"spam-blacklist":"See also: [[MediaWiki:spam-whitelist]] and [[MediaWiki:captcha-addurl-whitelist]]. You can translate the text, including 'Leave this line exactly as it is'. Some lines of this messages have one (1) leading space.",
"spam-whitelist":"See also: [[MediaWiki:spam-blacklist]] and [[MediaWiki:captcha-addurl-whitelist]]. You can translate the text, including 'Leave this line exactly as it is'. Some lines of this messages have one (1) leading space.",
"email-blacklist":"See also: [[MediaWiki:email-whitelist]] and [[MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist]]. You can translate the text, including 'Leave this line exactly as it is'. Some lines of this messages have one (1) leading space.",
"email-whitelist":"See also: [[MediaWiki:email-blacklist]] and [[MediaWiki:Spam-whitelist]]. You can translate the text, including 'Leave this line exactly as it is'. Some lines of this messages have one (1) leading space.",
"spam-blacklisted-email":"Title of errorpage when trying to send an email with a blacklisted e-mail address",
"spam-blacklisted-email-text":"Text of errorpage when trying to send an e-mail with a blacklisted e-mail address",
"spam-blacklisted-email-signup":"Error when trying to create an account with an invalid e-mail address",
"spam-invalid-lines":"Used as an error message.\n\nThis message is followed by a list of bad lines.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the number of bad lines",
"log-name-spamblacklist":"Name of log that appears on [[Special:Log]].",
"log-description-spamblacklist":"Description of spam blacklist log",
"logentry-spamblacklist-hit":"Log entry that is created when a user adds a link that is blacklisted on the spam blacklist.\n\n{{logentry}}\nAdditional parameters:\n* $4 - the URL the user tried to add",