Alex Monk 84b1ddf44c Localise names of types in HTML rendering
Reuses some messages, renaming them in the process.
Changes undefined on the client to unknown.

Bug: T61745
Change-Id: I2cf5c25acbe1c854c33b2eb3f23dc74393a456d4
2016-04-06 19:00:58 +00:00

904 lines
24 KiB

* @file
* @ingroup Extensions
* Represents the information about a template,
* coming from the JSON blob in the <templatedata> tags
* on wiki pages.
* @class
class TemplateDataBlob {
// Size of MySQL 'blob' field; page_props table where the data is stored uses one.
const MAX_LENGTH = 65535;
* @var stdClass
private $data;
* @var string|null In-object cache for getJSON()
private $json = null;
* @var string|null In-object cache for getJSONForDatabase()
private $jsonDB = null;
* @var Status Cache of TemplateDataBlob::parse
private $status;
* Parse and validate passed JSON and create a TemplateDataBlob object.
* Accepts and handles user-provided data.
* @param string $json
* @throws Exception
* @return TemplateDataBlob
public static function newFromJSON( $json ) {
$tdb = new self( json_decode( $json ) );
$status = $tdb->parse();
if ( !$status->isOK() ) {
// Reset in-object caches
$tdb->json = null;
$tdb->jsonDB = null;
// If data is invalid, replace with the minimal valid blob.
// This is to make sure that, if something forgets to check the status first,
// we don't end up with invalid data in the database.
$tdb->data = new stdClass();
$tdb->data->description = null;
$tdb->data->params = new stdClass();
$tdb->data->paramOrder = array();
$tdb->data->format = null;
$tdb->data->sets = array();
$tdb->data->maps = new stdClass();
$tdb->status = $status;
return $tdb;
* Parse and validate passed JSON (possibly gzip-compressed) and create a TemplateDataBlob object.
* @param string $json
* @return TemplateDataBlob
public static function newFromDatabase( $json ) {
// Handle GZIP compression. \037\213 is the header for GZIP files.
if ( substr( $json, 0, 2 ) === "\037\213" ) {
$json = gzdecode( $json );
return self::newFromJSON( $json );
* Parse the data, normalise it and validate it.
* See for the expected format of the JSON object.
* @return Status
private function parse() {
$data = $this->data;
static $rootKeys = array(
static $paramKeys = array(
static $types = array(
static $formats = array(
static $typeCompatMap = array(
'string/line' => 'line',
'string/wiki-page-name' => 'wiki-page-name',
'string/wiki-user-name' => 'wiki-user-name',
'string/wiki-file-name' => 'wiki-file-name',
if ( $data === null ) {
return Status::newFatal( 'templatedata-invalid-parse' );
if ( !is_object( $data ) ) {
return Status::newFatal( 'templatedata-invalid-type', 'templatedata', 'object' );
foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) {
if ( !in_array( $key, $rootKeys ) ) {
return Status::newFatal( 'templatedata-invalid-unknown', $key );
// Root.description
if ( isset( $data->description ) ) {
if ( !is_object( $data->description ) && !is_string( $data->description ) ) {
return Status::newFatal( 'templatedata-invalid-type', 'description', 'string|object' );
$data->description = self::normaliseInterfaceText( $data->description );
} else {
$data->description = null;
// Root.format
if ( isset( $data->format ) ) {
if ( !in_array( $data->format, $formats ) ) {
return Status::newFatal(
} else {
$data->format = null;
// Root.params
if ( !isset( $data->params ) ) {
return Status::newFatal( 'templatedata-invalid-missing', 'params', 'object' );
if ( !is_object( $data->params ) ) {
return Status::newFatal( 'templatedata-invalid-type', 'params', 'object' );
// Deep clone
// We need this to determine whether a property was originally set
// to decide whether 'inherits' will add it or not.
