Jackmcbarn bd5e46b941 Check content model instead of title
Make Scribunto compatible with storing content model in the database, by
checking for it directly instead of guessing it based on the title.

Change-Id: I94ae07bc47273fbf65d64b2909e5895c1c3fd7e9
2015-07-19 22:16:21 -04:00

390 lines
11 KiB

class Scribunto_LuaSandboxEngine extends Scribunto_LuaEngine {
public $options, $loaded = false;
protected $lineCache = array();
public function getPerformanceCharacteristics() {
return array(
'phpCallsRequireSerialization' => false,
public function getSoftwareInfo( array &$software ) {
if ( is_callable( 'LuaSandbox::getVersionInfo' ) ) {
$versions = LuaSandbox::getVersionInfo();
} else {
$sandbox = new LuaSandbox;
list( $luaver ) = $sandbox->loadString( 'return _VERSION' )->call();
$versions = array(
'LuaSandbox' => phpversion( "LuaSandbox" ),
'Lua' => $luaver,
$software['[ LuaSandbox]'] = $versions['LuaSandbox'];
$software['[ Lua]'] = str_replace( 'Lua ', '', $versions['Lua'] );
if ( isset( $versions['LuaJIT'] ) ) {
$software['[ LuaJIT]'] = str_replace( 'LuaJIT ', '', $versions['LuaJIT'] );
private function getLimitReportData() {
$ret = array();
$t = $this->interpreter->getCPUUsage();
$ret['scribunto-limitreport-timeusage'] = array(
sprintf( "%.3f", $t ),
sprintf( "%.3f", $this->options['cpuLimit'] )
$ret['scribunto-limitreport-memusage'] = array(
$logs = $this->getLogBuffer();
if ( $logs !== '' ) {
$ret['scribunto-limitreport-logs'] = $logs;
if ( $t < 1.0 ) {
return $ret;
$percentProfile = $this->interpreter->getProfilerFunctionReport(
if ( !count( $percentProfile ) ) {
return $ret;
$timeProfile = $this->interpreter->getProfilerFunctionReport(
$lines = array();
$cumulativePercent = 0;
$num = $otherTime = $otherPercent = 0;
foreach ( $percentProfile as $name => $percent ) {
$time = $timeProfile[$name] * 1000;
if ( $cumulativePercent <= 99 && $num <= 10 ) {
// Map some regularly appearing internal names
if ( preg_match( '/^<mw.lua:(\d+)>$/', $name, $m ) ) {
$line = $this->getMwLuaLine( $m[1] );
if ( preg_match( '/^\s*(local\s+)?function ([a-zA-Z0-9_.]*)/', $line, $m ) ) {
$name = $m[2] . ' ' . $name;
$lines[] = array( $name, sprintf( '%.0f', $time ), sprintf( '%.1f', $percent ) );
} else {
$otherTime += $time;
$otherPercent += $percent;
$cumulativePercent += $percent;
if ( $otherTime ) {
$lines[] = array( '[others]', sprintf( '%.0f', $otherTime ), sprintf( '%.1f', $otherPercent ) );
$ret['scribunto-limitreport-profile'] = $lines;
return $ret;
public function getLimitReport() {
$data = $this->getLimitReportData();
$lang = Language::factory( 'en' );
$t = $this->interpreter->getCPUUsage();
$s = 'Lua time usage: ' . sprintf( "%.3f", $data['scribunto-limitreport-timeusage'] ) . "s\n" .
