Moriel Schottlender 3820295f23 Reorganize api calls and add sourceHandler and error message
Add a sourceHandler that deals with all source-related actions
like fetching template source and validating the existing
TemplateData string.

Also add a MessageDialog warning the user in case the TemplateData
is invalid. In this case, the user will be given the option either
to correct the JSON by hand or to start the editor to replace the
existing TemplateData with a new one.

Bug: T91730
Bug: T91325
Change-Id: I4e6d04f02565a02d8dcf5c70a575ab6433caa27f
2015-03-18 18:21:02 +00:00

1006 lines
28 KiB

* TemplateData Model
* @class
* @mixins OO.EventEmitter
* @constructor
* @param {Object} config Dialog configuration object
mw.TemplateData.Model = function mwTemplateDataModel( config ) {
config = config || {};
// Mixin constructors this );
// Properties
this.params = {};
this.description = {};
this.paramOrder = [];
this.paramOrderChanged = false;
this.paramIdentifierCounter = 0;
this.originalTemplateDataObject = null;
this.sourceCodeParameters = [];
/* Setup */
OO.initClass( mw.TemplateData.Model );
OO.mixinClass( mw.TemplateData.Model, OO.EventEmitter );
/* Events */
* @event add-param
* @param {string} key Parameter key
* @param {Object} data Parameter data
* @event change-description
* @param {string} description New template description
* @param {Object} [language] Description language, if supplied
* @event change-paramOrder
* @param {string[]} orderArray Parameter key array in order
* @event change-property
* @param {string} paramKey Parameter key
* @param {string} prop Property name
* @param {Mixed...} value Property value
/* Static Methods */
* Compare two objects or strings
* @param {Object|string} obj1 Base object
* @param {Object|string} obj2 Compared object
* @param {boolean} [allowSubset] Allow the second object to be a
* partial object (or a subset) of the first.
* @return {boolean} Objects have equal values
*/ = function ( obj1, obj2, allowSubset ) {
if ( allowSubset && obj2 === undefined ) {
return true;
// Make sure the objects are of the same type
if ( $.type( obj1 ) !== $.type( obj2 ) ) {
return false;
// Comparing objects or arrays
if ( typeof obj1 === 'object' ) {
return obj2, obj1, allowSubset );
// Everything else (primitive types, functions, etc)
return obj1 === obj2;
* Translate obsolete parameter types into the new types
* @param {string} paramType Given type
* @return {string} Normalized non-obsolete type
mw.TemplateData.Model.static.translateObsoleteParamTypes = function ( paramType ) {
switch ( paramType ) {
case 'string/wiki-page-name':
return 'wiki-page-name';
case 'string/wiki-file-name':
return 'wiki-file-name';
case 'string/wiki-user-name':
return 'wiki-user-name';
return paramType;
* Retrieve information about all legal properties for a parameter.
* @param {boolean} getFullData Retrieve full information about each
* parameter. If false, the method will return an array of property
* names only.
* @return {Object|string[]} Legal property names with or without their
* definition data
mw.TemplateData.Model.static.getAllProperties = function ( getFullData ) {
var properties = {
name: {
type: 'string',
// Validation regex
restrict: /[\|=]|}}/
aliases: {
type: 'array',
delimiter: mw.msg( 'comma-separator' )
label: {
type: 'string',
allowLanguages: true
description: {
type: 'string',
allowLanguages: true
type: {
type: 'select',
children: [
'default': 'undefined'
'default': {
type: 'string',
multiline: true
autovalue: {
type: 'string'
deprecated: {
type: 'boolean',
// This should only be defined for boolean properties.
// Define the property that represents the text value.
textValue: 'deprecatedValue'
deprecatedValue: {
type: 'string',
changesBooleanValue: 'deprecated'
required: {
type: 'boolean'
suggested: {
type: 'boolean'
if ( !getFullData ) {
return Object.keys( properties );
} else {
return properties;
* Retrieve the list of property names that allow for multiple languages.
