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synced 2024-12-01 19:36:15 +00:00
This is a reimplementation of Lua's string library with support for UTF-8. The entire ustring library is implemented in pure Lua. PHP callbacks are also available for overrides: in LuaSandbox these are used for almost all functions, while in LuaStandalone they are used only for the pattern matching. Also, ustring.upper and ustring.lower are overridden using mw.language's .uc and .lc if available. It also includes a bunch of unit tests. Note that if you download the normalization tests, they may fail under LuaSandbox if you have PHP's intl extension installed and libicu on your system is too old. Change-Id: Ie76fdf8d3a85d0a3d2a41b0d3b7afe433f247af0
608 lines
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608 lines
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class Scribunto_LuaUstringLibrary extends Scribunto_LuaLibraryBase {
* Limit on pattern lengths, in bytes not characters
* @var integer
private $patternLengthLimit = 10000;
* Limit on string lengths, in bytes not characters
* If null, $wgMaxArticleSize * 1024 will be used
* @var integer|null
private $stringLengthLimit = null;
* PHP 5.3's mb_check_encoding does not reject characters above U+10FFFF.
* When using that version, we'll need to check that manually.
* @var boolean
private $manualCheckForU110000AndUp = false;
function __construct( $engine ) {
if ( $this->stringLengthLimit === null ) {
global $wgMaxArticleSize;
$this->stringLengthLimit = $wgMaxArticleSize * 1024;
$this->manualCheckForU110000AndUp = mb_check_encoding( "\xf4\x90\x80\x80", "UTF-8" );
parent::__construct( $engine );
function register() {
$perf = $this->getEngine()->getPerformanceCharacteristics();
if ( $perf['phpCallsRequireSerialization'] ) {
$lib = array(
// Pattern matching is still much faster in PHP, even with the
// overhead of serialization
'find' => array( $this, 'ustringFind' ),
'match' => array( $this, 'ustringMatch' ),
'gmatch_init' => array( $this, 'ustringGmatchInit' ),
'gmatch_callback' => array( $this, 'ustringGmatchCallback' ),
'gsub' => array( $this, 'ustringGsub' ),
} else {
$lib = array(
'isutf8' => array( $this, 'ustringIsUtf8' ),
'byteoffset' => array( $this, 'ustringByteoffset' ),
'codepoint' => array( $this, 'ustringCodepoint' ),
'toNFC' => array( $this, 'ustringToNFC' ),
'toNFD' => array( $this, 'ustringToNFD' ),
'char' => array( $this, 'ustringChar' ),
'len' => array( $this, 'ustringLen' ),
'sub' => array( $this, 'ustringSub' ),
'upper' => array( $this, 'ustringUpper' ),
'lower' => array( $this, 'ustringLower' ),
'find' => array( $this, 'ustringFind' ),
'match' => array( $this, 'ustringMatch' ),
'gmatch_init' => array( $this, 'ustringGmatchInit' ),
'gmatch_callback' => array( $this, 'ustringGmatchCallback' ),
'gsub' => array( $this, 'ustringGsub' ),
$this->getEngine()->registerInterface( 'mw.ustring.lua', $lib, array(
'stringLengthLimit' => $this->stringLengthLimit,
'patternLengthLimit' => $this->patternLengthLimit,
) );
// Once we no longer support PHP < 5.4, calls to this method may be replaced with
// mb_check_encoding( $s, 'UTF-8' )
private function checkEncoding( $s ) {
$ok = mb_check_encoding( $s, 'UTF-8' );
