getUser(); $this->dieOnBadUser( $user ); $params = $this->extractRequestParams(); try { $postId = UUID::create( $params['postid'] ); } catch ( FlowException $e ) { $this->dieWithError( 'thanks-error-invalidpostid', 'invalidpostid' ); } $data = $this->getFlowData( $postId ); $recipient = $this->getRecipientFromPost( $data['post'] ); $this->dieOnBadRecipient( $user, $recipient ); if ( $this->userAlreadySentThanksForId( $user, $postId ) ) { $this->markResultSuccess( $recipient->getName() ); return; } $rootPost = $data['root']; $workflowId = $rootPost->getPostId(); $rawTopicTitleText = Utils::htmlToPlaintext( Container::get( 'templating' )->getContent( $rootPost, 'topic-title-html' ) ); // Truncate the title text to prevent issues with database storage. $topicTitleText = $this->getLanguage()->truncate( $rawTopicTitleText, 200 ); $pageTitle = $this->getPageTitleFromRootPost( $rootPost ); /** @var PostRevision $post */ $post = $data['post']; $postText = Utils::htmlToPlaintext( $post->getContent() ); $postText = $this->getLanguage()->truncate( $postText, 200 ); $topicTitle = $this->getTopicTitleFromRootPost( $rootPost ); $this->sendThanks( $user, $recipient, $postId, $workflowId, $topicTitleText, $pageTitle, $postText, $topicTitle ); } private function userAlreadySentThanksForId( User $user, UUID $id ) { return $user->getRequest()->getSessionData( "flow-thanked-{$id->getAlphadecimal()}" ); } /** * @param UUID $postId UUID of the post to thank for * @return array containing 'post' and 'root' as keys */ private function getFlowData( UUID $postId ) { $rootPostLoader = Container::get( 'loader.root_post' ); try { $data = $rootPostLoader->getWithRoot( $postId ); } catch ( FlowException $e ) { $this->dieWithError( 'thanks-error-invalidpostid', 'invalidpostid' ); } if ( $data['post'] === null ) { $this->dieWithError( 'thanks-error-invalidpostid', 'invalidpostid' ); } return $data; } /** * @param PostRevision $post * @return User */ private function getRecipientFromPost( PostRevision $post ) { $recipient = User::newFromId( $post->getCreatorId() ); if ( !$recipient->loadFromId() ) { $this->dieWithError( 'thanks-error-invalidrecipient', 'invalidrecipient' ); } return $recipient; } /** * @param PostRevision $rootPost * @return Title */ private function getPageTitleFromRootPost( PostRevision $rootPost ) { $workflow = Container::get( 'storage' )->get( 'Workflow', $rootPost->getPostId() ); return $workflow->getOwnerTitle(); } /** * @param PostRevision $rootPost * @return Title */ private function getTopicTitleFromRootPost( PostRevision $rootPost ) { $workflow = Container::get( 'storage' )->get( 'Workflow', $rootPost->getPostId() ); return $workflow->getArticleTitle(); } /** * @param User $user * @param User $recipient * @param UUID $postId * @param UUID $workflowId * @param string $topicTitleText * @param Title $pageTitle * @param string $postTextExcerpt * @param Title $topicTitle * @throws FlowException * @throws MWException */ private function sendThanks( User $user, User $recipient, UUID $postId, UUID $workflowId, $topicTitleText, Title $pageTitle, $postTextExcerpt, Title $topicTitle ) { $uniqueId = "flow-{$postId->getAlphadecimal()}"; // Do one last check to make sure we haven't sent Thanks before if ( $this->haveAlreadyThanked( $user, $uniqueId ) ) { // Pretend the thanks were sent $this->markResultSuccess( $recipient->getName() ); return; } // Create the notification via Echo extension EchoEvent::create( [ 'type' => 'flow-thank', 'title' => $pageTitle, 'extra' => [ 'post-id' => $postId->getAlphadecimal(), 'workflow' => $workflowId->getAlphadecimal(), 'thanked-user-id' => $recipient->getId(), 'topic-title' => $topicTitleText, 'excerpt' => $postTextExcerpt, 'target-page' => $topicTitle->getArticleID(), ], 'agent' => $user, ] ); // And mark the thank in session for a cheaper check to prevent duplicates (Bug 46690). $user->getRequest()->setSessionData( "flow-thanked-{$postId->getAlphadecimal()}", true ); // Set success message. $this->markResultSuccess( $recipient->getName() ); $this->logThanks( $user, $recipient, $uniqueId ); } public function getAllowedParams() { return [ 'postid' => [ ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => 'string', ApiBase::PARAM_REQUIRED => true, ], 'token' => [ ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => 'string', ApiBase::PARAM_REQUIRED => true, ], ]; } /** * @see ApiBase::getExamplesMessages() * @return array */ protected function getExamplesMessages() { return [ 'action=flowthank&postid=xyz789&token=123ABC' => 'apihelp-flowthank-example-1', ]; } }