* @return {string[]} Property names
mw.TemplateData.Model.static.getPropertiesWithLanguage = function () {
var prop,
result = [],
propDefinitions = this.getAllProperties( true );
for ( prop in propDefinitions ) {
if ( propDefinitions[prop].allowLanguages ) {
result.push( prop );
return result;
* Split a string into an array and clean/trim the values
* @param {string} str String to split
* @param {string} [delim] Delimeter
* @return {string[]} Clean array
mw.TemplateData.Model.static.splitAndTrimArray = function ( str, delim ) {
var arr = [];
delim = delim || mw.msg( 'comma-separator' );
$.each( str.split( delim ), function () {
var trimmed = $.trim( this );
if ( trimmed ) {
arr.push( trimmed );
} );
return arr;
* This is an adjustment of OO.simpleArrayUnion that ignores
* empty values when inserting into the unified array.
* @param {Array...} arrays Arrays to union
* @return {Array} Union of the arrays
mw.TemplateData.Model.static.arrayUnionWithoutEmpty = function () {
var result = OO.simpleArrayUnion.apply( this, arguments );
// Trim and filter empty strings
return result.filter( function ( i ) {
return $.trim( i );
} );
* Create a new mwTemplateData.Model from templatedata object.
* @param {Object} tdObject TemplateData parsed object
* @param {string[]} paramsInSource Parameter names found in template source
* @return {mw.TemplateData.Model} New model
mw.TemplateData.Model.static.newFromObject = function ( tdObject, paramsInSource ) {
var param,
model = new mw.TemplateData.Model();
model.setSourceCodeParameters( paramsInSource || [] );
// Store the original templatedata object for comparison later
model.setOriginalTemplateDataObject( tdObject );
// Initialize the model
model.params = {};
// Add params
if ( tdObject.params ) {
for ( param in tdObject.params ) {
model.addParam( param, tdObject.params[param] );
model.setTemplateDescription( tdObject.description );
// Override the param order if it exists in the templatedata string
if ( tdObject.paramOrder && tdObject.paramOrder.length > 0 ) {
model.setTemplateParamOrder( tdObject.paramOrder );
return model;
/* Methods */
* Go over the importable parameters and check if they are
* included in the parameter model. Return the parameter names
* that are not included yet.
* @return {string[]} Parameters that are not yet included in
* the model
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.getMissingParams = function () {
var i,
result = [],
allParamNames = this.getAllParamNames();
// Check source code params
for ( i = 0; i < this.sourceCodeParameters.length; i++ ) {
if ( $.inArray( this.sourceCodeParameters[i], allParamNames ) === -1 ) {
result.push( this.sourceCodeParameters[i] );
return result;
* Add imported parameters into the model
* @return {Object} Parameters added. -1 for failure.
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.importSourceCodeParameters = function () {
var i, paramKey,
allParamNames = this.getAllParamNames(),
existingArray = [],
importedArray = [],
skippedArray = [];
// Check existing params
for ( i = 0; i < allParamNames.length; i++ ) {
paramKey = allParamNames[i];
if ( $.inArray( paramKey, this.sourceCodeParameters ) !== -1 ) {
existingArray.push( paramKey );
// Add sourceCodeParameters to the model
for ( i = 0; i < this.sourceCodeParameters.length; i++ ) {
if (
$.inArray( this.sourceCodeParameters[i], existingArray ) === -1 &&
this.addParam( this.sourceCodeParameters[i] )
) {
importedArray.push( this.sourceCodeParameters[i]);
} else {
skippedArray.push( this.sourceCodeParameters[i]);
return {
imported: importedArray,
skipped: skippedArray,
existing: existingArray
* Retrieve all existing language codes in the current templatedata model
* @return {string[]} Language codes in use
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.getExistingLanguageCodes = function () {
var param, prop, lang,
result = [],
languageProps = this.constructor.static.getPropertiesWithLanguage();
// Take languages from the template description
if ( $.isPlainObject( this.description ) ) {
result.concat( Object.keys( this.description ) );
// Go over description
if ( $.type( this.description ) ) {
for ( lang in this.description ) {
result.push( lang );
// Go over the parameters
for ( param in this.params ) {
// Go over the properties
for ( prop in this.params[param] ) {
if ( $.inArray( prop, languageProps ) !== -1 ) {
result = this.constructor.static.arrayUnionWithoutEmpty( result, Object.keys( this.params[param][prop] ) );
return result;
* Add parameter to the model
