diff --git a/i18n/de.json b/i18n/de.json
index 231560d..242bf1d 100644
--- a/i18n/de.json
+++ b/i18n/de.json
@@ -6,5 +6,14 @@
"templatestyles": "TemplateStyles",
"templatestyles-desc": "Implementiert Stylesheets pro Vorlage",
- "templatestyles-doc-header": "Vorlagenspezifisches Stylesheet:"
+ "templatestyles-bad-src-missing": "Die Seite [[:$1|$2]] hat keinen Inhalt.",
+ "templatestyles-errorcomment": "Fehler bei der Verarbeitung des Stylesheets [[:$1]] (Version $2):\n$3",
+ "content-model-sanitized-css": "Bereinigtes CSS",
+ "templatestyles-error-expected-colon": "Es wird ein Doppelpunkt in Zeile $1 Zeichen $2 erwartet.",
+ "templatestyles-error-expected-ident": "Es wird ein Identifikator in Zeile $1 Zeichen $2 erwartet.",
+ "templatestyles-error-expected-qualified-rule": "Es wird eine Styleregel in Zeile $1 Zeichen $2 erwartet.",
+ "templatestyles-error-expected-stylesheet": "Es wird ein Stylesheet in Zeile $1 Zeichen $2 erwartet.",
+ "templatestyles-error-invalid-selector-list": "Ungültige Selektorenliste in Zeile $1 Zeichen $2.",
+ "templatestyles-error-misordered-rule": "Ungeordnete Regel in Zeile $1 Zeichen $2.",
+ "templatestyles-error-missing-selector-list": "Fehlende Selektorenliste in Zeile $1 Zeichen $2."
diff --git a/i18n/qqq.json b/i18n/qqq.json
index a6d999c..a1157e7 100644
--- a/i18n/qqq.json
+++ b/i18n/qqq.json
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
"templatestyles-errorcomment": "Formatting for the comment used to display TemplateStyles errors encountered during the parse. Parameters:\n* $1 - Source stylesheet.\n* $2 - Revision of the stylesheet.* $3 - Errors.",
"templatestyles-size-exceeded": "Error returned when the stylesheet is more than $wgTemplateStylesMaxStylesheetSize bytes. Parameters:\n* $1 - Maximum size in bytes\n* $2 - Maximum size in \"human units\" (i.e. KB, MB, GB, etc).",
"content-model-sanitized-css": "Name for TemplateStyles sanitized-css content model.",
"templatestyles-error-at-rule-block-not-allowed": "Error in CSS validation. Note \"block\" in this message refers to the part of CSS syntax inside the { ... }
. Parameters:\n* $1 - Line number of the error.\n* $2 - Location of the error within the line.\n* $3 - Name of the at-rule in question.",
"templatestyles-error-at-rule-block-required": "Error in CSS validation. Note \"block\" in this message refers to the part of CSS syntax inside the { ... }
. Parameters:\n* $1 - Line number of the error.\n* $2 - Location of the error within the line.\n* $3 - Name of the at-rule in question.",
"templatestyles-error-bad-character-in-url": "Error in CSS parsing. Parameters:\n* $1 - Line number of the error.\n* $2 - Location of the error within the line.",