$unnormalizedParams = unserialize( serialize( $data->params ) );
$paramNames = array();
foreach ( $data->params as $paramName => $paramObj ) {
if ( !is_object( $paramObj ) ) {
return Status::newFatal(
foreach ( $paramObj as $key => $value ) {
if ( !in_array( $key, $paramKeys ) ) {
return Status::newFatal(
// Param.label
if ( isset( $paramObj->label ) ) {
if ( !is_object( $paramObj->label ) && !is_string( $paramObj->label ) ) {
// TODO: Also validate that the keys are valid lang codes and the values strings.
return Status::newFatal(
$paramObj->label = self::normaliseInterfaceText( $paramObj->label );
} else {
$paramObj->label = null;
// Param.required
if ( isset( $paramObj->required ) ) {
if ( !is_bool( $paramObj->required ) ) {
return Status::newFatal(
} else {
$paramObj->required = false;
// Param.suggested
if ( isset( $paramObj->suggested ) ) {
if ( !is_bool( $paramObj->suggested ) ) {
return Status::newFatal(
} else {
$paramObj->suggested = false;
// Param.description
if ( isset( $paramObj->description ) ) {
if ( !is_object( $paramObj->description ) && !is_string( $paramObj->description ) ) {
// TODO: Also validate that the keys are valid lang codes and the values strings.
return Status::newFatal(
$paramObj->description = self::normaliseInterfaceText( $paramObj->description );
} else {
$paramObj->description = null;
// Param.example
if ( isset( $paramObj->example ) ) {
if ( !is_object( $paramObj->example ) && !is_string( $paramObj->example ) ) {
// TODO: Also validate that the keys are valid lang codes and the values strings.
return Status::newFatal(
$paramObj->example = self::normaliseInterfaceText( $paramObj->example );
} else {
$paramObj->example = null;
// Param.deprecated
if ( isset( $paramObj->deprecated ) ) {
if ( !is_bool( $paramObj->deprecated ) && !is_string( $paramObj->deprecated ) ) {
return Status::newFatal(
} else {
$paramObj->deprecated = false;
// Param.aliases
if ( isset( $paramObj->aliases ) ) {
if ( !is_array( $paramObj->aliases ) ) {
// TODO: Validate the array values.
return Status::newFatal(
} else {
$paramObj->aliases = array();
// Param.autovalue
if ( isset( $paramObj->autovalue ) ) {
if ( !is_string( $paramObj->autovalue ) ) {
// TODO: Validate the autovalue values.
return Status::newFatal(
} else {
$paramObj->autovalue = null;
// Param.default
if ( isset( $paramObj->default ) ) {
if ( !is_object( $paramObj->default ) && !is_string( $paramObj->default ) ) {
// TODO: Also validate that the keys are valid lang codes and the values strings.
return Status::newFatal(
$paramObj->default = self::normaliseInterfaceText( $paramObj->default );
} else {
$paramObj->default = null;
// Param.type
if ( isset( $paramObj->type ) ) {
if ( !is_string( $paramObj->type ) ) {
return Status::newFatal(
// Map deprecated types to newer versions
if ( isset( $typeCompatMap[ $paramObj->type ] ) ) {
$paramObj->type = $typeCompatMap[ $paramObj->type ];
if ( !in_array( $paramObj->type, $types ) ) {
return Status::newFatal(
'params.' . $paramName . '.type'
} else {
$paramObj->type = 'unknown';
$paramNames[] = $paramName;
// Param.inherits
// Done afterwards to avoid code duplication
foreach ( $data->params as $paramName => $paramObj ) {
if ( isset( $paramObj->inherits ) ) {
if ( !isset( $data->params->{ $paramObj->inherits } ) ) {
return Status::newFatal(
$parentParamObj = $data->params->{ $paramObj->inherits };
foreach ( $parentParamObj as $key => $value ) {
if ( !in_array( $key, $paramKeys ) ) {
return Status::newFatal( 'templatedata-invalid-unknown', $key );
if ( !isset( $unnormalizedParams->$paramName->$key ) ) {
$paramObj->$key = is_object( $parentParamObj->$key ) ?
