Translation updater bot 1b3f2c4dd1 Localisation updates from
Change-Id: I40b6725bafcb9fe210d9e4d09c4ca1e55ab6b86e
2015-07-05 22:01:39 +02:00

23 lines
1.5 KiB

"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"The Evil IP address",
"syntaxhighlight-desc": "{{desc|name=Syntax Highlight GeSHi|url=}}",
"syntaxhighlight-error-category": "Tracking category for pages with syntax highlighting errors",
"syntaxhighlight-error-category-desc": "Description on [[Special:TrackingCategories]] for the {{msg-mw|syntaxhighlight-error-category}} tracking category.",
"syntaxhighlight-visualeditor-mwsyntaxhighlightinspector-code": "Label for the code input field\n{{Identical|Code}}",
"syntaxhighlight-visualeditor-mwsyntaxhighlightinspector-language": "Label for the language field\n{{Identical|Language}}",
"syntaxhighlight-visualeditor-mwsyntaxhighlightinspector-title": "Title for the VisualEditor syntax highlighter inspector, above the text area for the code",
"syntaxhighlight-error-pygments-invocation-failure": "Error message shown when the syntax highlighting library failed with an unspecified error",
"syntaxhighlight-error-unknown-language": "Error message shown when the programming language name was not recognized by the syntax highlighting library. Parameters:\n* $1 - the language name",
"syntaxhighlight-error-exceeds-size-limit": "Error message shown when the block of code to be highlighted exceeds the size limit. Parameters:\n* $1 - the size of the code block, in bytes\n* $2 - the maximum size allowed."