// Add 'thank' link
$tooltip = wfMessage( 'thanks-thank-tooltip' )
->params( $sender->getName(), $recipient->getName() )
$subpage = ( $type === 'revision' ) ? '' : 'Log/';
return Html::element(
'class' => 'mw-thanks-thank-link',
'href' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Thanks', $subpage . $id )->getFullURL(),
'title' => $tooltip,
'data-' . $type . '-id' => $id,
'data-recipient-gender' => $genderCache->getGenderOf( $recipient->getName(), __METHOD__ ),
wfMessage( 'thanks-thank', $sender->getName(), $recipient->getName() )->text()
* @param OutputPage $outputPage The OutputPage to add the module to.
protected static function addThanksModule( OutputPage $outputPage ) {
$confirmationRequired = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()
->get( 'ThanksConfirmationRequired' );
$outputPage->addModules( [ 'ext.thanks.corethank' ] );
$outputPage->addJsConfigVars( 'thanks-confirmation-required', $confirmationRequired );
* Handler for PageHistoryBeforeList hook.
* @see
* @param Article $page Not used
* @param IContextSource $context RequestContext object
public function onPageHistoryBeforeList( $page, $context ) {
if ( $context->getUser()->isRegistered() ) {
static::addThanksModule( $context->getOutput() );
* Handler for DifferenceEngineViewHeader hook.
* @see
* @param DifferenceEngine $diff DifferenceEngine object that's calling.
public function onDifferenceEngineViewHeader( $diff ) {
if ( $diff->getUser()->isRegistered() ) {
static::addThanksModule( $diff->getOutput() );
* Add Thanks events to Echo
* @param array &$notifications array of Echo notifications
* @param array &$notificationCategories array of Echo notification categories
* @param array &$icons array of icon details
public static function onBeforeCreateEchoEvent(
&$notifications, &$notificationCategories, &$icons
) {
$notificationCategories['edit-thank'] = [
'priority' => 3,
'tooltip' => 'echo-pref-tooltip-edit-thank',
$notifications['edit-thank'] = [
'category' => 'edit-thank',
'group' => 'positive',
'section' => 'message',
'presentation-model' => EchoCoreThanksPresentationModel::class,
'bundle' => [
'web' => true,
'expandable' => true,
EchoAttributeManager::ATTR_LOCATORS => [
[ EchoUserLocator::class, 'locateFromEventExtra' ],
[ 'thanked-user-id' ]
if ( ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'Flow' ) ) {
$notifications['flow-thank'] = [
'category' => 'edit-thank',
'group' => 'positive',
'section' => 'message',
'presentation-model' => EchoFlowThanksPresentationModel::class,
'bundle' => [
'web' => true,
'expandable' => true,
EchoAttributeManager::ATTR_LOCATORS => [
[ EchoUserLocator::class, 'locateFromEventExtra' ],
[ 'thanked-user-id' ]
$icons['thanks'] = [
'path' => [
'ltr' => 'Thanks/modules/userTalk-constructive-ltr.svg',
'rtl' => 'Thanks/modules/userTalk-constructive-rtl.svg'
* Handler for LocalUserCreated hook
* @see
* @param User $user User object that was created.
* @param bool $autocreated True when account was auto-created
public function onLocalUserCreated( $user, $autocreated ) {
// New users get echo preferences set that are not the default settings for existing users.
// Specifically, new users are opted into email notifications for thanks.
if ( !$user->isTemp() && !$autocreated ) {
$userOptionsManager = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getUserOptionsManager();
$userOptionsManager->setOption( $user, 'echo-subscriptions-email-edit-thank', true );
* Add thanks button to SpecialMobileDiff page
* @param OutputPage &$output OutputPage object
* @param MobileContext $ctx MobileContext object
* @param array $revisions Array with two elements, either nulls or RevisionRecord objects for
* the two revisions that are being compared in the diff
public static function onBeforeSpecialMobileDiffDisplay( &$output, $ctx, $revisions ) {
$rev = $revisions[1];
// If the MobileFrontend extension is installed and the user is
// logged in or recipient is not a bot if bots cannot receive thanks, show a 'Thank' link.
if ( $rev
&& ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'MobileFrontend' )
&& $rev->getUser()
&& self::canReceiveThanks( $rev->getUser() )
&& $output->getUser()->isRegistered()
) {
$output->addModules( [ 'ext.thanks.mobilediff' ] );
if ( $output->getRequest()->getSessionData( 'thanks-thanked-' . $rev->getId() ) ) {
// User already sent thanks for this revision
$output->addJsConfigVars( 'wgThanksAlreadySent', true );
* Handler for GetLogTypesOnUser.