clone $parentParamObj->$key :
unset( $paramObj->inherits );
// Root.paramOrder
if ( isset( $data->paramOrder ) ) {
if ( !is_array( $data->paramOrder ) ) {
return Status::newFatal( 'templatedata-invalid-type', 'paramOrder', 'array' );
if ( count( $data->paramOrder ) < count( $paramNames ) ) {
$i = count( $data->paramOrder );
return Status::newFatal( 'templatedata-invalid-missing', "paramOrder[$i]" );
// Validate each of the values corresponds to a parameter and that there are no
// duplicates
$seen = array();
foreach ( $data->paramOrder as $i => $param ) {
if ( !isset( $data->params->$param ) ) {
return Status::newFatal( 'templatedata-invalid-value', "paramOrder[$i]" );
if ( isset( $seen[$param] ) ) {
return Status::newFatal(
$seen[$param] = $i;
} else {
$data->paramOrder = $paramNames;
// Root.sets
if ( isset( $data->sets ) ) {
if ( !is_array( $data->sets ) ) {
return Status::newFatal( 'templatedata-invalid-type', 'sets', 'array' );
} else {
$data->sets = array();
foreach ( $data->sets as $setNr => $setObj ) {
if ( !is_object( $setObj ) ) {
return Status::newFatal( 'templatedata-invalid-value', "sets.{$setNr}" );
if ( !isset( $setObj->label ) ) {
return Status::newFatal(
if ( !is_object( $setObj->label ) && !is_string( $setObj->label ) ) {
// TODO: Also validate that the keys are valid lang codes and the values strings.
return Status::newFatal(
$setObj->label = self::normaliseInterfaceText( $setObj->label );
if ( !isset( $setObj->params ) ) {
return Status::newFatal( 'templatedata-invalid-missing', "sets.{$setNr}.params", 'array' );
if ( !is_array( $setObj->params ) ) {
return Status::newFatal( 'templatedata-invalid-type', "sets.{$setNr}.params", 'array' );
if ( !count( $setObj->params ) ) {
return Status::newFatal( 'templatedata-invalid-empty-array', "sets.{$setNr}.params" );
foreach ( $setObj->params as $i => $param ) {
if ( !isset( $data->params->$param ) ) {
return Status::newFatal( 'templatedata-invalid-value', "sets.{$setNr}.params[$i]" );
// Root.maps
if ( isset( $data->maps ) ) {
if ( !is_object( $data->maps ) ) {
return Status::newFatal( 'templatedata-invalid-type', 'maps', 'object' );
} else {
$data->maps = new stdClass();
foreach ( $data->maps as $consumerId => $map ) {
if ( !is_object( $map ) ) {
return Status::newFatal( 'templatedata-invalid-type', 'maps', 'object' );
foreach ( $map as $key => $value ) {
// Key is not validated as this is used by a third-party application
// Value must be 2d array of parameter names, 1d array of parameter names, or valid
// parameter name
if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
foreach ( $value as $key2 => $value2 ) {
if ( is_array( $value2 ) ) {
foreach ( $value2 as $key3 => $value3 ) {
if ( !is_string( $value3 ) ) {
return Status::newFatal(
if ( !isset( $data->params->$value3 ) ) {
return Status::newFatal(
} elseif ( is_string( $value2 ) ){
if ( !isset( $data->params->$value2 ) ) {
return Status::newFatal(
} else {
return Status::newFatal(
} elseif ( is_string( $value ) ) {
if ( !isset( $data->params->$value ) ) {
return Status::newFatal(
} else {
return Status::newFatal(
$length = strlen( $this->getJSONForDatabase() );
if ( $length > self::MAX_LENGTH ) {
return Status::newFatal( 'templatedata-invalid-length', $length, self::MAX_LENGTH );
return Status::newGood();
* Normalise a InterfaceText field in the TemplateData blob.
* @return stdClass|string $text
protected static function normaliseInterfaceText( $text ) {
if ( is_string( $text ) ) {
global $wgContLang;
$ret = new stdClass();
$ret->{ $wgContLang->getCode() } = $text;
return $ret;
return $text;
* Get a single localized string from an InterfaceText object.
* Uses the preferred language passed to this function, or one of its fallbacks,
* or the site content language, or its fallbacks.
* @param stdClass $text An InterfaceText object
* @param string $langCode Preferred language
* @return null|string Text value from the InterfaceText object or null if no suitable
* match was found
protected static function getInterfaceTextInLanguage( stdClass $text, $langCode ) {
if ( isset( $text->$langCode ) ) {
return $text->$langCode;
list( $userlangs, $sitelangs ) = Language::getFallbacksIncludingSiteLanguage( $langCode );
foreach ( $userlangs as $lang ) {
if ( isset( $text->$lang ) ) {
return $text->$lang;
foreach ( $sitelangs as $lang ) {
if ( isset( $text->$lang ) ) {
return $text->$lang;
// If none of the languages are found fallback to null. Alternatively we could fallback to
// reset( $text ) which will return whatever key there is, but we should't give the user a
// "random" language with no context (e.g. could be RTL/Hebrew for an LTR/Japanese user).
return null;
* @return Status
public function getStatus() {
return $this->status;
* @return object
public function getData() {
// Return deep clone so callers can't modify data. Needed for getDataInLanguage().
