
namespace MediaWiki\Extension\TemplateData;

use ExtensionRegistry;
use MediaWiki\CommentStore\CommentStoreComment;
use MediaWiki\Config\Config;
use MediaWiki\EditPage\EditPage;
use MediaWiki\Extension\EventLogging\EventLogging;
use MediaWiki\Hook\EditPage__showEditForm_fieldsHook;
use MediaWiki\Hook\EditPage__showEditForm_initialHook;
use MediaWiki\Hook\OutputPageBeforeHTMLHook;
use MediaWiki\Hook\ParserFetchTemplateDataHook;
use MediaWiki\Hook\ParserFirstCallInitHook;
use MediaWiki\Html\Html;
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use MediaWiki\Output\OutputPage;
use MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\Hook\ResourceLoaderRegisterModulesHook;
use MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\ResourceLoader;
use MediaWiki\Revision\RenderedRevision;
use MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionRecord;
use MediaWiki\Revision\SlotRecord;
use MediaWiki\Status\Status;
use MediaWiki\Storage\Hook\MultiContentSaveHook;
use MediaWiki\Title\Title;
use MediaWiki\User\UserIdentity;
use Parser;
use PPFrame;
use RequestContext;

 * @license GPL-2.0-or-later
 * phpcs:disable MediaWiki.NamingConventions.LowerCamelFunctionsName
class Hooks implements

	private Config $config;

	public function __construct( Config $mainConfig ) {
		$this->config = $mainConfig;

	 * @param EditPage $editPage
	 * @param OutputPage $out
	public function onEditPage__showEditForm_fields( $editPage, $out ) {
		// TODO: Remove when not needed any more, see T267926
		if ( $out->getRequest()->getBool( 'TemplateDataGeneratorUsed' ) ) {
			// Recreate the dynamically created field after the user clicked "preview"
			$out->addHTML( Html::hidden( 'TemplateDataGeneratorUsed', true ) );

	 * Register parser hooks
	 * @param Parser $parser
	public function onParserFirstCallInit( $parser ) {
		$parser->setHook( 'templatedata', [ __CLASS__, 'render' ] );

	 * Conditionally register the jquery.uls.data module, in case they've already been
	 * registered by the UniversalLanguageSelector extension or the VisualEditor extension.
	 * @param ResourceLoader $resourceLoader
	public function onResourceLoaderRegisterModules( ResourceLoader $resourceLoader ): void {
		$resourceModules = $resourceLoader->getConfig()->get( 'ResourceModules' );
		$name = 'jquery.uls.data';
		if ( !isset( $resourceModules[$name] ) && !$resourceLoader->isModuleRegistered( $name ) ) {
			$resourceLoader->register( [
				$name => [
					'localBasePath' => dirname( __DIR__ ),
					'remoteExtPath' => 'TemplateData',
					'scripts' => [
			] );

	 * @param RenderedRevision $renderedRevision
	 * @param UserIdentity $user
	 * @param CommentStoreComment $summary
	 * @param int $flags
	 * @param Status $hookStatus
	 * @return bool
	public function onMultiContentSave(
		$renderedRevision, $user, $summary, $flags, $hookStatus
	) {
		$revisionRecord = $renderedRevision->getRevision();
		$contentModel = $revisionRecord
			->getContent( SlotRecord::MAIN )

		if ( $contentModel !== CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ) {
			return true;

		// Revision hasn't been parsed yet, so parse to know if self::render got a
		// valid tag (via inclusion and transclusion) and abort save if it didn't
		$parserOutput = $renderedRevision->getRevisionParserOutput( [ 'generate-html' => false ] );
		$status = TemplateDataStatus::newFromJson( $parserOutput->getExtensionData( 'TemplateDataStatus' ) );
		if ( $status && !$status->isOK() ) {
			// Abort edit, show error message from TemplateDataBlob::getStatus
			$hookStatus->merge( $status );
			return false;

		// TODO: Remove when not needed any more, see T267926
		self::logChangeEvent( $revisionRecord, $parserOutput->getPageProperty( 'templatedata' ), $user );

		return true;

	private static function logChangeEvent(
		RevisionRecord $revisionRecord,
		?string $newPageProperty,
		UserIdentity $user
	): void {
		if ( !ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'EventLogging' ) ) {