* @param {string} key Parameter key
* @param {Object} [data] Parameter data
* @return {boolean} Parameter was added successfully
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.addParam = function ( key, paramData ) {
var prop, name, lang, propToSet,
existingNames = this.getAllParamNames(),
data = $.extend( true, {}, paramData ),
language = this.getDefaultLanguage(),
propertiesWithLanguage = this.constructor.static.getPropertiesWithLanguage(),
allProps = this.constructor.static.getAllProperties( true );
name = key;
// Check that the parameter is not already in the model
if ( this.params[key] || $.inArray( key, existingNames ) !== -1 ) {
// Change parameter key
key = this.getNewValidParameterKey( key );
// Initialize
this.params[key] = {};
// Store the key
this.params[key].name = name;
// Mark the parameter if it is in the template source
if ( $.inArray( key, this.sourceCodeParameters ) !== -1 ) {
this.params[key].inSource = true;
// Translate types
if ( data.type !== undefined ) {
this.params[key].normalizedType = this.constructor.static.translateObsoleteParamTypes( this.params[key].type );
// Get the deprecated value
if ( $.type( data.deprecated ) === 'string' ) {
this.params[key].deprecatedValue = data.deprecated;
// Go over the rest of the data
if ( data ) {
for ( prop in data ) {
propToSet = prop;
if (
// This is to make sure that forwards compatibility is achieved
// and the code doesn't die on properties that aren't valid
allProps[ prop ] &&
// Check if property should have its text represented in another internal property
// (for example, deprecated and deprecatedValue)
allProps[ prop ].textValue
) {
// Set the textValue property
propToSet = allProps[ prop ].textValue;
// Set the boolean value in the current property
this.setParamProperty( key, prop, !!data[prop], language );
if ( $.type( data[prop] ) === 'boolean' ) {
// Only set the value of the dependent if the value is a string or
// language. Otherwise, if the value is boolean, keep the dependent
// empty.
if (
$.inArray( propToSet, propertiesWithLanguage ) !== -1 &&
$.isPlainObject( data[prop] )
) {
// Add all language properties
for ( lang in data[prop] ) {
this.setParamProperty( key, propToSet, data[prop], lang );
} else {
this.setParamProperty( key, propToSet, data[prop], language );
// Add to paramOrder
this.addKeyTemplateParamOrder( key );
// Trigger the add parameter event
this.emit( 'add-param', key, this.params[key] );
return true;
* Retrieve an array of all used parameter names. Note that parameter
* names can be different than their stored keys.
* @return {string[]} Used parameter names
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.getAllParamNames = function () {
var param,
result = [];
for ( param in this.params ) {
result.push( this.params[param].name );
return result;
* Set the template description
* @param {string} description New template description
* @param {Object} [language] Description language, if supplied. If not given,
* will default to the wiki language.
* @fires change-description
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.setTemplateDescription = function ( desc, language ) {
language = language || this.getDefaultLanguage();
if ( ! this.description[language], desc ) ) {
if ( $.type( desc ) === 'object' ) {
$.extend( this.description, desc );
this.emit( 'change-description', desc[language], language );
} else {
this.description[language] = desc;
this.emit( 'change-description', desc, language );
* Get the template description.
* @param {string} [language] Optional language key
* @return {string|Object} The template description. If it is set
* as multilanguage object and no language is set, the whole object
* will be returned.
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.getTemplateDescription = function ( language ) {
language = language || this.getDefaultLanguage();
return this.description[language];
* Get a specific parameter's description
* @param {string} paramKey Parameter key
* @param {string} [language] Optional language key
* @return {string} Parameter description in given language.
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.getParamDescription = function ( paramKey, language ) {
language = language || this.getDefaultLanguage();
if ( this.params[paramKey] && this.params[paramKey].description ) {
// Return description in this language or fall back
return this.params[paramKey].description[language] || '';
return '';
* Get the current wiki language code. Defaults on 'en'.