'Lua memory usage: ' . $lang->formatSize( $data['scribunto-limitreport-memusage'] ) . "\n";
if ( isset( $data['scribunto-limitreport-profile'] ) ) {
$s .= "Lua Profile:\n";
$format = " %-59s %8.0f ms %8.1f%%\n";
foreach ( $data['scribunto-limitreport-profile'] as $line ) {
$s .= sprintf( $format, $line[0], $line[1], $line[2] );
return $s;
public function reportLimitData( ParserOutput $output ) {
$data = $this->getLimitReportData();
foreach ( $data as $k => $v ) {
$output->setLimitReportData( $k, $v );
if ( isset( $data['scribunto-limitreport-logs'] ) ) {
$output->addModules( 'ext.scribunto.logs' );
public function formatLimitData( $key, &$value, &$report, $isHTML, $localize ) {
global $wgLang;
$lang = $localize ? $wgLang : Language::factory( 'en' );
switch ( $key ) {
case 'scribunto-limitreport-logs':
if ( $isHTML ) {
$report .= $this->formatHtmlLogs( $value, $localize );
return false;
case 'scribunto-limitreport-memusage':
$value = array_map( array( $lang, 'formatSize' ), $value );
if ( $key !== 'scribunto-limitreport-profile' ) {
return true;
$keyMsg = wfMessage( 'scribunto-limitreport-profile' );
$msMsg = wfMessage( 'scribunto-limitreport-profile-ms' );
$percentMsg = wfMessage( 'scribunto-limitreport-profile-percent' );
if ( !$localize ) {
$keyMsg->inLanguage( 'en' )->useDatabase( false );
$msMsg->inLanguage( 'en' )->useDatabase( false );
$percentMsg->inLanguage( 'en' )->useDatabase( false );
// To avoid having to do actual work in Message::fetchMessage for each
// line in the loops below, call ->exists() here to populate ->message.
if ( $isHTML ) {
$report .= Html::openElement( 'tr' ) .
Html::rawElement( 'th', array( 'colspan' => 2 ), $keyMsg->parse() ) .
Html::closeElement( 'tr' ) .
Html::openElement( 'tr' ) .
Html::openElement( 'td', array( 'colspan' => 2 ) ) .
Html::openElement( 'table' );
foreach ( $value as $line ) {
$name = $line[0];
$location = '';
if ( preg_match( '/^(.*?) *<([^<>]+):(\d+)>$/', $name, $m ) ) {
$name = $m[1];
$title = Title::newFromText( $m[2] );
if ( $title && $title->hasContentModel( CONTENT_MODEL_SCRIBUNTO ) ) {
$location = '&lt;' . Linker::link( $title ) . ":{$m[3]}&gt;";
} else {
$location = htmlspecialchars( "<{$m[2]}:{$m[3]}>" );
$ms = clone $msMsg;
$ms->params( $line[1] );
$pct = clone $percentMsg;
$pct->params( $line[2] );
$report .= Html::openElement( 'tr' ) .
Html::element( 'td', null, $name ) .
Html::rawElement( 'td', null, $location ) .
Html::rawElement( 'td', array( 'align' => 'right' ), $ms->parse() ) .
Html::rawElement( 'td', array( 'align' => 'right' ), $pct->parse() ) .
Html::closeElement( 'tr' );
$report .= Html::closeElement( 'table' ) .
Html::closeElement( 'td' ) .
Html::closeElement( 'tr' );
} else {
$report .= $keyMsg->text() . ":\n";
foreach ( $value as $line ) {
$ms = clone $msMsg;
$ms->params( $line[1] );
$pct = clone $percentMsg;
$pct->params( $line[2] );
$report .= sprintf( " %-59s %11s %11s\n", $line[0], $ms->text(), $pct->text() );
return false;
protected function getMwLuaLine( $lineNum ) {
if ( !isset( $this->lineCache['mw.lua'] ) ) {
$this->lineCache['mw.lua'] = file( $this->getLuaLibDir() . '/mw.lua' );
return $this->lineCache['mw.lua'][$lineNum - 1];
function newInterpreter() {
return new Scribunto_LuaSandboxInterpreter( $this, $this->options );
class Scribunto_LuaSandboxInterpreter extends Scribunto_LuaInterpreter {
* @var Scribunto_LuaEngine
public $engine;
* @var LuaSandbox
public $sandbox;
* @var bool
public $profilerEnabled;
const SAMPLES = 0;
const SECONDS = 1;
const PERCENT = 2;
function __construct( $engine, array $options ) {
if ( !extension_loaded( 'luasandbox' ) ) {
throw new Scribunto_LuaInterpreterNotFoundError(
'The luasandbox extension is not present, this engine cannot be used.' );
$this->engine = $engine;
$this->sandbox = new LuaSandbox;
$this->sandbox->setMemoryLimit( $options['memoryLimit'] );
