
280 lines
6.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* @file
* @ingroup Extensions
* Represents a style sheet as a structured tree, organized
* in rule blocks nested in at-rule blocks.
* @class
class CSSParser {
private $tokens;
private $index;
* Parse and (minimally) validate the passed string as a CSS, and
* constructs an array of tokens for parsing, as well as an index
* into that array.
* Internally, the class behaves as a lexer.
* @param string $css
function __construct( $css ) {
preg_match_all( '/(
[ \n\t]+
(?# Sequences of whitespace )
| \/\* (?: [^*]+ | \*[^\/] )* \*\/ [ \n\t]*
(?# Comments and any trailing whitespace )
| " (?: [^"\\\\\n]+ | \\\\\. )* ["\n]
(?# Double-quoted string literals (to newline when unclosed )
| \' (?: [^\'\\\\\n]+ | \\\\\. )* [\'\n]
(#? Single-quoted string literals (to newline when unclosed )
| [+-]? (?: [0-9]* \. )? [0-9]+ (?: [_a-z][_a-z0-9-]* | % )?
(#? Numerical literals - including optional trailing units or percent sign )
| @? -? (?: [_a-z] | \\\\[0-9a-f]{1,6} [ \n\t]? )
(?: [_a-z0-9-]+ | \\\\[0-9a-f]{1,6} [ \n\t]? | [^\0-\177] )* (?: [ \n\t]* \( )?
(#? Identifiers - including leading `@` for at-rule blocks )
(#? Trailing open captures are captured to match functional values )
| \# (?: [_a-z0-9-]+ | \\\\[0-9a-f]{1,6} [ \n\t]? | [^\0-\177] )*
(#? So-called hatch literals )
| u\+ [0-9a-f]{1,6} (?: - [0-9a-f]{1,6} )?
(#? Unicode range literals )
| u\+ [0-9a-f?]{1,6}
(#? Unicode mask literals )
| .)
(#? Any unmatched token is reduced to single characters )
/xis', $css, $match );
$space = false;
foreach ( $match[0] as $t ) {
if ( preg_match( '/^(?:[ \n\t]|\/\*)/', $t ) ) {
// Fold any sequence of whitespace to a single space token
if ( !$space ) {
$space = true;
$this->tokens[] = ' ';
} else {
// decode any hexadecimal escape character into their corresponding UTF-8
// sequence - our output is UTF-8 so the escaping is unnecessary and this
// prevents trying to obfuscate ASCII in identifiers to prevent matches.
$t = preg_replace_callback( '/\\\\([0-9a-f]{1,6})[ \n\t]?/', function( $match ) {
return html_entity_decode( '&#'.$match[1].';', ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8' );
}, $t );
$space = false;
$this->tokens[] = $t;
$this->index = 0;
private function peek( $i ) {
if ( $this->index+$i >= count( $this->tokens ) ) {
return null;
return $this->tokens[$this->index+$i];
private function consume( $num = 1 ) {
if ( $num > 0 ) {
if ( $this->index+$num >= count( $this->tokens ) ) {
$num = count( $this->tokens ) - $this->index;
$text = array_slice( $this->tokens, $this->index, $num );
$this->index += $num;
return $text;
return '';
private function consumeTo( $delim ) {
$consume = 0;
while ( !in_array( $this->peek( $consume ), $delim ) ) {
return $this->consume( $consume );
private function consumeWS() {
$consume = 0;
while ( $this->peek( $consume ) === ' ' ) {
return $this->consume( $consume );
* Parses:
* decl : WS* IDENT WS* ':' TOKEN* ';'
* | WS* IDENT <error> ';' -> skip
* ;
* Returns:
* [ name => value ]
private function parseDecl() {
$name = $this->consume()[0];
if ( $this->peek( 0 )!=':' ) {
$this->consumeTo( [';', '}', null] );
if ( $this->peek( 0 ) == ';' ) {
return null;
$value = $this->consumeTo( [';', '}', null] );
if ( $this->peek( 0 ) == ';' ) {
return [ $name => $value ];
* Parses:
* decls : '}'
* | decl decls
* ;
* Returns:
* [ decl* ]
private function parseDecls() {
$decls = [];
while ( $this->peek( 0 ) !== null and $this->peek( 0 ) != '}' ) {
$decl = $this->parseDecl();
if ( $decl ) {
foreach ( $decl as $k => $d ) {
$decls[$k] = $d;
if ( $this->peek( 0 ) == '}' ) {
return $decls;
* Parses:
* rule : WS* selectors ';'
* | WS* selectors '{' decls
* ;
* selectors : TOKEN*
* | selectors ',' TOKEN*
* ;
* Returns:
* [ selectors => [ selector* ], decls => [ decl* ] ]
public function parseRule() {
$selectors = [];
$text = '';
while ( !in_array( $this->peek( 0 ), ['{', ';', null] ) ) {
if ( $this->peek( 0 ) == ',' ) {
$selectors[] = $text;
$text = '';
} else {
$text .= $this->consume()[0];
$selectors[] = $text;
if ( $this->peek( 0 ) == '{' ) {
return [ "selectors"=>$selectors, "decls"=>$this->parseDecls() ];
return null;
* Parses the token array, and returns a tree representing the CSS suitable
* for feeding CSSRenderer objects.
* @param array $end An array of string representing tokens that can end the parse. Defaults
* to ending only at the end of the string.
* @return array A tree describing the CSS rule blocks.
* Parses:
* anyrule : ATIDENT='@media' WS* TOKEN* '{' rules '}'
* | ATIDENT WS* TOKEN* '{' decls '}'
* | rule
* ;
* rules : anyrule
* | rules anyrule
* ;
* Returns:
* [ [ name=>ATIDENT? , text=>body? , rules=>rules? ]* ]
public function rules( $end = [ null ] ) {
$atrules = [];
$rules = [];
while ( !in_array( $this->peek( 0 ), $end ) ) {
if ( in_array( $this->peek( 0 ), [ '@media' ] ) ) {
$at = $this->consume();
$text = '';
while ( !in_array( $this->peek( 0 ), ['{', ';', null] ) ) {
$text .= $this->consume()[0];
if ( $this->peek( 0 ) == '{' ) {
$r = $this->rules( [ '}', null ] );
if ( $r ) {
$atrules[] = [ "name"=>$at, "text"=>$text, "rules"=>$r ];
} else {
$atrules[] = [ "name"=>$at, "text"=>$text ];
} elseif ( $this->peek( 0 )[0] == '@' ) {
$at = $this->consume();
$text = '';
while ( !in_array( $this->peek( 0 ), ['{', ';', null] ) ) {
$text .= $this->consume()[0];
if ( $this->peek( 0 ) == '{' ) {
$decl = $this->parseDecls();
if ( $decl ) {
$atrules[] = [ "name"=>$at, "text"=>$text, "rules"=>[ "selectors"=>'', "decls"=>$decl ] ];
} else {
$atrules[] = [ "name"=>$at, "text"=>$text ];
} else {
$rules[] = $this->parseRule();
if ( $rules ) {
$atrules[] = [ "name"=>'', "rules"=>$rules ];
if ( $this->peek( 0 ) !== null ) {
return $atrules;