assertSame( 'sanitized-css', $handler->getModelID() ); $this->assertSame( [ 'text/css' ], $handler->getSupportedFormats() ); $this->assertInstanceOf( TemplateStylesContent::class, $handler->makeEmptyContent() ); $this->assertFalse( $handler->supportsRedirects() ); $title = Title::newFromText( 'Template:Example/styles.css' ); $this->assertNull( $handler->makeRedirectContent( $title ) ); } public function testValidateSave() { $content = new TemplateStylesContent( '.foo { bogus: bogus; }' ); $handler = new TemplateStylesContentHandler(); $page = new PageIdentityValue( 0, 1, 'Foo', PageIdentity::LOCAL ); $validationParams = new ValidationParams( $page, 0, 123 ); $this->assertEquals( $handler->validateSave( $content, $validationParams ), Status::newFatal( 'templatestyles-error-unrecognized-property', 1, 8 ) ); } public static function provideSanitize() { $status1 = Status::newGood( '.mw-parser-output .foo{}' ); $status1->warning( 'templatestyles-error-bad-value-for-property', 1, 15, 'color' ); return [ 'flip' => [ '.foo { margin-left: 10px; /*@noflip*/ padding-left: 1em; }', [ 'flip' => true ], Status::newGood( '.mw-parser-output .foo{margin-right:10px;padding-left:1em}' ) ], 'no minify' => [ '.foo { margin-left: 10px }', [ 'minify' => false ], Status::newGood( '.mw-parser-output .foo { margin-left:10px; }' ) ], 'With warnings' => [ '.foo { color: bogus; }', [], $status1 ], 'With warnings, fatal and no value' => [ '.foo { bogus: bogus; }', [ 'severity' => 'fatal', 'novalue' => true ], Status::newFatal( 'templatestyles-error-unrecognized-property', 1, 8 ), ], 'With overridden class prefix' => [ '.foo { margin-left: 10px }', [ 'class' => 'foo bar', 'minify' => false ], Status::newGood( '.foo\ bar .foo { margin-left:10px; }' ) ], 'With boolean false as a class prefix' => [ '.foo { margin-left: 10px }', [ 'class' => false, 'minify' => false ], Status::newGood( '.mw-parser-output .foo { margin-left:10px; }' ) ], 'With an extra wrapper' => [ '.foo { margin-left: 10px }', [ 'extraWrapper' => 'div.class' ], Status::newGood( '.mw-parser-output div.class .foo{margin-left:10px}' ) ], 'Escaping U+007F' => [ ".foo\\\x7f { content: '\x7f'; }", [], Status::newGood( '.mw-parser-output .foo\\7f {content:"\\7f "}' ) ], '@font-face prefixing' => [ '@font-face { font-family: nope; }', [ 'severity' => 'fatal', 'novalue' => true ], Status::newFatal( 'templatestyles-error-bad-value-for-property', 1, 27, 'font-family' ), ], ' in string' => [ '.foo { content: ""; }', [], Status::newGood( '.mw-parser-output .foo{content:"\3c /style\3e "}' ) ], ' via identifiers' => [ '.foo { grid-area: \< / style 0 / \>; }', [], Status::newGood( '.mw-parser-output .foo{grid-area:\3c /style 0/\3e }' ), ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideSanitize * @param string $text Input text * @param array $options * @param Status $expect */ public function testSanitize( $text, $options, $expect ) { $content = new TemplateStylesContent( $text ); $contentHandler = new TemplateStylesContentHandler( $content->getModel() ); $this->assertEquals( $expect, $contentHandler->sanitize( $content, $options ) ); } public function testInvalidWrapper() { $this->expectException( InvalidArgumentException::class ); $this->expectExceptionMessage( 'Invalid value for $extraWrapper: .foo>.bar' ); $content = new TemplateStylesContent( '.foo { margin-left: 10px }' ); $contentHandler = new TemplateStylesContentHandler( $content->getModel() ); $contentHandler->sanitize( $content, [ 'extraWrapper' => '.foo>.bar' ] ); } public function testCrazyBrokenSanitizer() { // Big hack: Make a Token that returns a bad string, and a Sanitizer // that returns that bad Token, just so we can test a code path that // handles such bad output. $this->setTemporaryHook( 'TemplateStylesStylesheetSanitizer', function ( &$sanitizer ) { $badToken = $this->getMockBuilder( Wikimedia\CSS\Objects\Token::class ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->onlyMethods( [ '__toString' ] ) ->getMock(); $badToken->method( '__toString' )->willReturn( '""' ); $sanitizer = $this->getMockBuilder( Wikimedia\CSS\Sanitizer\StylesheetSanitizer::class ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->onlyMethods( [ 'sanitize' ] ) ->getMock(); $sanitizer->method( 'sanitize' )->willReturn( $badToken ); return false; } ); $content = new TemplateStylesContent( '.foo {}' ); $contentHandler = new TemplateStylesContentHandler( $content->getModel() ); $this->assertEquals( Status::newFatal( 'templatestyles-end-tag-injection' ), $contentHandler->sanitize( $content, [ 'class' => 'testCrazyBrokenSanitizer' ] ) ); } public static function provideSizeLimit() { $long = str_repeat( 'X', 102400 ); return [ 'Good' => [ new TemplateStylesContent( '.foobar {}' ), Status::newGood( '.mw-parser-output .foobar{}' ), 10 ], 'Size Exceeded' => [ new TemplateStylesContent( '.foobar2 {}' ), Status::newFatal( wfMessage( 'templatestyles-size-exceeded', 10, Message::sizeParam( 10 ) ) ), 10 ], 'Long' => [ new TemplateStylesContent( ".{$long} {}" ), Status::newGood( ".mw-parser-output .{$long}{}" ), null ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideSizeLimit * @param TemplateStylesContent $content * @param StatusValue $expectedStatus * @param int|null $size */ public function testSizeLimit( TemplateStylesContent $content, StatusValue $expectedStatus, $size = null ) { $this->overrideConfigValues( [ 'TemplateStylesMaxStylesheetSize' => $size, ] ); $contentHandler = new TemplateStylesContentHandler( $content->getModel() ); $this->assertEquals( $expectedStatus, $contentHandler->sanitize( $content ) ); } }