isAnon() ) { $this->dieWithError( 'thanks-error-notloggedin', 'notloggedin' ); } elseif ( $user->pingLimiter( 'thanks-notification' ) ) { $this->dieWithError( [ 'thanks-error-ratelimited', $user->getName() ], 'ratelimited' ); } elseif ( $user->isBlockedGlobally() ) { $this->dieBlocked( $user->getGlobalBlock() ); } } /** * Check whether the user is blocked from this title. (This is not the same * as checking whether they are sitewide blocked, because a sitewide blocked * user may still be allowed to thank on their own talk page.) * * This is separate from dieOnBadUser because we need to know the title. * * @param User $user * @param Title $title */ protected function dieOnBlockedUser( User $user, Title $title ) { $permissionManager = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getPermissionManager(); if ( $permissionManager->isBlockedFrom( $user, $title ) ) { $this->dieBlocked( $user->getBlock() ); } } /** * Check whether the user is sitewide blocked. * * This is separate from dieOnBlockedUser because we need to know if the thank * is related to a revision. (If it is, then use dieOnBlockedUser instead.) * * @param User $user */ protected function dieOnSitewideBlockedUser( User $user ) { $block = $user->getBlock(); if ( $block && $block->isSitewide() ) { $this->dieBlocked( $block ); } } protected function dieOnBadRecipient( User $user, User $recipient ) { if ( $user->getId() === $recipient->getId() ) { $this->dieWithError( 'thanks-error-invalidrecipient-self', 'invalidrecipient' ); } elseif ( !$this->getConfig()->get( 'ThanksSendToBots' ) && $recipient->isBot() ) { $this->dieWithError( 'thanks-error-invalidrecipient-bot', 'invalidrecipient' ); } } protected function markResultSuccess( $recipientName ) { $this->getResult()->addValue( null, 'result', [ 'success' => 1, 'recipient' => $recipientName, ] ); } /** * This checks the log_search data. * * @param User $thanker The user sending the thanks. * @param string $uniqueId The identifier for the thanks. * @return bool Whether thanks has already been sent */ protected function haveAlreadyThanked( User $thanker, $uniqueId ) { $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $logWhere = ActorMigration::newMigration()->getWhere( $dbw, 'log_user', $thanker ); return (bool)$dbw->selectRow( [ 'log_search', 'logging' ] + $logWhere['tables'], [ 'ls_value' ], [ $logWhere['conds'], 'ls_field' => 'thankid', 'ls_value' => $uniqueId, ], __METHOD__, [], [ 'logging' => [ 'INNER JOIN', 'ls_log_id=log_id' ] ] + $logWhere['joins'] ); } /** * @param User $user The user performing the thanks (and the log entry). * @param User $recipient The target of the thanks (and the log entry). * @param string $uniqueId A unique Id to identify the event being thanked for, to use * when checking for duplicate thanks */ protected function logThanks( User $user, User $recipient, $uniqueId ) { if ( !$this->getConfig()->get( 'ThanksLogging' ) ) { return; } $logEntry = new ManualLogEntry( 'thanks', 'thank' ); $logEntry->setPerformer( $user ); $logEntry->setRelations( [ 'thankid' => $uniqueId ] ); $target = $recipient->getUserPage(); $logEntry->setTarget( $target ); $logId = $logEntry->insert(); $logEntry->publish( $logId, 'udp' ); } public function needsToken() { return 'csrf'; } public function isWriteMode() { // Writes to the Echo database and sometimes log tables. return true; } }