// Modification must clear 'json' and 'jsonDB' in-object cache.
return unserialize( serialize( $this->data ) );
* Get data with all InterfaceText objects resolved to a single string to the
* appropriate language.
* @param string $langCode Preferred language
* @return object
public function getDataInLanguage( $langCode ) {
$data = $this->getData();
// Root.description
if ( $data->description !== null ) {
$data->description = self::getInterfaceTextInLanguage( $data->description, $langCode );
foreach ( $data->params as $paramObj ) {
// Param.label
if ( $paramObj->label !== null ) {
$paramObj->label = self::getInterfaceTextInLanguage( $paramObj->label, $langCode );
// Param.description
if ( $paramObj->description !== null ) {
$paramObj->description = self::getInterfaceTextInLanguage( $paramObj->description, $langCode );
// Param.default
if ( $paramObj->default !== null ) {
$paramObj->default = self::getInterfaceTextInLanguage( $paramObj->default, $langCode );
// Param.example
if ( $paramObj->example !== null ) {
$paramObj->example = self::getInterfaceTextInLanguage( $paramObj->example, $langCode );
foreach ( $data->sets as $setObj ) {
$label = self::getInterfaceTextInLanguage( $setObj->label, $langCode );
if ( $label === null ) {
// Contrary to other InterfaceTexts, set label is not optional. If we're here it
// means the template data from the wiki doesn't contain either the user language,
// site language or any of its fallbacks. Wikis should fix data that is in this
// condition (TODO: Disallow during saving?). For now, fallback to whatever we can
// get that does exist in the text object.
$arr = (array)$setObj->label;
$label = reset( $arr );
$setObj->label = $label;
return $data;
* @return string JSON
public function getJSON() {
if ( $this->json === null ) {
// Cache for repeat calls
$this->json = json_encode( $this->data );
return $this->json;
* @return string JSON (gzip compressed)
public function getJSONForDatabase() {
if ( $this->jsonDB === null ) {
// Cache for repeat calls
$this->jsonDB = gzencode( $this->getJSON() );
return $this->jsonDB;
public function getHtml( Language $lang ) {
$data = $this->getDataInLanguage( $lang->getCode() );
$html =
Html::openElement( 'div', array( 'class' => 'mw-templatedata-doc-wrap' ) )
. Html::element(
'class' => array(
'mw-templatedata-doc-muted' => $data->description === null,
$data->description !== null ?
$data->description :
wfMessage( 'templatedata-doc-desc-empty' )->inLanguage( $lang )->text()
. '<table class="wikitable mw-templatedata-doc-params sortable">'
. Html::rawElement(
wfMessage( 'templatedata-doc-params' )->inLanguage( $lang )->text()
. ( $data->format !== null ?
