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local testframework = require 'Module:TestFramework'
local function nsTest( ... )
local args = { ... }
local t = mw.site.namespaces
local path = 'mw.site.namespaces'
for i = 1, #args do
t = t[args[i]]
path = path .. string.format( '[%q]', args[i] )
if t == nil then
error( path .. ' is nil!' )
return t
local function isNonEmptyString( val )
return type( val ) == 'string' and val ~= ''
local function isValidInterwikiMap( map )
assert( type( map ) == 'table', "mw.site.interwikiMap did not return a table" )
local stringKeys = { 'prefix', 'url' }
local boolKeys = {
local maybeStringKeys = { 'displayText', 'tooltip' }
for prefix, data in pairs( map ) do
for _, key in ipairs( stringKeys ) do
assert( isNonEmptyString( data[key] ),
key .. " is not a string or is the empty string"
assert( prefix == data.prefix, string.format(
"table key '%s' and prefix '%s' do not match",
tostring( prefix ), tostring( data.prefix )
) )
for _, key in ipairs( boolKeys ) do
assert( type( data[key] ) == 'boolean', key .. " is not a boolean" )
for _, key in ipairs( maybeStringKeys ) do
assert( data[key] == nil or isNonEmptyString( data[key] ),
key .. " is not a string or is the empty string, and is not nil"
return true
return testframework.getTestProvider( {
{ name = 'parameter: siteName',
func = type, args = { mw.site.siteName },
expect = { 'string' }
{ name = 'parameter: server',
func = type, args = { mw.site.server },
expect = { 'string' }
{ name = 'parameter set: scriptPath',
func = type, args = { mw.site.scriptPath },
expect = { 'string' }
{ name = 'parameter set: stylePath',
func = type, args = { mw.site.stylePath },
expect = { 'string' }
{ name = 'parameter set: currentVersion',
func = type, args = { mw.site.currentVersion },
expect = { 'string' }
{ name = 'parameter set: stats.pages',
func = type, args = { mw.site.stats.pages },
expect = { 'number' }
{ name = 'pagesInCategory',
func = type, args = { mw.site.stats.pagesInCategory( "Example" ) },
expect = { 'number' }
{ name = 'pagesInNamespace',
func = type, args = { mw.site.stats.pagesInNamespace( 0 ) },
expect = { 'number' }
{ name = 'usersInGroup',
func = type, args = { mw.site.stats.usersInGroup( 'sysop' ) },
expect = { 'number' }
{ name = 'Project namespace by number',
func = nsTest, args = { 4, 'canonicalName' },
expect = { 'Project' }
{ name = 'Project namespace by name',
func = nsTest, args = { 'Project', 'id' },
expect = { 4 }
{ name = 'Project namespace by name (2)',
func = nsTest, args = { 'PrOjEcT', 'canonicalName' },
expect = { 'Project' }
{ name = 'Project namespace subject is itself',
func = nsTest, args = { 'Project', 'subject', 'canonicalName' },
expect = { 'Project' }
{ name = 'Project talk namespace via Project',
func = nsTest, args = { 'Project', 'talk', 'canonicalName' },
expect = { 'Project talk' }
{ name = 'Project namespace via Project talk',
func = nsTest, args = { 'Project_talk', 'subject', 'canonicalName' },
expect = { 'Project' }
{ name = 'Project talk namespace via Project (associated)',
func = nsTest, args = { 'Project', 'associated', 'canonicalName' },
expect = { 'Project talk' }
{ name = 'Project talk namespace by name (standard caps, no underscores)',
func = nsTest, args = { 'Project talk', 'id' },
expect = { 5 }
{ name = 'Project talk namespace by name (standard caps, underscores)',
func = nsTest, args = { 'Project_talk', 'id' },
expect = { 5 }
{ name = 'Project talk namespace by name (odd caps, no underscores)',
func = nsTest, args = { 'pRoJeCt tAlK', 'id' },
expect = { 5 }
{ name = 'Project talk namespace by name (odd caps, underscores)',
func = nsTest, args = { 'pRoJeCt_tAlK', 'id' },
expect = { 5 }
{ name = 'Project talk namespace by name (extraneous spaces and underscores)',
func = nsTest, args = { '_ _ _Project_ _talk_ _ _', 'id' },
expect = { 5 }
{ name = 'interwikiMap (all prefixes)',
func = isValidInterwikiMap, args = { mw.site.interwikiMap() },
expect = { true }
{ name = 'interwikiMap (local prefixes)',
func = isValidInterwikiMap, args = { mw.site.interwikiMap( 'local' ) },
expect = { true }
{ name = 'interwikiMap (non-local prefixes)',
func = isValidInterwikiMap, args = { mw.site.interwikiMap( '!local' ) },
expect = { true }
{ name = 'interwikiMap (type error 1)',
func = mw.site.interwikiMap, args = { 123 },
expect = "bad argument #1 to 'interwikiMap' (string expected, got number)"
{ name = 'interwikiMap (type error 2)',
func = mw.site.interwikiMap, args = { false },
expect = "bad argument #1 to 'interwikiMap' (string expected, got boolean)"
{ name = 'interwikiMap (unknown filter 1)',
func = mw.site.interwikiMap, args = { '' },
expect = "bad argument #1 to 'interwikiMap' (unknown filter '')"
{ name = 'interwikiMap (unknown filter 2)',
func = mw.site.interwikiMap, args = { 'foo' },
expect = "bad argument #1 to 'interwikiMap' (unknown filter 'foo')"
} )