Marielle Volz d6cac31082 Implement new "maps" property in Root
Add "maps" as an allowed root value to template data JSON.

Maps allow applications to map equivalencies between their
application-specific parameters and valid template parameters.

Each Map has arbitrary keys (from the consuming application) that
are mapped to one or more template parameters.

* Added root.maps to TemplateDataBlob
  * Validates that values are strings or arrays
  * Validates that values are valid params
* Added templatedata-invalid-param to i18n/en.json
  * Richer error message for when invalid value is a param
* Fixed existing tests to work with new "maps" property
* Added two new tests for maps
  * Test for invalid value (!string or !array)
  * Test for invalid parameter
* Added specification for root.maps property and Map object

Change-Id: I3bf5e002ad6c1632e02c4c2e393b244c51f77177
2014-11-08 20:29:51 +00:00

82 lines
9.8 KiB

"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Timo Tijhof",
"apihelp-templatedata-description": "{{doc-apihelp-description|templatedata}}",
"apihelp-templatedata-example-1": "{{doc-apihelp-example|templatedata}}",
"apihelp-templatedata-param-format": "{{doc-apihelp-param|templatedata|format}}",
"apihelp-templatedata-param-lang": "{{doc-apihelp-param|templatedata|lang}}",
"templatedata-desc": "{{desc|name=Template Data|url=}}",
"templatedata-doc-desc-empty": "Displayed when a template has no description (should be a valid sentence).\n{{Identical|No description}}",
"templatedata-doc-param-autovalue": "Used as column heading in the table for auto fill value.\n{{Related|Templatedata-doc-param}}",
"templatedata-doc-param-autovalue-empty": "Displayed when a template parameter has no auto filled value (should not be a full sentence, used in a table).\n{{Identical|Empty}}",
"templatedata-doc-param-default": "Used as column heading in the table.\n{{Related|Templatedata-doc-param}}\n{{Identical|Default}}",
"templatedata-doc-param-default-empty": "Displayed when a template parameter has no default value (should not be a full sentence, used in a table).\n{{Identical|Empty}}",
"templatedata-doc-param-desc": "Used as column heading in the table.\n{{Related|Templatedata-doc-param}}\n{{Identical|Description}}",
"templatedata-doc-param-desc-empty": "Displayed when a template parameter has no description (should not be a full sentence, used in a table cell).\n{{Identical|No description}}",
"templatedata-doc-param-name": "Used as column heading in the table.\n{{Related|Templatedata-doc-param}}\n{{Identical|Parameter}}",
"templatedata-doc-param-status": "Used as column heading in the table.\n{{Related|Templatedata-doc-param}}\n{{Identical|Status}}",
"templatedata-doc-param-status-deprecated": "Displayed when a template parameter is deprecated (should not be a full sentence, used in a table).\n{{Identical|Deprecated}}",
"templatedata-doc-param-status-optional": "Displayed when a template parameter is optional (should not be a full sentence, used in a table).\n{{Identical|Optional}}",
"templatedata-doc-param-status-required": "Displayed when a template parameter is required (should not be a full sentence, used in a table).\n{{Identical|Required}}",
"templatedata-doc-param-status-suggested": "Displayed when a template parameter is suggested (should not be a full sentence, used in a table).\n{{Identical|Suggested}}",
"templatedata-doc-param-type": "{{Identical|Type}}",
"templatedata-doc-params": "Used as caption for the table which has the following headings:\n* {{msg-mw|Templatedata-doc-param-name}}\n* {{msg-mw|Templatedata-doc-param-desc}}\n* {{msg-mw|Templatedata-doc-param-default}}\n* {{msg-mw|Templatedata-doc-param-status}}\n{{Identical|Template parameter}}",
"templatedata-editbutton": "The label of the button to manage templatedata, appearing above the editor field.",
"templatedata-errormsg-jsonbadformat": "Error message that appears in case the JSON string is not possible to parse. The user is asked to either correct the json syntax or delete the values between the <templatedata> tags and try again.",
"templatedata-helplink": "The label of the link to the TemplateData documentation, appearing above the editor field.",
"templatedata-helplink-target": "{{ignore}} The target of the link to the TemplateData documentation",
"templatedata-invalid-duplicate-value": "Displayed when an array that must only contain unique values contains a duplicate.\n* $1 - name of property containing the duplicate\n* $2 - name of property with first occurrence of value\n* $3 - the value being duplicated",
"templatedata-invalid-empty-array": "Error message when a property that must be non-empty is empty. Parameters:\n* $1 - property name (\"paramOrder\" or \"sets.{$setNr}.params\")",
"templatedata-invalid-length": "Error message when generated JSON's length exceed database limits.\n* $1 - length of generated JSON\n* $2 - maximal allowed length",
"templatedata-invalid-missing": "Error message when a required property is not found.\n* $1 - name of property. e.g. \"params\"\n* $2 - type of property (Unused)",
"templatedata-invalid-param": "Error message for when the supplied parameter is invalid.\n* $1 - name of parameter. e.g. \"username\"\n* $2 - name of property. e.g. maps property \"applicationUser\"",
"templatedata-invalid-parse": "Error message when there is a syntax error in JSON.",