$this->sandbox->setCPULimit( $options['cpuLimit'] );
if ( is_callable( array( $this->sandbox, 'enableProfiler' ) ) )
if ( !isset( $options['profilerPeriod'] ) ) {
$options['profilerPeriod'] = 0.02;
if ( $options['profilerPeriod'] ) {
$this->profilerEnabled = true;
$this->sandbox->enableProfiler( $options['profilerPeriod'] );
protected function convertSandboxError( LuaSandboxError $e ) {
$opts = array();
if ( isset( $e->luaTrace ) ) {
$opts['trace'] = $e->luaTrace;
$message = $e->getMessage();
if ( preg_match( '/^(.*?):(\d+): (.*)$/', $message, $m ) ) {
$opts['module'] = $m[1];
$opts['line'] = $m[2];
$message = $m[3];
return $this->engine->newLuaError( $message, $opts );
* @param string $text
* @param string $chunkName
* @throws Scribunto_LuaError
public function loadString( $text, $chunkName ) {
try {
return $this->sandbox->loadString( $text, $chunkName );
} catch ( LuaSandboxError $e ) {
throw $this->convertSandboxError( $e );
public function registerLibrary( $name, array $functions ) {
$realLibrary = array();
foreach ( $functions as $funcName => $callback ) {
$realLibrary[$funcName] = array(
new Scribunto_LuaSandboxCallback( $callback ),
$funcName );
$this->sandbox->registerLibrary( $name, $realLibrary );
# TODO: replace this with
# $name, array( $this, 'callback' ), $functions );
public function callFunction( $func /*, ... */ ) {
$args = func_get_args();
$func = array_shift( $args );
try {
$ret = call_user_func_array( array( $func, 'call' ), $args );
if ( $ret === false ) {
// Per the documentation on LuaSandboxFunction::call, a return value
// of false means that something went wrong and it's PHP's fault,
// so throw a "real" exception.
throw new MWException(
__METHOD__ . ': LuaSandboxFunction::call returned false' );
return $ret;
} catch ( LuaSandboxTimeoutError $e ) {
throw $this->engine->newException( 'scribunto-common-timeout' );
} catch ( LuaSandboxError $e ) {
throw $this->convertSandboxError( $e );
public function wrapPhpFunction( $callable ) {
if ( is_callable( array( $this->sandbox, 'wrapPhpFunction' ) ) ) {
return $this->sandbox->wrapPhpFunction( $callable );
// We have to hack around the lack of the wrapper function by loading a
// dummy library with $callable, then extracting the function, and then
// for good measure nilling out the library table.
list( $name ) = $this->sandbox->loadString( '
for i = 0, math.huge do
if not _G["*LuaSandbox* temp" .. i] then return "*LuaSandbox* temp" .. i end
' )->call();
$this->sandbox->registerLibrary( $name, array( 'func' => $callable ) );
list( $func ) = $this->sandbox->loadString(
"local ret = _G['$name'].func _G['$name'] = nil return ret"
return $func;
public function isLuaFunction( $object ) {
return $object instanceof LuaSandboxFunction;
public function getPeakMemoryUsage() {
return $this->sandbox->getPeakMemoryUsage();
public function getCPUUsage() {
return $this->sandbox->getCPUUsage();
public function getProfilerFunctionReport( $units ) {
if ( $this->profilerEnabled ) {
static $unitsMap;
if ( !$unitsMap ) {
$unitsMap = array(
self::SAMPLES => LuaSandbox::SAMPLES,
self::SECONDS => LuaSandbox::SECONDS,
self::PERCENT => LuaSandbox::PERCENT );
return $this->sandbox->getProfilerFunctionReport( $unitsMap[$units] );
} else {
return array();
public function pauseUsageTimer() {
if ( is_callable( array( $this->sandbox, 'pauseUsageTimer' ) ) ) {
public function unpauseUsageTimer() {
if ( is_callable( array( $this->sandbox, 'unpauseUsageTimer' ) ) ) {
class Scribunto_LuaSandboxCallback {
function __construct( $callback ) {
$this->callback = $callback;
* We use __call with a variable function name so that LuaSandbox will be
* able to return a meaningful function name in profiling data.
function __call( $funcName, $args ) {
try {
return call_user_func_array( $this->callback, $args );
} catch ( Scribunto_LuaError $e ) {
throw new LuaSandboxRuntimeError( $e->getLuaMessage() );