Brad Jorsch ec7472a0e5 Sanity check $wgNamespaceAliases
If someone goes and adds aliases for namespaces that don't actually
exist (as was done in I94c34799, for example), Scribunto will run into
issues when trying to create its objects.

Let's ignore those bogus aliases so we don't go breaking everything just
because someone did something stupid.

Change-Id: I16acd97f587de320cf61becb829cc66794cbb119
2014-06-17 14:23:26 -04:00

134 lines
4.8 KiB

class Scribunto_LuaSiteLibrary extends Scribunto_LuaLibraryBase {
private static $namespacesCache = null;
private $pagesInCategoryCache = array();
function register() {
global $wgContLang, $wgNamespaceAliases, $wgDisableCounters;
$lib = array(
'getNsIndex' => array( $this, 'getNsIndex' ),
'pagesInCategory' => array( $this, 'pagesInCategory' ),
'pagesInNamespace' => array( $this, 'pagesInNamespace' ),
'usersInGroup' => array( $this, 'usersInGroup' ),
$info = array(
'siteName' => $GLOBALS['wgSitename'],
'server' => $GLOBALS['wgServer'],
'scriptPath' => $GLOBALS['wgScriptPath'],
'stylePath' => $GLOBALS['wgStylePath'],
'currentVersion' => SpecialVersion::getVersion(),
if ( !self::$namespacesCache ) {
$namespaces = array();
$namespacesByName = array();
foreach ( $wgContLang->getFormattedNamespaces() as $ns => $title ) {
$canonical = MWNamespace::getCanonicalName( $ns );
$namespaces[$ns] = array(
'id' => $ns,
'name' => $title,
'canonicalName' => strtr( $canonical, '_', ' ' ),
'hasSubpages' => MWNamespace::hasSubpages( $ns ),
'hasGenderDistinction' => MWNamespace::hasGenderDistinction( $ns ),
'isCapitalized' => MWNamespace::isCapitalized( $ns ),
'isContent' => MWNamespace::isContent( $ns ),
'isIncludable' => !MWNamespace::isNonincludable( $ns ),
'isMovable' => MWNamespace::isMovable( $ns ),
'isSubject' => MWNamespace::isSubject( $ns ),
'isTalk' => MWNamespace::isTalk( $ns ),
'defaultContentModel' => MWNamespace::getNamespaceContentModel( $ns ),
'aliases' => array(),
if ( $ns >= NS_MAIN ) {
$namespaces[$ns]['subject'] = MWNamespace::getSubject( $ns );
$namespaces[$ns]['talk'] = MWNamespace::getTalk( $ns );
$namespaces[$ns]['associated'] = MWNamespace::getAssociated( $ns );
} else {
$namespaces[$ns]['subject'] = $ns;
$namespacesByName[strtr( $title, ' ', '_' )] = $ns;
if ( $canonical ) {
$namespacesByName[$canonical] = $ns;
$aliases = array_merge( $wgNamespaceAliases, $wgContLang->getNamespaceAliases() );
foreach ( $aliases as $title => $ns ) {
if ( !isset( $namespacesByName[$title] ) && isset( $namespaces[$ns] ) ) {
$ct = count( $namespaces[$ns]['aliases'] );
$namespaces[$ns]['aliases'][$ct+1] = $title;
$namespacesByName[$title] = $ns;
$namespaces[NS_MAIN]['displayName'] = wfMessage( 'blanknamespace' )->text();
self::$namespacesCache = $namespaces;
$info['namespaces'] = self::$namespacesCache;
$info['stats'] = array(
'pages' => (int)SiteStats::pages(),
'articles' => (int)SiteStats::articles(),
'files' => (int)SiteStats::images(),
'edits' => (int)SiteStats::edits(),
'views' => $wgDisableCounters ? null : (int)SiteStats::views(),
'users' => (int)SiteStats::users(),
'activeUsers' => (int)SiteStats::activeUsers(),
'admins' => (int)SiteStats::numberingroup( 'sysop' ),
$this->getEngine()->registerInterface( '', $lib, $info );
public function pagesInCategory( $category = null, $which = null ) {
$this->checkType( 'pagesInCategory', 1, $category, 'string' );
$this->checkTypeOptional( 'pagesInCategory', 2, $which, 'string', 'all' );
$title = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_CATEGORY, $category );
if ( !$title ) {
return array( 0 );
$cacheKey = $title->getDBkey();
if ( !isset( $this->pagesInCategoryCache[$cacheKey] ) ) {
$category = Category::newFromTitle( $title );
$counts = array(
'all' => (int)$category->getPageCount(),
'subcats' => (int)$category->getSubcatCount(),
'files' => (int)$category->getFileCount(),
$counts['pages'] = $counts['all'] - $counts['subcats'] - $counts['files'];
$this->pagesInCategoryCache[$cacheKey] = $counts;
if ( $which === '*' ) {
return array( $this->pagesInCategoryCache[$cacheKey] );
if ( !isset( $this->pagesInCategoryCache[$cacheKey][$which] ) ) {
$this->checkType( 'pagesInCategory', 2, $which, "one of '*', 'all', 'pages', 'subcats', or 'files'" );
return array( $this->pagesInCategoryCache[$cacheKey][$which] );
public function pagesInNamespace( $ns = null ) {
$this->checkType( 'pagesInNamespace', 1, $ns, 'number' );
return array( (int)SiteStats::pagesInNs( intval( $ns ) ) );
public function usersInGroup( $group = null ) {
$this->checkType( 'usersInGroup', 1, $group, 'string' );
return array( (int)SiteStats::numberingroup( strtolower( $group ) ) );
public function getNsIndex( $name = null ) {
global $wgContLang;
$this->checkType( 'getNsIndex', 1, $name, 'string' );
// PHP call is case-insensitive but chokes on non-standard spaces/underscores.
$name = trim( preg_replace( '/[\s_]+/', '_', $name ), '_' );
return array( $wgContLang->getNsIndex( $name ) );