if ( $ok && $this->manualCheckForU110000AndUp ) {
$ok = !preg_match( '/\xf4[\x90-\xbf]|[\xf5-\xff]/', $s );
return $ok;
private function checkString( $name, $s, $checkEncoding = true ) {
$this->checkType( $name, 1, $s, 'string' );
if ( $checkEncoding && !$this->checkEncoding( $s ) ) {
throw new Scribunto_LuaError( "bad argument #1 to '$name' (string is not UTF-8)" );
if ( strlen( $s ) > $this->stringLengthLimit ) {
throw new Scribunto_LuaError(
"bad argument #1 to '$name' (string is longer than $this->stringLengthLimit bytes)"
public function ustringIsUtf8( $s ) {
$this->checkString( 'isutf8', $s, false );
return array( $this->checkEncoding( $s ) );
public function ustringByteoffset( $s, $l = 1, $i = 1 ) {
$this->checkString( 'byteoffset', $s );
$this->checkTypeOptional( 'byteoffset', 2, $l, 'number', 1 );
$this->checkTypeOptional( 'byteoffset', 3, $i, 'number', 1 );
$bytelen = strlen( $s );
if ( $i < 0 ) {
$i = $bytelen + $i - 1;
if ( $i < 1 || $i > $bytelen ) {
return array( null );
$j = $i;
while ( ( ord( $s[$i] ) & 0xc0 ) === 0x80 ) {
if ( $l > 0 && $j === $i ) {
$char = mb_strlen( substr( $s, 0, $i ), 'UTF-8' ) + $l;
if ( $char < 0 || $char >= mb_strlen( $s, 'UTF-8' ) ) {
return array( null );
} else {
return array( strlen( mb_substr( $s, 0, $char, 'UTF-8' ) ) + 1 );
public function ustringCodepoint( $s, $i = 1, $j = null ) {
$this->checkString( 'codepoint', $s );
$this->checkTypeOptional( 'codepoint', 2, $i, 'number', 1 );
$this->checkTypeOptional( 'codepoint', 3, $j, 'number', $i );
$l = mb_strlen( $s, 'UTF-8' );
if ( $i < 0 ) {
$i = $l + $i + 1;
if ( $j < 0 ) {
$j = $l + $j + 1;
$i = max( 1, min( $i, $l ) );
$j = max( 1, min( $j, $l ) );
$s = mb_substr( $s, $i - 1, $j - $i + 1, 'UTF-8' );
return unpack( 'N*', mb_convert_encoding( $s, 'UTF-32BE', 'UTF-8' ) );
public function ustringToNFC( $s ) {
$this->checkString( 'toNFC', $s, false );
if ( !$this->checkEncoding( $s ) ) {
return array( null );
return array( UtfNormal::toNFC( $s ) );
public function ustringToNFD( $s ) {
$this->checkString( 'toNFD', $s, false );
if ( !$this->checkEncoding( $s ) ) {
return array( null );
return array( UtfNormal::toNFD( $s ) );
public function ustringChar() {
$args = func_get_args();
if ( count( $args ) > $this->stringLengthLimit ) {
throw new Scribunto_LuaError( "too many arguments to '$name'" );
foreach ( $args as $k=>&$v ) {
if ( !is_numeric( $v ) ) {
$this->checkType( 'char', $k+1, $v, 'number' );
$v = (int)floor( $v );
if ( $v < 0 || $v > 0x10ffff ) {
throw new Scribunto_LuaError( "bad argument #$k to 'char' (value out of range)" );
array_unshift( $args, 'N*' );
$s = call_user_func_array( 'pack', $args );
$s = mb_convert_encoding( $s, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-32BE' );
if ( strlen( $s ) > $this->stringLengthLimit ) {
throw new Scribunto_LuaError( "result to long for '$name'" );
return array( $s );
public function ustringLen( $s ) {
$this->checkString( 'len', $s, false );
if ( !$this->checkEncoding( $s ) ) {
return array( null );
return array( mb_strlen( $s, 'UTF-8' ) );
public function ustringSub( $s, $i=1, $j=-1 ) {
$this->checkString( 'sub', $s );
$this->checkTypeOptional( 'sub', 2, $i, 'number', 1 );