* @return {string} Wiki language
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.getDefaultLanguage = function () {
return mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage' ) || 'en';
* Set template param order array.
* @param {string[]} orderArray Parameter key array in order
* @fires change-paramOrder
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.setTemplateParamOrder = function ( orderArray ) {
orderArray = orderArray || [];
// TODO: Make the compare method verify order of array?
// Copy the array
this.paramOrder = orderArray.slice();
this.emit( 'change-paramOrder', orderArray );
* Add a key to the end of the paramOrder
* @param {string} key New key the add into the paramOrder
* @fires add-paramOrder
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.addKeyTemplateParamOrder = function ( key ) {
if ( $.inArray( key, this.paramOrder ) === -1 ) {
this.paramOrder.push( key );
this.emit( 'add-paramOrder', key );
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.reorderParamOrderKey = function ( key, newIndex ) {
var keyIndex = this.paramOrder.indexOf( key );
// Move the parameter
this.paramOrder.splice( keyIndex, 1 )[0]
this.paramOrderChanged = true;
// Emit event
this.emit( 'change-paramOrder', this.paramOrder );
* Add a key to the end of the paramOrder
* @param {string} key New key the add into the paramOrder
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.removeKeyTemplateParamOrder = function ( key ) {
var keyPos = $.inArray( key, this.paramOrder );
if ( keyPos > -1 ) {
this.paramOrder.splice( keyPos, 1 );
this.emit( 'change-paramOrder', this.paramOrder );
* Retrieve the template paramOrder array
* @return {string[]} orderArray Parameter keys in order
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.getTemplateParamOrder = function () {
return this.paramOrder;
* Set a specific parameter's property
* @param {string} paramKey Parameter key
* @param {string} prop Property name
* @param {Mixed...} value Property value
* @param {string} [language] Value language
* @returns {boolean} Operation was successful
* @fires change-property
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.setParamProperty = function ( paramKey, prop, value, language ) {
var propertiesWithLanguage = this.constructor.static.getPropertiesWithLanguage(),
allProps = this.constructor.static.getAllProperties( true ),
status = false;
language = language || this.getDefaultLanguage();
if ( !allProps[prop] ) {
// The property isn't supported yet
return status;
if ( allProps[prop].type === 'array' && $.type( value ) === 'string' ) {
// When we split the string, we want to use a trimmed delimiter
value = this.constructor.static.splitAndTrimArray( value, $.trim( allProps[prop].delimiter ) );
// Check if the property is split by language code
if ( $.inArray( prop, propertiesWithLanguage ) !== -1 ) {
// Initialize property if necessary
if ( !$.isPlainObject( this.params[paramKey][prop] ) ) {
this.params[paramKey][prop] = {};
value = $.isPlainObject( value ) ? value[language] : value;
// Compare with language
if ( ! this.params[paramKey][prop][language], value ) ) {
this.params[paramKey][prop][language] = value;
this.emit( 'change-property', paramKey, prop, value, language );
status = true;
} else {
// Compare without language
if ( ! this.params[paramKey][prop], value ) ) {
this.params[paramKey][prop] = value;
this.emit( 'change-property', paramKey, prop, value, language );
status = true;
if ( allProps[ prop ].textValue && value === false ) {
// Unset the text value if the boolean it depends on is false
status = this.setParamProperty( paramKey, allProps[prop].textValue, '', language );
return status;
* Mark a parameter for deletion.
* Don't actually delete the parameter so we can make sure it is removed
* from the final output.
* @param {string} paramKey Parameter key
* @fires delete-param
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.deleteParam = function ( paramKey ) {
this.params[paramKey].deleted = true;
// Remove from paramOrder
this.removeKeyTemplateParamOrder( paramKey );
this.emit( 'delete-param', paramKey );
* Restore parameter by unmarking it as deleted.
