dieUsage( 'Echo is not installed on this wiki', 'echonotinstalled' ); } $agent = $this->getUser(); if ( $agent->isAnon() ) { $this->dieUsage( 'Anonymous users cannot send thanks', 'notloggedin' ); } if ( $agent->pingLimiter( 'thanks-notification' ) ) { $this->dieUsageMsg( array( 'actionthrottledtext' ) ); } if ( $agent->isBlocked() ) { $this->dieUsageMsg( array( 'blockedtext' ) ); } $params = $this->extractRequestParams(); $rev = Revision::newFromId( $params['rev'] ); $result = array(); if ( !$rev ) { $this->dieUsage( 'Revision ID is not valid', 'invalidrevision' ); } else { $title = Title::newFromID( $rev->getPage() ); if ( !$title ) { $this->dieUsage( 'Page title could not be retrieved', 'notitle' ); } // Get the user ID of the user who performed the edit $recipient = $rev->getUser(); if ( !$recipient ) { $this->dieUsage( 'No valid recipient found', 'invalidrecipient' ); } else { // Set the source of the thanks, e.g. 'diff' or 'history' if ( $params['source'] ) { $source = trim( $params['source'] ); } else { $source = 'undefined'; } // Create the notification via Echo extension EchoEvent::create( array( 'type' => 'edit-thank', 'title' => $title, 'extra' => array( 'revid' => $rev->getId(), 'thanked-user-id' => $recipient, 'source' => $source, ), 'agent' => $agent, ) ); // Set success message $result['success'] = '1'; } } $this->getResult()->addValue( null, 'result', $result ); } public function getDescription() { return array( 'This API is for sending thank you notifications from one editor to another.', ); } public function getParamDescription() { return array( 'rev' => 'A revision ID for an edit that you want to thank someone for', 'token' => 'An edit token (to prevent CSRF abuse)', 'source' => "A short string describing the source of the request, for example, 'diff' or 'history'", ); } public function getAllowedParams() { return array( 'rev' => array( ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => 'integer', ApiBase::PARAM_MIN => 1, ApiBase::PARAM_REQUIRED => true, ), 'token' => array( ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => 'string', ApiBase::PARAM_REQUIRED => true, ), 'source' => array( ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => 'string', ApiBase::PARAM_REQUIRED => false, ) ); } public function needsToken() { return true; } public function getTokenSalt() { return ''; } public function getVersion() { return __CLASS__ . '-1.0'; } }