$this->checkTypeOptional( 'sub', 3, $j, 'number', -1 );
$len = mb_strlen( $s, 'UTF-8' );
if ( $i < 0 ) {
$i = $len + $i + 1;
if ( $j < 0 ) {
$j = $len + $j + 1;
$i = max( 1, min( $i, $len + 1 ) );
$j = max( 1, min( $j, $len + 1 ) );
$s = mb_substr( $s, $i - 1, $j - $i + 1, 'UTF-8' );
return array( $s );
public function ustringUpper( $s ) {
$this->checkString( 'upper', $s );
return array( mb_strtoupper( $s, 'UTF-8' ) );
public function ustringLower( $s ) {
$this->checkString( 'lower', $s );
return array( mb_strtolower( $s, 'UTF-8' ) );
private function checkPattern( $name, $pattern ) {
$this->checkType( $name, 2, $pattern, 'string' );
if ( !$this->checkEncoding( $pattern ) ) {
throw new Scribunto_LuaError( "bad argument #2 to '$name' (string is not UTF-8)" );
if ( strlen( $pattern ) > $this->patternLengthLimit ) {
throw new Scribunto_LuaError(
"bad argument #2 to '$name' (pattern is longer than $this->patternLengthLimit bytes)"
/* Convert a Lua pattern into a PCRE regex */
private function patternToRegex( $pattern ) {
$pat = preg_split( '//us', $pattern, null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );
static $charsets = null, $brcharsets = null;
if ( $charsets === null ) {
$charsets = array(
// If you change these, also change lualib/ustring/make-tables.php
// (and run it to regenerate charsets.lua)
'a' => '\p{L}',
'c' => '\p{Cc}',
'd' => '\p{Nd}',
'l' => '\p{Ll}',
'p' => '\p{P}',
's' => '\p{Xps}',
'u' => '\p{Lu}',
'w' => '[\p{L}\p{Nd}]',
'x' => '[0-9A-Fa-f0-9A-Fa-f]',
'z' => '\0',
// These *must* be the inverse of the above
'A' => '\P{L}',
'C' => '\P{Cc}',
'D' => '\P{Nd}',
'L' => '\P{Ll}',
'P' => '\P{P}',
'S' => '\P{Xps}',
'U' => '\P{Lu}',
'W' => '[\P{L}\P{Nd}]',
'X' => '[^0-9A-Fa-f0-9A-Fa-f]',
'Z' => '[^\0]',
$brcharsets = array(
'w' => '\p{L}\p{Nd}',
'x' => '0-9A-Fa-f0-9A-Fa-f',
// Negated sets that are not expressable as a simple \P{} are
// unfortunately complicated.
// Xan is L plus N, so ^Xan plus Nl plus No is anything that's not L or Nd
'W' => '\P{Xan}\p{Nl}\p{No}',
// Manually constructed. Fun.
'X' => '\x00-\x2f\x3a-\x40\x47-\x60\x67-\x{ff0f}'
. '\x{ff1a}-\x{ff20}\x{ff27}-\x{ff40}\x{ff47}-\x{10ffff}',
// Ha!
'Z' => '\x01-\x{10ffff}',
) + $charsets;
$re = '/';
$len = count( $pat );
$capt = array();
$anypos = false;
$captparen = array();
$opencapt = array();
$bct = 0;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ) {
$ii = $i + 1;
$q = false;
switch ( $pat[$i] ) {
case '^':
$q = $i;
$re .= $q ? '\\^' : '^';
case '$':
$q = ( $i < $len - 1 );
$re .= $q ? '\\$' : '$';
case '(':
if ( $i + 1 >= $len ) {
throw new Scribunto_LuaError( "Unmatched open-paren at pattern character $ii" );
$n = count( $capt ) + 1;
$capt[$n] = ( $pat[$i + 1] === ')' );
if ( $capt[$n] ) {
$anypos = true;
$re .= "(?<m$n>";
$opencapt[] = $n;
$captparen[$n] = $ii;
case ')':
if ( count( $opencapt ) <= 0 ) {
throw new Scribunto_LuaError( "Unmatched close-paren at pattern character $ii" );
array_pop( $opencapt );
$re .= $pat[$i];
case '%':
if ( $i >= $len ) {
throw new Scribunto_LuaError( "malformed pattern (ends with '%')" );
if ( isset( $charsets[$pat[$i]] ) ) {
$re .= $charsets[$pat[$i]];
$q = true;
} elseif ( $pat[$i] === 'b' ) {
if ( $i + 2 >= $len ) {