* @param {string} paramKey Parameter key
* @fires add-param
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.restoreParam = function ( paramKey ) {
if ( this.params[paramKey] ) {
this.params[paramKey].deleted = false;
// Add back to paramOrder
this.addKeyTemplateParamOrder( paramKey );
this.emit( 'add-param', paramKey, this.params[paramKey] );
* Delete all data attached to a parameter
* @param {string} paramKey Parameter key
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.emptyParamData = function ( paramKey ) {
if ( this.params[paramKey] ) {
// Delete all data and readd the parameter
delete this.params[paramKey];
this.addParam( paramKey );
// Mark this parameter as intentionally emptied
this.params[paramKey].emptied = true;
* Get a parameter property.
* @param {string} paramKey Parameter key
* @param {string} prop Parameter property
* @return {Mixed...|null} Property value if it exists. Returns null if the
* parameter key itself doesn't exist.
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.getParamProperty = function ( paramKey, prop ) {
if ( this.params[paramKey] ) {
return this.params[paramKey][prop];
return null;
* Retrieve a specific parameter data
* @param {string} key Parameter key
* @return {Object} Parameter data
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.getParamData = function ( key ) {
return this.params[key];
* Return the complete object of all parameters.
* @return {Object} All parameters and their data
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.getParams = function () {
return this.params;
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.isParamDeleted = function ( key ) {
return this.params[key] && this.params[key].deleted === true;
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.isParamExists = function ( key ) {
return $.inArray( key, Object.keys( this.params ) ) > -1;
* Set the original templatedata object
* @param {Object} templatedataObj TemplateData object
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.setOriginalTemplateDataObject = function ( templatedataObj ) {
this.originalTemplateDataObject = $.extend( true, {}, templatedataObj );
* Get full page name
* @param {string} pageName Page name
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.setFullPageName = function ( pageName ) {
this.fullPageName = pageName;
* Set parent page
* @param {string} Parent page
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.setParentPage = function ( parent ) {
this.parentPage = parent;
* Get page full name
* @return {string} Page full name
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.getFullPageName = function () {
return this.fullPageName;
* Get parent page
* @return {string} Parent page
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.getParentPage = function () {
return this.parentPage;
* Get original templatedata object
* @return {Object} Templatedata object
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.getOriginalTemplateDataObject = function () {
return this.originalTemplateDataObject;
* Process the current model and output it as a complete templatedata string
* @return {string} Templatedata String
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.outputTemplateDataString = function () {
var param, paramKey, key, prop, oldKey, name, compareOrig, normalizedValue,
allProps = this.constructor.static.getAllProperties( true ),
original = this.getOriginalTemplateDataObject(),
result = $.extend( true, {}, this.getOriginalTemplateDataObject() ),
defaultLang = this.getDefaultLanguage();
// Template description
if ( this.description[defaultLang] !== undefined ) {
normalizedValue = this.propRemoveUnusedLanguages( this.description );
if ( this.isOutputInLanguageObject( result.description, normalizedValue ) ) {
result.description = normalizedValue;
} else {
// Store only one language as a string
result.description = normalizedValue[defaultLang];
} else {
// Delete description
delete result.description;
// Param order
if ( original.paramOrder || this.paramOrderChanged ) {
result.paramOrder = this.paramOrder;
} else {
delete result.paramOrder;
// Attach sets as-is for now
// TODO: Work properly with sets
if ( original.sets ) {
result.sets = original.sets;
// Go over parameters in data
for ( paramKey in this.params ) {
key = paramKey;
if ( this.params[key].deleted ) {
delete result.params[key];
// If the user intentionally empties a parameter, delete it from
// the result and treat it as a new parameter
if ( this.params[key].emptied ) {
delete result.params[key];
// Check if name was changed and change the key accordingly
name = this.params[key].name;
oldKey = key;
if ( key !== this.params[key].name ) {
key = this.params[key].name;
// See if the parameters already has something with this new key
if ( this.params[key] ) {
// Change the key to be something else
key += this.getNewValidParameterKey( key );
// Copy param details to new name in the model
this.params[key] = this.params[oldKey];
// Update the references to the key and param data