"templatedata-invalid-type": "Error message when a property is of the wrong type.\n* $1 - name of property. e.g. \"params.1.required\"\n* $2 - expected type of property. e.g. \"boolean\"",
"templatedata-invalid-unknown": "Error message when an unknown property is found.\n* $1 - name of property. e.g. \"params.1.foobar\"",
"templatedata-invalid-value": "Error message when a property that cannot contain free-form text has an invalid value.\n* $1 - name of property. e.g. \"params.1.type\"",
"templatedata-modal-button-addparam": "Button to add a parameter.\n{{Identical|Add parameter}}",
"templatedata-modal-button-apply": "Label of the apply button.\n{{Identical|Apply}}",
"templatedata-modal-button-cancel": "Label of the cancel button.\n{{Identical|Cancel}}",
"templatedata-modal-button-delparam": "Button to remove a parameter.\n{{Identical|Remove}}",
"templatedata-modal-button-importParams": "Label of the import button",
"templatedata-modal-errormsg": "Error message that appears in the TemplateData generator GUI in case there are empty, duplicate or invalid parameter names.\n\nInvalid characters are supplied as parameters to avoid parsing errors in translation strings.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - pipe (<code>|</code>)\n* $2 - equal sign (<code>=</code>)\n* $3 - double curly brackets (<code><nowiki>}}</nowiki></code>)",
"templatedata-modal-errormsg-import-noparams": "Error message that appears in the TemplateData generator GUI in case no template parameters were found during the import attempt.",
"templatedata-modal-errormsg-import-paramsalreadyexist": "Error message that appears when some parameters were not imported from the template code because they already exist in the editor.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - list of parameters that were not imported",
"templatedata-modal-notice-import-numparams": "Message that appears in the TemplateData generator GUI showing how many new parameters were imported into the GUI from an existing template.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - number of parameters",
"templatedata-modal-table-param-actions": "Label for a table heading: Parameter actions in the table\n{{Identical|Action}}",
"templatedata-modal-table-param-aliases": "Label for a table heading: Aliases of the parameter, instruct the user to separate aliases with commas.",
"templatedata-modal-table-param-autovalue": "Label for a table heading: Parameter auto value in the table",
"templatedata-modal-table-param-default": "Label for a table heading: Default value of the parameter.\n{{Identical|Default}}",
"templatedata-modal-table-param-desc": "Label for a table heading: Description of the parameter.\n{{Identical|Description}}",
"templatedata-modal-table-param-label": "Label for a table heading: Label of the parameter.\n\nSee for example.\n{{Identical|Label}}",
"templatedata-modal-table-param-name": "Label for a table heading: Name of the parameter.\n{{Identical|Name}}",
"templatedata-modal-table-param-required": "Label for a table heading: Required status of the parameter.\n{{Identical|Required}}",
"templatedata-modal-table-param-suggested": "Label for a table heading: Suggested status of the parameter.\n{{Identical|Suggested}}",
"templatedata-modal-table-param-type": "Label for a table heading: Type of the parameter.\n{{Identical|Type}}",
"templatedata-modal-table-param-type-boolean": "A possible parameter type: Boolean\n{{Related|Templatedata-modal-table-param-type}}",
"templatedata-modal-table-param-type-content": "A possible parameter type: Content\n{{Related|Templatedata-modal-table-param-type}}\n{{Identical|Content}}",
"templatedata-modal-table-param-type-date": "A possible parameter type: Date\n{{Related|Templatedata-modal-table-param-type}}\n{{Identical|Date}}",
"templatedata-modal-table-param-type-line": "A possible parameter type: Line\n{{Related|Templatedata-modal-table-param-type}}\n{{Identical|Line}}",
"templatedata-modal-table-param-type-number": "A possible parameter type: Number\n{{Related|Templatedata-modal-table-param-type}}\n{{Identical|Number}}",
"templatedata-modal-table-param-type-string": "A possible parameter type: String\n{{Related|Templatedata-modal-table-param-type}}\n{{Identical|String}}",
"templatedata-modal-table-param-type-unbalanced-wikitext": "A possible parameter type: Unbalanced wikitext\n{{Related|Templatedata-modal-table-param-type}}",
"templatedata-modal-table-param-type-undefined": "A possible parameter type: Undefined\n{{Related|Templatedata-modal-table-param-type}}\n{{Identical|Undefined}}",
"templatedata-modal-table-param-type-wiki-file-name": "A possible parameter type: File\n{{Related|Templatedata-modal-table-param-type}}\n{{Identical|File}}",
"templatedata-modal-table-param-type-wiki-page-name": "A possible parameter type: Page\n{{Related|Templatedata-modal-table-param-type}}\n{{Identical|Page}}",
"templatedata-modal-table-param-type-wiki-user-name": "A possible parameter type: User\n{{Related|Templatedata-modal-table-param-type}}\n{{Identical|User}}",
"templatedata-modal-table-param-uneditablefield": "Placeholder text notifying the user the field is uneditable",
"templatedata-modal-title": "Title of the modal popup.",
"templatedata-modal-title-templatedesc": "The title for the template description textbox",
"templatedata-modal-title-templateparams": "The title for the template parameters table"