Mapping of MIME-types to lexer names. */ private static $mimeLexers = [ 'text/javascript' => 'javascript', 'application/json' => 'javascript', 'text/xml' => 'xml', ]; /** * Register parser hook * * @param Parser $parser */ public function onParserFirstCallInit( $parser ) { $parser->setHook( 'source', [ SyntaxHighlight::class, 'parserHookSource' ] ); $parser->setHook( 'syntaxhighlight', [ SyntaxHighlight::class, 'parserHook' ] ); } /** * Hook into Content::getParserOutput to provide syntax highlighting for * script content. * * @param Content $content * @param Title $title * @param int $revId * @param ParserOptions $options * @param bool $generateHtml * @param ParserOutput &$parserOutput * @return bool * @since MW 1.21 */ public function onContentGetParserOutput( $content, $title, $revId, $options, $generateHtml, &$parserOutput ) { // Hope that the "SyntaxHighlightModels" attribute does not contain silly types. if ( !( $content instanceof TextContent ) ) { // Oops! Non-text content? Let MediaWiki handle this. return true; } if ( !$generateHtml ) { // Nothing special for us to do, let MediaWiki handle this. return true; } // Determine the SyntaxHighlight language from the page's // content model. Extensions can extend the default CSS/JS // mapping by setting the SyntaxHighlightModels attribute. $extension = ExtensionRegistry::getInstance(); $models = $extension->getAttribute( 'SyntaxHighlightModels' ) + [ CONTENT_MODEL_CSS => 'css', CONTENT_MODEL_JAVASCRIPT => 'javascript', ]; $model = $content->getModel(); if ( !isset( $models[$model] ) ) { // We don't care about this model, carry on. return true; } $lexer = $models[$model]; $text = $content->getText(); $config = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMainConfig(); // Parse using the standard parser to get links etc. into the database, HTML is replaced below. // We could do this using $content->fillParserOutput(), but alas it is 'protected'. if ( in_array( $model, $config->get( MainConfigNames::TextModelsToParse ), true ) ) { $parserOutput = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getParser() ->parse( $text, $title, $options, true, true, $revId ); } $status = SyntaxHighlight::highlight( $text, $lexer, [ 'line' => true, 'linelinks' => 'L' ] ); if ( !$status->isOK() ) { return true; } $out = $status->getValue(); $parserOutput->addModuleStyles( SyntaxHighlight::getModuleStyles() ); $parserOutput->addModules( [ 'ext.pygments.view' ] ); $parserOutput->setText( $out ); // Inform MediaWiki that we have parsed this page and it shouldn't mess with it. return false; } /** * Hook to provide syntax highlighting for API pretty-printed output * * @param IContextSource $context * @param string $text * @param string $mime * @param string $format * @since MW 1.24 * @return bool */ public function onApiFormatHighlight( $context, $text, $mime, $format ) { if ( !isset( self::$mimeLexers[$mime] ) ) { return true; } $lexer = self::$mimeLexers[$mime]; $status = SyntaxHighlight::highlight( $text, $lexer ); if ( !$status->isOK() ) { return true; } $out = $status->getValue(); if ( preg_match( '/^]*)>/i', $out, $m ) ) { $attrs = Sanitizer::decodeTagAttributes( $m[1] ); $attrs['class'] .= ' api-pretty-content'; $encodedAttrs = Sanitizer::safeEncodeTagAttributes( $attrs ); $out = '' . substr( $out, strlen( $m[0] ) ); } $output = $context->getOutput(); $output->addModuleStyles( SyntaxHighlight::getModuleStyles() ); $output->addHTML( '
' . $out . '
' ); // Inform MediaWiki that we have parsed this page and it shouldn't mess with it. return false; } /** * Hook to add Pygments version to Special:Version * * @see * @param array &$software */ public function onSoftwareInfo( &$software ) { try { $software['[ Pygments]'] = Pygmentize::getVersion(); } catch ( PygmentsException $e ) { // pass } } /** * Hook to register ext.pygments.view module. * @param ResourceLoader $rl */ public function onResourceLoaderRegisterModules( ResourceLoader $rl ): void { $rl->register( 'ext.pygments.view', [ 'localBasePath' => MW_INSTALL_PATH . '/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/modules', 'remoteExtPath' => 'SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/modules', 'scripts' => array_merge( [ 'pygments.linenumbers.js', 'pygments.links.js', 'pygments.copy.js' ], ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'Scribunto' ) ? [ 'pygments.links.scribunto.js' ] : [] ), 'styles' => [ 'pygments.copy.less' ], 'messages' => [ 'syntaxhighlight-button-copy', 'syntaxhighlight-button-copied' ], 'dependencies' => [ 'mediawiki.util', 'mediawiki.Title' ] ] ); } }