		$services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
		$page = $revisionRecord->getPage();
		$props = $services->getPageProps()->getProperties( $page, 'templatedata' );

		$pageId = $page->getId();
		// The JSON strings here are guaranteed to be normalized (and possibly compressed) the same
		// way. No need to normalize them again for this comparison.
		if ( $newPageProperty === ( $props[$pageId] ?? null ) ) {

		$generatorUsed = RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest()->getBool( 'TemplateDataGeneratorUsed' );
		$userEditCount = $services->getUserEditTracker()->getUserEditCount( $user );
		$userId = $services->getUserIdentityUtils()->isTemp( $user ) ? 0 : $user->getId();
		// Note: We know that irrelevant changes (e.g. whitespace changes) aren't logged here
				'$schema' => '/analytics/legacy/templatedataeditor/1.0.0',
				'event' => [
					// Note: The "Done" button is disabled unless something changed, which means it's
					// very likely (but not guaranteed) the generator was used to make the changes
					'action' => $generatorUsed ? 'save-tag-edit-generator-used' : 'save-tag-edit-no-generator',
					'page_id' => $pageId,
					'page_namespace' => $page->getNamespace(),
					'page_title' => $page->getDBkey(),
					'rev_id' => $revisionRecord->getId() ?? 0,
					'user_edit_count' => $userEditCount ?? 0,
					'user_id' => $userId,

	 * Hook to load the GUI module only on edit action.
	 * @param EditPage $editPage
	 * @param OutputPage $output
	public function onEditPage__showEditForm_initial( $editPage, $output ) {
		if ( $this->config->get( 'TemplateDataUseGUI' ) ) {
			$isTemplate = $output->getTitle()->inNamespace( NS_TEMPLATE );
			if ( !$isTemplate ) {
				// If we're outside the Template namespace, allow access to GUI
				// if it's an existing page with <templatedate> (e.g. User template sandbox,
				// or some other page that's intended to be transcluded for any reason).
				$services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
				$props = $services->getPageProps()->getProperties( $editPage->getTitle(), 'templatedata' );
				$isTemplate = (bool)$props;
			if ( $isTemplate ) {
				$output->addModuleStyles( 'ext.templateDataGenerator.editTemplatePage.loading' );
				$output->addHTML( '<div class="tdg-editscreen-placeholder"></div>' );
				$output->addModules( 'ext.templateDataGenerator.editTemplatePage' );

	 * Parser hook for <templatedata>.
	 * If there is any JSON provided, render the template documentation on the page.
	 * @param string|null $input The content of the tag.
	 * @param array $args The attributes of the tag.
	 * @param Parser $parser Parser instance available to render
	 *  wikitext into html, or parser methods.
	 * @param PPFrame $frame Can be used to see what template parameters ("{{{1}}}", etc.)
	 *  this hook was used with.
	 * @return string HTML to insert in the page.
	public static function render( ?string $input, array $args, Parser $parser, PPFrame $frame ): string {
		$parserOutput = $parser->getOutput();
		$dbr = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getConnectionProvider()->getReplicaDatabase();
		$ti = TemplateDataBlob::newFromJSON( $dbr, $input ?? '' );

		$status = $ti->getStatus();
		if ( !$status->isOK() ) {
			$parserOutput->setExtensionData( 'TemplateDataStatus', TemplateDataStatus::jsonSerialize( $status ) );
			return Html::errorBox( $status->getHTML() );

		// Store the blob as page property for retrieval by ApiTemplateData.
		// But, don't store it if we're parsing a doc sub page,  because:
		// - The doc subpage should not appear in ApiTemplateData as a documented
		// template itself, which is confusing to users (T54448).
		// - The doc subpage should not appear at Special:PagesWithProp.
		// - Storing the blob twice in the database is inefficient (T52512).
		$title = $parser->getTitle();
		$docPage = wfMessage( 'templatedata-doc-subpage' )->inContentLanguage();
		if ( !$title->isSubpage() || $title->getSubpageText() !== $docPage->plain() ) {
			$parserOutput->setPageProperty( 'templatedata', $ti->getJSONForDatabase() );