new OOUI\IconWidget( array( 'icon' => 'template-format-' . $data->format ) )
. Html::element(
array( 'class' => 'mw-templatedata-format' ),
// Messages: templatedata-modal-format-inline, templatedata-modal-format-block
wfMessage( 'templatedata-doc-format-' . $data->format )->inLanguage( $lang )->text()
) :
'' )
. '<thead><tr>'
. Html::element(
array( 'colspan' => 2 ),
wfMessage( 'templatedata-doc-param-name' )->inLanguage( $lang )->text()
. Html::element(
wfMessage( 'templatedata-doc-param-desc' )->inLanguage( $lang )->text()
. Html::element(
wfMessage( 'templatedata-doc-param-type' )->inLanguage( $lang )->text()
. Html::element(
wfMessage( 'templatedata-doc-param-status' )->inLanguage( $lang )->text()
. '</tr></thead>'
. '<tbody>';
if ( count( (array)$data->params ) === 0 ) {
// Display no parameters message
$html .= '<tr>'
. Html::element( 'td',
'class' => 'mw-templatedata-doc-muted',
'colspan' => 7
wfMessage( 'templatedata-doc-no-params-set' )->inLanguage( $lang )->text()
. '</tr>';
foreach ( $data->paramOrder as $paramName ) {
$paramObj = $data->params->$paramName;
$description = '';
$default = '';
$aliases = '';
if ( count( $paramObj->aliases ) ) {
foreach ( $paramObj->aliases as $alias ) {
$aliases .= Html::element( 'code', array(
'class' => 'mw-templatedata-doc-param-alias'
), $alias );
$statusClass = '';
if ( $paramObj->deprecated ) {
$status = 'templatedata-doc-param-status-deprecated';
} elseif ( $paramObj->required ) {
$status = 'templatedata-doc-param-status-required';
$statusClass = 'mw-templatedata-doc-param-status-required';
} elseif ( $paramObj->suggested ) {
$status = 'templatedata-doc-param-status-suggested';
} else {
$status = 'templatedata-doc-param-status-optional';
$html .= '<tr>'
// Label
. Html::element( 'th', array(),
$paramObj->label !== null ?
$paramObj->label :
$lang->ucfirst( $paramName )
// Parameters and aliases
. Html::rawElement( 'td', array( 'class' => 'mw-templatedata-doc-param-name' ),
Html::element( 'code', array(), $paramName ) . $aliases
// Description
. Html::rawElement( 'td', array(
'class' => array(
'mw-templatedata-doc-muted' => ( $paramObj->description === null )
Html::rawElement( 'p', array(),
$paramObj->description !== null ?
$paramObj->description :
wfMessage( 'templatedata-doc-param-desc-empty' )->inLanguage( $lang )->text()
. Html::rawElement( 'dl', array(),
Html::element( 'dt', array(),
wfMessage( 'templatedata-doc-param-default' )->inLanguage( $lang )->text()
// Default
. Html::element( 'dd', array(
'class' => array(
'mw-templatedata-doc-muted' => $paramObj->default === null
$paramObj->default !== null ?
$paramObj->default :
wfMessage( 'templatedata-doc-param-default-empty' )->inLanguage( $lang )->text()
// Example
. Html::element( 'dt', array(),
wfMessage( 'templatedata-doc-param-example' )->inLanguage( $lang )->text()
. Html::element( 'dd', array(
'class' => array(
'mw-templatedata-doc-muted' => $paramObj->example === null
$paramObj->example !== null ?
$paramObj->example :
wfMessage( 'templatedata-doc-param-example-empty' )->inLanguage( $lang )->text()
// Auto value
. Html::element( 'dt', array(),
wfMessage( 'templatedata-doc-param-autovalue' )->inLanguage( $lang )->text()
. Html::rawElement( 'dd', array(
'class' => array(
'mw-templatedata-doc-muted' => $paramObj->autovalue === null
$paramObj->autovalue !== null ?
Html::element( 'code', array(), $paramObj->autovalue ) :
wfMessage( 'templatedata-doc-param-autovalue-empty' )->inLanguage( $lang )->escaped()
// Type
. Html::element( 'td', array(
'class' => array(
'mw-templatedata-doc-muted' => $paramObj->type === 'unknown'
// Known messages, for grepping:
// templatedata-doc-param-type-boolean, templatedata-doc-param-type-content,
// templatedata-doc-param-type-date, templatedata-doc-param-type-line,
// templatedata-doc-param-type-number, templatedata-doc-param-type-string,
// templatedata-doc-param-type-unbalanced-wikitext, templatedata-doc-param-type-unknown,
// templatedata-doc-param-type-url, templatedata-doc-param-type-wiki-file-name,
// templatedata-doc-param-type-wiki-page-name, templatedata-doc-param-type-wiki-template-name,
// templatedata-doc-param-type-wiki-user-name
wfMessage( 'templatedata-doc-param-type-' . $paramObj->type )->inLanguage( $lang )->text()
// Status
. Html::element(
[ 'class' => $statusClass ],
wfMessage( $status )->inLanguage( $lang )->text()
. '</tr>';
$html .= '</tbody></table>'
. Html::closeElement( 'div' );
return $html;
private function __construct( $data = null ) {
$this->data = $data;