throw new Scribunto_LuaError( "malformed pattern (missing arguments to \'%b\')" );
$d1 = preg_quote( $pat[++$i], '/' );
$d2 = preg_quote( $pat[++$i], '/' );
if ( $d1 === $d2 ) {
$re .= "{$d1}[^$d1]*$d1";
} else {
$re .= "(?<b$bct>$d1(?:(?>[^$d1$d2]+)|(?P>b$bct))*$d2)";
} elseif ( $pat[$i] >= '0' && $pat[$i] <= '9' ) {
$n = ord( $pat[$i] ) - 0x30;
if ( $n === 0 || $n > count( $capt ) || in_array( $n, $opencapt ) ) {
throw new Scribunto_LuaError( "invalid capture index %$n at pattern character $ii" );
$re .= "\\g{m$n}";
} else {
$re .= preg_quote( $pat[$i], '/' );
$q = true;
case '[':
$re .= '[';
if ( $i < $len && $pat[$i] === '^' ) {
$re .= '^';
for ( ; $i < $len && $pat[$i] !== ']'; $i++ ) {
if ( $pat[$i] === '%' ) {
if ( $i >= $len ) {
if ( isset( $brcharsets[$pat[$i]] ) ) {
$re .= $brcharsets[$pat[$i]];
} else {
$re .= preg_quote( $pat[$i], '/' );
} elseif( $i + 2 < $len && $pat[$i + 1] === '-' && $pat[$i + 2] !== ']' ) {
$re .= preg_quote( $pat[$i], '/' ) . '-' . preg_quote( $pat[$i+2], '/' );
$i += 2;
} else {
$re .= preg_quote( $pat[$i], '/' );
if ( $i >= $len ) {
throw new Scribunto_LuaError( "Missing close-bracket for character set beginning at pattern character $ii" );
$re .= ']';
$q = true;
case ']':
throw new Scribunto_LuaError( "Unmatched close-bracket at pattern character $ii" );
case '.':
$re .= $pat[$i];
$q = true;
$re .= preg_quote( $pat[$i], '/' );
$q = true;
if ( $q && $i + 1 < $len ) {
switch ( $pat[$i + 1] ) {
case '*':
case '+':
case '?':
$re .= $pat[++$i];
case '-':
$re .= '*?';
if ( count( $opencapt ) ) {
$ii = $captparen[$opencapt[0]];
throw new Scribunto_LuaError( "Unclosed capture beginning at pattern character $ii" );
$re .= '/us';
return array( $re, $capt, $anypos );
private function addCapturesFromMatch( $arr, $s, $m, $capt, $offset, $m0_if_no_captures ) {
if ( count( $capt ) ) {
foreach ( $capt as $n => $pos ) {
if ( $pos ) {
$o = mb_strlen( substr( $s, 0, $m["m$n"][1] ), 'UTF-8' ) + $offset;
$arr[] = $o;
} else {
$arr[] = $m["m$n"][0];
} elseif ( $m0_if_no_captures ) {
$arr[] = $m[0][0];
return $arr;
public function ustringFind( $s, $pattern, $init = 1, $plain = false ) {
$this->checkString( 'find', $s );
$this->checkPattern( 'find', $pattern );
$this->checkTypeOptional( 'find', 3, $init, 'number', 1 );
$this->checkTypeOptional( 'find', 4, $plain, 'boolean', false );
$len = mb_strlen( $s, 'UTF-8' );
if ( $init < 0 ) {
$init = $len + $init + 1;
if ( $init > 1 ) {
$s = mb_substr( $s, $init - 1, $len - $init + 1, 'UTF-8' );
} else {
$init = 1;
if ( $plain ) {
$ret = mb_strpos( $s, $pattern, 0, 'UTF-8' );
return array( ( $ret === false ) ? null : $ret + $init );
list( $re, $capt ) = $this->patternToRegex( $pattern );
if ( !preg_match( $re, $s, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE ) ) {
return array( null );
$o = mb_strlen( substr( $s, 0, $m[0][1] ), 'UTF-8' ) + $init;
$ret = array( $o, $o + mb_strlen( $m[0][0], 'UTF-8' ) - 1 );
return $this->addCapturesFromMatch( $ret, $s, $m, $capt, $init, false );
public function ustringMatch( $s, $pattern, $init = 1 ) {
$this->checkString( 'match', $s );
$this->checkPattern( 'match', $pattern );
$this->checkTypeOptional( 'match', 3, $init, 'number', 1 );
$len = mb_strlen( $s, 'UTF-8' );
if ( $init < 0 ) {
