* @ingroup Maintenance */ use MediaWiki\Shell\Shell; use Wikimedia\StaticArrayWriter; $IP = getenv( 'MW_INSTALL_PATH' ) ?: __DIR__ . '/../../..'; require_once "$IP/maintenance/Maintenance.php"; class UpdateLexerList extends Maintenance { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->requireExtension( 'SyntaxHighlight' ); $this->addDescription( 'Update list of lexers supported by SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi' ); } public function execute() { $header = 'Generated by ' . basename( __FILE__ ); $lexers = []; $result = Shell::command( SyntaxHighlight::getPygmentizePath(), '-L', 'lexer' ) ->restrict( Shell::RESTRICT_DEFAULT | Shell::NO_NETWORK ) ->execute(); if ( $result->getExitCode() != 0 ) { throw new \RuntimeException( $result->getStderr() ); } $output = $result->getStdout(); foreach ( explode( "\n", $output ) as $line ) { if ( substr( $line, 0, 1 ) === '*' ) { $newLexers = explode( ', ', trim( $line, "* :\n" ) ); $lexers = array_merge( $lexers, $newLexers ); } } $lexers = array_unique( $lexers ); sort( $lexers ); $data = []; foreach ( $lexers as $lexer ) { $data[$lexer] = true; } $writer = new StaticArrayWriter(); $code = $writer->create( $data, $header ); file_put_contents( __DIR__ . '/../SyntaxHighlight.lexers.php', $code ); $this->output( "Updated language list written to SyntaxHighlight.lexers.php\n" ); } } $maintClass = 'UpdateLexerList'; require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;