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* VisualEditor UserInterface MWSyntaxHighlightWindow class.
* @copyright VisualEditor Team and others
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
* MediaWiki syntax highlight window.
* @class
* @abstract
* @constructor
ve.ui.MWSyntaxHighlightWindow = function VeUiMWSyntaxHighlightWindow() {
/* Inheritance */
OO.initClass( ve.ui.MWSyntaxHighlightWindow );
/* Static properties */
ve.ui.MWSyntaxHighlightWindow.static.title = OO.ui.deferMsg( 'syntaxhighlight-visualeditor-mwsyntaxhighlightinspector-title' );
ve.ui.MWSyntaxHighlightWindow.static.dir = 'ltr';
/* Methods */
* @inheritdoc
ve.ui.MWSyntaxHighlightWindow.prototype.initialize = function () {
var noneMsg = ve.msg( 'syntaxhighlight-visualeditor-mwsyntaxhighlightinspector-none' );
this.languageValid = null;
this.language = new OO.ui.ComboBoxInputWidget( {
$overlay: this.$overlay,
menu: {
filterFromInput: true,
items: function ( lang ) {
return new OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget( { data: lang, label: lang || noneMsg } );
} )
validate: function ( input ) {
return input );
} );
this.showLinesCheckbox = new OO.ui.CheckboxInputWidget();
this.startLineNumber = new OO.ui.NumberInputWidget( {
min: 0,
isInteger: true,
showButtons: false
} );
// Events
this.language.connect( this, { change: 'onLanguageInputChange' } );
this.showLinesCheckbox.connect( this, { change: 'onShowLinesCheckboxChange' } );
this.startLineNumber.connect( this, { change: 'onStartLineNumberChange' } );
this.languageField = new OO.ui.FieldLayout( this.language, {
classes: [ 've-ui-mwSyntaxHighlightWindow-languageField' ],
align: 'top',
label: ve.msg( 'syntaxhighlight-visualeditor-mwsyntaxhighlightinspector-language' )
} );
this.codeField = new OO.ui.FieldLayout( this.input, {
align: 'top',
label: ve.msg( 'syntaxhighlight-visualeditor-mwsyntaxhighlightinspector-code' )
} );
this.showLinesField = new OO.ui.FieldLayout( this.showLinesCheckbox, {
align: 'inline',
label: ve.msg( 'syntaxhighlight-visualeditor-mwsyntaxhighlightinspector-showlines' )
} );
this.startLineField = new OO.ui.FieldLayout( this.startLineNumber, {
classes: [ 've-ui-mwSyntaxHighlightWindow-startLineField' ],
align: 'left',
label: ve.msg( 'syntaxhighlight-visualeditor-mwsyntaxhighlightinspector-startingline' )
} );
* Handle input change events
* @param {string} value New value
ve.ui.MWSyntaxHighlightWindow.prototype.onLanguageInputChange = function () {
var inspector = this;
var validity = this.language.getValidity();
validity.always( function () {
inspector.languageValid = validity.state() === 'resolved';
} );
* Handle change events from the show lines chechbox
* @param {boolean} value Widget value
ve.ui.MWSyntaxHighlightWindow.prototype.onShowLinesCheckboxChange = function () {
var showLines = this.showLinesCheckbox.isSelected();
this.input.toggleLineNumbers( showLines );
this.startLineNumber.setDisabled( !showLines );
* Handle change events from the start line input
* @param {string} value Widget value
ve.ui.MWSyntaxHighlightWindow.prototype.onStartLineNumberChange = function ( value ) {
var inspector = this,
input = this.input;
input.loadingPromise.done( function () {
input.editor.setOption( 'firstLineNumber', value !== '' ? +value : 1 );
} ).always( function () {
} );
* @inheritdoc OO.ui.Window
ve.ui.MWSyntaxHighlightWindow.prototype.getReadyProcess = function ( data, process ) {
return function () {
this.language.getMenu().toggle( false );
if ( !this.language.getValue() ) {
} else {
}, this );
* @inheritdoc OO.ui.Window
ve.ui.MWSyntaxHighlightWindow.prototype.getSetupProcess = function ( data, process ) {
return function () {
var attrs = this.selectedNode ? this.selectedNode.getAttribute( 'mw' ).attrs : {},
language = attrs.lang ? attrs.lang.toLowerCase() : '',
showLines = attrs.line !== undefined,
startLine = attrs.start,
isReadOnly = this.isReadOnly();
this.language.setValue( language ).setReadOnly( isReadOnly );
this.showLinesCheckbox.setSelected( showLines ).setDisabled( isReadOnly );
this.startLineNumber.setValue( startLine ).setReadOnly( isReadOnly );
}, this );
* @inheritdoc OO.ui.Window
ve.ui.MWSyntaxHighlightWindow.prototype.getTeardownProcess = function ( data, process ) {
return process;
* @inheritdoc ve.ui.MWExtensionWindow
ve.ui.MWSyntaxHighlightWindow.prototype.updateActions = function () {
this.getActions().setAbilities( { done: this.languageValid && this.isModified() } );
* @inheritdoc ve.ui.MWExtensionWindow
ve.ui.MWSyntaxHighlightWindow.prototype.updateMwData = function ( mwData ) {
var language = this.language.getValue(),
showLines = this.showLinesCheckbox.isSelected(),
startLine = this.startLineNumber.getValue();
mwData.attrs.lang = language || undefined;
if ( !showLines ) {
delete mwData.attrs.line;
// Keep whatever value was there before to not cause dirty diffs
} else if ( !( 'line' in mwData.attrs ) ) {
mwData.attrs.line = '1';
mwData.attrs.start = startLine !== '' ? startLine : undefined;