* So users can just type in a username for target and it'll work.
* @link
* @param string[] &$types The list of log types, to add to.
public function onGetLogTypesOnUser( &$types ) {
$types[] = 'thanks';
public function onGetAllBlockActions( &$actions ) {
$actions[ 'thanks' ] = 100;
* Handler for BeforePageDisplay. Inserts javascript to enhance thank
* links from static urls to in-page dialogs along with reloading
* the previously thanked state.
* @link
* @param OutputPage $out OutputPage object
* @param Skin $skin The skin in use.
public function onBeforePageDisplay( $out, $skin ): void {
$title = $out->getTitle();
// Add to Flow boards.
if ( $title instanceof Title && $title->hasContentModel( 'flow-board' ) ) {
$out->addModules( 'ext.thanks.flowthank' );
// Add to special pages where thank links appear
if (
$title->isSpecial( 'Log' ) ||
$title->isSpecial( 'Contributions' ) ||
$title->isSpecial( 'DeletedContributions' ) ||
$title->isSpecial( 'Recentchanges' ) ||
$title->isSpecial( 'Recentchangeslinked' ) ||
$title->isSpecial( 'Watchlist' )
) {
static::addThanksModule( $out );
* Conditionally load API module 'flowthank' depending on whether or not
* Flow is installed.
* @param ApiModuleManager $moduleManager Module manager instance
public function onApiMain__moduleManager( $moduleManager ) {
if ( ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'Flow' ) ) {
"class" => ApiFlowThank::class,
"services" => [
* Handler for EchoGetBundleRule hook, which defines the bundle rules for each notification.
* @param Event $event The event being notified.
* @param string &$bundleString Determines how the notification should be bundled.
public static function onEchoGetBundleRules( $event, &$bundleString ) {
switch ( $event->getType() ) {
case 'edit-thank':
$bundleString = 'edit-thank';
// Try to get either the revid or logid parameter.
$revOrLogId = $event->getExtraParam( 'logid' );
if ( $revOrLogId ) {
// avoid collision with revision ids
$revOrLogId = 'log' . $revOrLogId;
} else {
$revOrLogId = $event->getExtraParam( 'revid' );
if ( $revOrLogId ) {
$bundleString .= $revOrLogId;
case 'flow-thank':
$bundleString = 'flow-thank';
$postId = $event->getExtraParam( 'post-id' );
if ( $postId ) {
$bundleString .= $postId;
* Insert a 'thank' link into the log interface, if the user is allowed to thank.
* @link
* @param LogEventsList $page The log events list.
* @param string &$ret The line ending HTML, to modify.
* @param DatabaseLogEntry $entry The log entry.
* @param string[] &$classes CSS classes to add to the line.
* @param string[] &$attribs HTML attributes to add to the line.
* @throws ConfigException
public function onLogEventsListLineEnding(
$page, &$ret, $entry, &$classes, &$attribs
) {
$user = $page->getUser();
// Don't thank if anonymous or blocked or if user is deleted from the log entry
if (
|| $entry->isDeleted( LogPage::DELETED_USER )
|| self::isUserBlockedFromTitle( $user, $entry->getTarget() )
|| self::isUserBlockedFromThanks( $user )
) {
// Make sure this log type is allowed.
$allowedLogTypes = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()
->get( 'ThanksAllowedLogTypes' );
if ( !in_array( $entry->getType(), $allowedLogTypes )
&& !in_array( $entry->getType() . '/' . $entry->getSubtype(), $allowedLogTypes ) ) {
// Don't thank if no recipient,
// or if recipient is the current user or unable to receive thanks.
// Don't check for deleted revision (this avoids extraneous queries from Special:Log).
$recipient = $entry->getPerformerIdentity();
if ( $recipient->getId() === $user->getId() || !self::canReceiveThanks( $recipient ) ) {
// Create thank link either for the revision (if there is an associated revision ID)
// or the log entry.
$type = $entry->getAssociatedRevId() ? 'revision' : 'log';
$id = $entry->getAssociatedRevId() ?: $entry->getId();
$thankLink = self::generateThankElement( $id, $user, $recipient, $type );
// Add parentheses to match what's done with Thanks in revision lists and diff displays.
$ret .= ' ' . wfMessage( 'parentheses' )->rawParams( $thankLink )->escaped();