$init = $len + $init + 1;
if ( $init > 1 ) {
$s = mb_substr( $s, $init - 1, $len - $init + 1, 'UTF-8' );
} else {
$init = 1;
list( $re, $capt ) = $this->patternToRegex( $pattern );
if ( !preg_match( $re, $s, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE ) ) {
return array( null );
return $this->addCapturesFromMatch( array(), $s, $m, $capt, $init, true );
public function ustringGmatchInit( $s, $pattern ) {
$this->checkString( 'gmatch', $s );
$this->checkPattern( 'gmatch', $pattern );
list( $re, $capt ) = $this->patternToRegex( $pattern );
return array( $re, $capt );
public function ustringGmatchCallback( $s, $re, $capt, $pos ) {
if ( !preg_match( $re, $s, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $pos ) ) {
return array( $pos, array() );
$pos = $m[0][1] + strlen( $m[0][0] );
return array( $pos, $this->addCapturesFromMatch( array( null ), $s, $m, $capt, 1, true ) );
public function ustringGsub( $s, $pattern, $repl, $n = null ) {
$this->checkString( 'gsub', $s );
$this->checkPattern( 'gsub', $pattern );
$this->checkTypeOptional( 'gsub', 4, $n, 'number', null );
if ( $n === null ) {
$n = -1;
} elseif ( $n < 0 ) {
$n = 0;
list( $re, $capt, $anypos ) = $this->patternToRegex( $pattern );
$captures = array();
if ( $anypos ) {
// preg_replace_callback doesn't take a "flags" argument, so we
// can't pass PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE to it, which is needed to handle
// position captures. So instead we have to do a preg_match_all and
// handle the captures ourself.
$ct = preg_match_all( $re, $s, $mm, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER );
if ( $n >= 0 ) {
$ct = min( $ct, $n );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $ct; $i++ ) {
$m = $mm[$i];
$c = array( $m[0][0] );
foreach ( $this->addCapturesFromMatch( array(), $s, $m, $capt, 1, false ) as $k => $v ) {
$c["m$k"] = $v;
$captures[] = $c;
switch ( $this->getLuaType( $repl ) ) {
case 'string':
$cb = function ( $m ) use ( $repl, $anypos, &$captures ) {
if ( $anypos ) {
$m = array_shift( $captures );
return preg_replace_callback( '/%([%0-9])/', function ( $m2 ) use ( $m ) {
$x = $m2[1];
if ( $x === '%' ) {
return '%';
} elseif ( $x === '0' ) {
return $m[0];
} elseif ( isset( $m["m$x"] ) ) {
return $m["m$x"];
} else {
throw new Scribunto_LuaError( "invalid capture index %$x in replacement string" );
}, $repl );
case 'table':
$cb = function ( $m ) use ( $repl, $anypos, &$captures ) {
if ( $anypos ) {
$m = array_shift( $captures );
$x = isset( $m['m1'] ) ? $m['m1'] : $m[0];
return isset( $repl[$x] ) ? $repl[$x] : $m[0];
case 'function':
$interpreter = $this->getInterpreter();
$cb = function ( $m ) use ( $interpreter, $capt, $repl, $anypos, &$captures ) {
if ( $anypos ) {
$m = array_shift( $captures );
$args = array( $repl );
if ( count( $capt ) ) {
foreach ( $capt as $i => $pos ) {
$args[] = $m["m$i"];
} else {
$args[] = $m[0];
$ret = call_user_func_array( array( $interpreter, 'callFunction' ), $args );
if ( count( $ret ) === 0 || $ret[0] === null ) {
return $m[0];
return $ret[0];
$this->checkType( 'gsub', 3, $repl, 'function or table or string' );
$count = 0;
$s2 = preg_replace_callback( $re, $cb, $s, $n, $count );
return array( $s2, $count );