		$parserOutput->addModuleStyles( [
		] );
		$parserOutput->addModules( [ 'jquery.tablesorter' ] );
		$parserOutput->setEnableOOUI( true );

		$userLang = $parser->getOptions()->getUserLangObj();

		// FIXME: this hard-codes default skin, but it is needed because
		// ::getHtml() will need a theme singleton to be set.
		OutputPage::setupOOUI( 'bogus', $userLang->getDir() );

		$localizer = new TemplateDataMessageLocalizer( $userLang );
		$formatter = new TemplateDataHtmlFormatter( $localizer, $userLang->getCode() );
		return $formatter->getHtml( $ti, $frame->getTitle(), !$parser->getOptions()->getIsPreview() );

	 * @see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Hooks/OutputPageBeforeHTML
	 * @param OutputPage $output
	 * @param string &$text
	public function onOutputPageBeforeHTML( $output, &$text ) {
		$services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
		$props = $services->getPageProps()->getProperties( $output->getTitle(), 'templatedata' );
		if ( $props ) {
			$lang = $output->getLanguage();
			$localizer = new TemplateDataMessageLocalizer( $lang );
			$formatter = new TemplateDataHtmlFormatter( $localizer, $lang->getCode() );
			$formatter->replaceEditLink( $text );

	 * Fetch templatedata for an array of titles.
	 * @todo Document this hook
	 * The following questions are yet to be resolved.
	 * (a) Should we extend functionality to looking up an array of titles instead of one?
	 *     The signature allows for an array of titles to be passed in, but the
	 *     current implementation is not optimized for the multiple-title use case.
	 * (b) Should this be a lookup service instead of this faux hook?
	 *     This will be resolved separately.
	 * @param array $tplTitles
	 * @param \stdClass[] &$tplData
	 * @return bool
	public function onParserFetchTemplateData( array $tplTitles, array &$tplData ): bool {
		$tplData = [];

		$services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
		$pageProps = $services->getPageProps();
		$wikiPageFactory = $services->getWikiPageFactory();
		$dbr = $services->getConnectionProvider()->getReplicaDatabase();

		// This inefficient implementation is currently tuned for
		// Parsoid's use case where it requests info for exactly one title.
		// For a real batch use case, this code will need an overhaul.
		foreach ( $tplTitles as $tplTitle ) {
			$title = Title::newFromText( $tplTitle );
			if ( !$title ) {
				// Invalid title
				$tplData[$tplTitle] = null;

			if ( $title->isRedirect() ) {
				$title = $wikiPageFactory->newFromTitle( $title )->getRedirectTarget();
				if ( !$title ) {
					// Invalid redirecting title
					$tplData[$tplTitle] = null;

			if ( !$title->exists() ) {
				$tplData[$tplTitle] = (object)[ 'missing' => true ];

			// FIXME: PageProps returns takes titles but returns by page id.
			// This means we need to do our own look up and hope it matches.
			// Spoiler, sometimes it won't. When that happens, the user won't
			// get any templatedata-based interfaces for that template.
			// The fallback is to not serve data for that template, which
			// the clients have to support anyway, so the impact is minimal.
			// It is also expected that such race conditions resolve themselves
			// after a few seconds so the old "try again later" should cover this.
			$pageId = $title->getArticleID();
			$props = $pageProps->getProperties( $title, 'templatedata' );
			if ( !isset( $props[$pageId] ) ) {
				// No templatedata
				$tplData[$tplTitle] = (object)[ 'notemplatedata' => true ];

			$tdb = TemplateDataBlob::newFromDatabase( $dbr, $props[$pageId] );
			$status = $tdb->getStatus();
			if ( !$status->isOK() ) {
				// Invalid data. Parsoid has no use for the error.
				$tplData[$tplTitle] = (object)[ 'notemplatedata' => true ];

			$tplData[$tplTitle] = $tdb->getData();
		return true;
