If the user has JavaScript disabled, clicking
on "thank" will send the user to Special:Thanks
with the revision id already filled in. When
submitted, the form calls the API internally
and then shows the user an error or confirmation
Special:Thanks is not a listed special page
since it's mainly intended as a fallback.
The API was modified to return the user name of the
editor who is being thanked if a new notification
was created.
Bug: 49161
Change-Id: I7ba4664b92bb0da425784350487ed0e7ca352b4e
Also making thank button for mobile capitalized.
Also update for new clickTracking code.
Also promoting to stable.
Dependency: I56e2c5bc69f85e83ab3dfd9b9e617dbb98661870
Change-Id: Ifaf44fe8994a8085c30522292bba8b768da533db
If the new $wgThanksConfirmationRequired global variable is true,
require users to confirm that they want to send thanks.
Bug: 47658
Change-Id: I4663844a324a2797917b027ceb1c8c07b1e180d5