This extension allows source code to be syntax highlighted on the wiki pages.
This README file might be out of date, have a look at the extension page
for updated informations:
== Requirements ==
This version of the extension has been tested with Pygments 1.6, 2.0.2 and
MediaWiki 1.25 as of 2015-06-19. To get releases of this extension compatible
with earlier versions of MediaWiki, visit:
== Installation ==
Add this line to your LocalSettings.php:
wfLoadExtension( 'SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi' );
By default, this extension will use a bundled copy of Pygments 2.0.2. If you
would like to use a different copy of the library, you can set
$wgPygmentizePath to point to the path to the 'pygmentize' binary.
== Usage ==
On the wiki page, you can now use "source" elements:
html text
== Parameters ==
For details information of these parameters, see the documentation of Pygments'
HtmlFormatter at .
* lang; Defines the language.
* line; Corresponds to linenos="inline" option.
* start; Corresponds to linenostart opion.
* enclose; If set to "none", corresponds to the nowrap=1 option.
* inline; Corresponds to the nowrap=1 option.
* highlight; Corresponds to hl_lines option (comma separated).
== Note ==
Pygments is generous about creating HTML elements: highlighting large blocks of
code can easily generate enough of them to crash a browser. As a guard, syntax
highlighting is turned off for code fragments larger than 100 kB.