mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 03:12:29 +00:00
PageIdentity does not have inNamespace() (it is from LinkTarget) PageIdentity does not have getContentModel(), use the WikiPage instead Inject a TitleFormatter to get the prefixed title text Bug: T339384 Change-Id: I0029e718f20ca01ee3cd13ada8be04a16480d51d
269 lines
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269 lines
7 KiB
namespace TextExtracts\Test;
use ILanguageConverter;
use MediaWiki\Config\ConfigFactory;
use MediaWiki\Config\HashConfig;
use MediaWiki\Context\IContextSource;
use MediaWiki\Languages\LanguageConverterFactory;
use MediaWiki\Message\Message;
use MediaWiki\Title\Title;
use MediaWikiCoversValidator;
use TextExtracts\ApiQueryExtracts;
use Wikimedia\LightweightObjectStore\ExpirationAwareness;
use Wikimedia\TestingAccessWrapper;
* @covers \TextExtracts\ApiQueryExtracts
* @group TextExtracts
* @license GPL-2.0-or-later
class ApiQueryExtractsTest extends \MediaWikiIntegrationTestCase {
use MediaWikiCoversValidator;
private function newInstance() {
$config = new HashConfig( [
'ParserCacheExpireTime' => ExpirationAwareness::TTL_INDEFINITE,
] );
$configFactory = $this->createMock( ConfigFactory::class );
$configFactory->method( 'makeConfig' )
->with( 'textextracts' )
->willReturn( $config );
$cache = new \WANObjectCache( [ 'cache' => new \HashBagOStuff() ] );
$context = $this->createMock( IContextSource::class );
$context->method( 'getConfig' )
->willReturn( $config );
$context->method( 'msg' )
->willReturnCallback( function ( $key, ...$params ) {
$msg = $this->createMock( Message::class );
$msg->method( 'text' )->willReturn( "($key)" );
return $msg;
} );
$main = $this->createMock( \ApiMain::class );
$main->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'getContext' )
->willReturn( $context );
$query = $this->createMock( \ApiQuery::class );
$query->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'getMain' )
->willReturn( $main );
$langConv = $this->createMock( ILanguageConverter::class );
$langConv->method( 'getPreferredVariant' )
->willReturn( 'en' );
$langConvFactory = $this->createMock( LanguageConverterFactory::class );
$langConvFactory->method( 'getLanguageConverter' )
->willReturn( $langConv );
return new ApiQueryExtracts(
public function testMemCacheHelpers() {
$title = $this->createMock( Title::class );
$title->method( 'getPageLanguage' )
->willReturn( $this->createMock( \Language::class ) );
$page = $this->createMock( \WikiPage::class );
$page->method( 'getTitle' )
->willReturn( $title );
$page->method( 'getId' )
->willReturn( 123 );
$page->method( 'getTouched' )
->willReturn( '20010101000000' );
$text = 'Text to cache';
/** @var ApiQueryExtracts $instance */
$instance = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $this->newInstance() );
// Default param values for this API module
$instance->params = [ 'intro' => false, 'plaintext' => false ];
$this->assertFalse( $instance->getFromCache( $page, false ), 'is not cached yet' );
$instance->setCache( $page, $text );
$this->assertSame( $text, $instance->getFromCache( $page, false ) );
public function testSelfDocumentation() {
/** @var ApiQueryExtracts $instance */
$instance = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $this->newInstance() );
$this->assertIsString( $instance->getCacheMode( [] ) );
$this->assertNotEmpty( $instance->getExamplesMessages() );
$this->assertIsString( $instance->getHelpUrls() );
$params = $instance->getAllowedParams();
$this->assertIsArray( $params );
$this->assertSame( 1, $params['chars'][\ApiBase::PARAM_MIN] );
$this->assertSame( 1200, $params['chars'][\ApiBase::PARAM_MAX] );
$this->assertSame( 20, $params['limit'][\ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT] );
$this->assertSame( 'limit', $params['limit'][\ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE] );
$this->assertSame( 1, $params['limit'][\ApiBase::PARAM_MIN] );
$this->assertSame( 20, $params['limit'][\ApiBase::PARAM_MAX] );
$this->assertSame( 20, $params['limit'][\ApiBase::PARAM_MAX2] );
* @dataProvider provideFirstSectionsToExtract
public function testGetFirstSection( $text, $isPlainText, $expected ) {
/** @var ApiQueryExtracts $instance */
$instance = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $this->newInstance() );
$this->assertSame( $expected, $instance->getFirstSection( $text, $isPlainText ) );
public static function provideFirstSectionsToExtract() {
return [
'Plain text match' => [
"First\nsection \1\2... \1\2...",
"First\nsection ",
'Plain text without a match' => [
'HTML match' => [
"First\nsection <h1>...<h2>...",
"First\nsection ",
'HTML without a match' => [
'Example <h11>...',
'Example <h11>...',
'__TOC__ before intro (HTML)' => [
'<h2 id="mw-toc-heading">Contents</h2>Intro<h2>Actual heading</h2>...',
'<h2 id="mw-toc-heading">Contents</h2>Intro',
'__TOC__ before intro (plaintext)' => [
"\1\2_\2\1<h2 id=\"mw-toc-heading\">Contents</h2>Intro\1\2_\2\1<h2>Actual heading</h2>...",
"\1\2_\2\1<h2 id=\"mw-toc-heading\">Contents</h2>Intro",
* @dataProvider provideTextsToTruncate
public function testTruncate( $text, array $params, $expected ) {
/** @var ApiQueryExtracts $instance */
$instance = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $this->newInstance() );
$instance->params = $params + [ 'chars' => null, 'sentences' => null, 'plaintext' => true ];
$this->assertSame( $expected, $instance->truncate( $text ) );
public static function provideTextsToTruncate() {
return [
[ '', [], '' ],
[ 'abc', [], 'abc' ],
[ 'chars' => 1 ],
[ 'chars' => 1, 'plaintext' => false ],
[ 'sentences' => 1 ],
'abc abc. xyz xyz.',
[ 'chars' => 1 ],
'abc abc. xyz xyz.',
[ 'sentences' => 1 ],
'abc abc.'
'abc abc. xyz xyz.',
[ 'chars' => 1000 ],
'abc abc. xyz xyz.'
'abc abc. xyz xyz.',
[ 'chars' => 1000, 'plaintext' => false ],
'abc abc. xyz xyz.'
'abc abc. xyz xyz.',
[ 'sentences' => 10 ],
'abc abc. xyz xyz.'
* @dataProvider provideSectionsToFormat
public function testDoSections( $text, $format, $expected ) {
/** @var ApiQueryExtracts $instance */
$instance = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $this->newInstance() );
$instance->params = [ 'sectionformat' => $format ];
$this->assertSame( $expected, $instance->doSections( $text ) );
public static function provideSectionsToFormat() {
$level = 3;
$marker = "\1\2$level\2\1";
return [
'Raw' => [
"$marker Headline\t\nNext line",
"$marker Headline\t\nNext line",
'Wiki text' => [
"$marker Headline\t\nNext line",
"\n=== Headline ===\nNext line",
'Plain text' => [
"$marker Headline\t\nNext line",
"\nHeadline\nNext line",
'Multiple matches' => [
"\n=== First ===\n\n=== Second ===",