param = result.params[name];
// Delete the old param in both the result and model param
delete result.params[oldKey];
delete this.params[oldKey];
// Notice for clarity:
// Whether the parameter name was changed or not the following
// consistency with object keys will be observed:
// * oldKey: original will use oldKey (for comparison to the old value)
// * key: this.params will use key (for storing without conflict)
// * name: result will use name (for valid output)
// Check if param is new
if ( !result.params[name] ) {
// New param. Initialize it
result.params[name] = {};
// Go over all properties
for ( prop in allProps ) {
switch ( prop ) {
case 'deprecatedValue':
case 'name':
case 'type':
// Only include type if the original included type
// or if the current type is not undefined
if (
original.type !== undefined ||
this.params[key].type !== 'undefined'
) {
result.params[name][prop] = this.params[key].type;
case 'deprecated':
case 'required':
case 'suggested':
if ( !this.params[key][prop] ) {
// Only add a literal false value if there was a false
// value before
if ( original.params[oldKey] && original.params[oldKey][prop] === false ) {
result.params[name][prop] = false;
} else {
// Otherwise, delete this value
delete result.params[name][prop];
} else {
if ( prop === 'deprecated' ) {
result.params[name][prop] = this.params[key].deprecatedValue || true;
// Remove deprecatedValue
delete result.params[name].deprecatedValue;
} else {
result.params[name][prop] = this.params[key][prop];
case 'aliases':
// Only update the aliases in if the new templatedata has an
// aliases array that isn't empty
if (
$.type( this.params[key][prop] ) === 'array' &&
this.params[key][prop].length > 0
) {
result.params[name][prop] = this.params[key][prop];
} else {
// If the new aliases array is empty, delete it from the original
delete result.params[name][prop];
// Check if there's a value in the model
if ( this.params[key][prop] !== undefined ) {
if ( allProps[prop].allowLanguages ) {
normalizedValue = this.propRemoveUnusedLanguages( this.params[key][prop] );
// Check if this should be displayed with language object or directly as string
compareOrig = original.params[oldKey] ? original.params[oldKey][prop] : {};
if ( this.isOutputInLanguageObject( compareOrig, normalizedValue ) ) {
result.params[name][prop] = normalizedValue;
} else {
// Store only one language as a string
result.params[name][prop] = normalizedValue[defaultLang];
} else {
// Set up the result
result.params[name][prop] = this.params[key][prop];
return JSON.stringify( result, null, '\t' );
* Check the key if it already exists in the parameter list. If it does,
* find a new key that doesn't, and return it.
* @param {string} key New parameter key
* @return {string} Valid new parameter key
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.getNewValidParameterKey = function ( key ) {
var allParamNames = this.getAllParamNames();
if ( this.params[key] || $.inArray( key, allParamNames ) !== -1 ) {
// Change the key to be something else
key += this.paramIdentifierCounter;
this.getNewValidParameterKey( key );
} else {
return key;
* Go over a language property and remove empty language key values
* @return {Object} Property data with only used language keys
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.propRemoveUnusedLanguages = function ( propData ) {
var key,
result = {};
if ( $.isPlainObject( propData ) ) {
for ( key in propData ) {
if ( propData[key] ) {
result[key] = propData[key];
return result;
* Check whether the output of the current parameter property should be
* outputted in full language mode (object) or a simple string.
* @param {string} paramKey Parameter key
* @param {string} prop Param property
* @return {boolean} Output should be a full language object
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.isOutputInLanguageObject = function ( originalPropValue, newPropValue ) {
if (
// The original was already split to languages
$.type( originalPropValue ) === 'object' &&
// Original was not an empty object
!$.isEmptyObject( originalPropValue )
) ||
// The new value is split to languages
$.type( newPropValue ) === 'object' &&
// New object is not empty
!$.isEmptyObject( newPropValue ) &&
// The new value doesn't have the default language
newPropValue[this.getDefaultLanguage()] === undefined ||
// There is more than just one language in the new property
Object.keys( newPropValue ).length > 1
) {
return true;
return false;
* Set the parameters that are available in the template source code
* @param {string[]} sourceParams Parameters available in template source
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.setSourceCodeParameters = function ( sourceParams ) {
this.sourceCodeParameters = sourceParams;
* Get the parameters that are available in the template source code
* @returns {string[]} Parameters available in template source
mw.TemplateData.Model.prototype.getSourceCodeParameters = function () {
return this.sourceCodeParameters;