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synced 2024-12-02 11:56:13 +00:00
This is a reimplementation of Lua's string library with support for UTF-8. The entire ustring library is implemented in pure Lua. PHP callbacks are also available for overrides: in LuaSandbox these are used for almost all functions, while in LuaStandalone they are used only for the pattern matching. Also, ustring.upper and ustring.lower are overridden using mw.language's .uc and .lc if available. It also includes a bunch of unit tests. Note that if you download the normalization tests, they may fail under LuaSandbox if you have PHP's intl extension installed and libicu on your system is too old. Change-Id: Ie76fdf8d3a85d0a3d2a41b0d3b7afe433f247af0
424 lines
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424 lines
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local testframework = require 'Module:TestFramework'
local str1 = "\0\127\194\128\223\191\224\160\128\239\191\191\240\144\128\128\244\143\191\191"
local str2 = "foo bar főó foó baz foooo foofoo fo"
local str3 = "??? foo bar főó foó baz foooo foofoo fo ok?"
return testframework.getTestProvider( {
{ name = 'isutf8: valid string', func = mw.ustring.isutf8,
args = { "\0 \127 \194\128 \223\191 \224\160\128 \239\191\191 \240\144\128\128 \244\143\191\191" },
expect = { true }
{ name = 'isutf8: out of range character', func = mw.ustring.isutf8,
args = { "\244\144\128\128" },
expect = { false }
{ name = 'isutf8: insufficient continuation bytes', func = mw.ustring.isutf8,
args = { "\240\128\128" },
expect = { false }
{ name = 'isutf8: excess continuation bytes', func = mw.ustring.isutf8,
args = { "\194\128\128" },
expect = { false }
{ name = 'isutf8: bare continuation byte', func = mw.ustring.isutf8,
args = { "\128" },
expect = { false }
{ name = 'isutf8: overlong encoding', func = mw.ustring.isutf8,
args = { "\192\128" },
expect = { false }
{ name = 'isutf8: overlong encoding (2)', func = mw.ustring.isutf8,
args = { "\193\191" },
expect = { false }
{ name = 'byteoffset: (1)', func = mw.ustring.byteoffset,
args = { "fóo", 1 },
expect = { 1 }
{ name = 'byteoffset: (2)', func = mw.ustring.byteoffset,
args = { "fóo", 2 },
expect = { 2 }
{ name = 'byteoffset: (3)', func = mw.ustring.byteoffset,
args = { "fóo", 3 },
expect = { 4 }
{ name = 'byteoffset: (4)', func = mw.ustring.byteoffset,
args = { "fóo", 4 },
expect = { nil }
{ name = 'byteoffset: (0,1)', func = mw.ustring.byteoffset,
args = { "fóo", 0, 1 },
expect = { 1 }
{ name = 'byteoffset: (0,2)', func = mw.ustring.byteoffset,
args = { "fóo", 0, 2 },
expect = { 2 }
{ name = 'byteoffset: (0,3)', func = mw.ustring.byteoffset,
args = { "fóo", 0, 3 },
expect = { 2 }
{ name = 'byteoffset: (0,4)', func = mw.ustring.byteoffset,
args = { "fóo", 0, 4 },
expect = { 4 }
{ name = 'byteoffset: (0,5)', func = mw.ustring.byteoffset,
args = { "fóo", 0, 5 },
expect = { nil }
{ name = 'codepoint: whole string', func = mw.ustring.codepoint,
args = { str1, 1, -1 },
expect = { 0, 0x7f, 0x80, 0x7ff, 0x800, 0xffff, 0x10000, 0x10ffff }
{ name = 'codepoint: substring', func = mw.ustring.codepoint,
args = { str1, 5, -2 },
expect = { 0x800, 0xffff, 0x10000 }
{ name = 'char: basic test', func = mw.ustring.char,
args = { 0, 0x7f, 0x80, 0x7ff, 0x800, 0xffff, 0x10000, 0x10ffff },
expect = { str1 }
{ name = 'char: invalid codepoint', func = mw.ustring.char,
args = { 0x110000 },
expect = "bad argument #1 to 'char' (value out of range)"
{ name = 'char: invalid value', func = mw.ustring.char,
args = { 'foo' },
expect = "bad argument #1 to 'char' (number expected, got string)"
{ name = 'len: basic test', func = mw.ustring.len,
args = { str1 },
expect = { 8 }
{ name = 'len: invalid string', func = mw.ustring.len,
args = { "\244\144\128\128" },
expect = { nil }
{ name = 'sub: (4)', func = mw.ustring.sub,
args = { str1, 4 },
expect = { "\223\191\224\160\128\239\191\191\240\144\128\128\244\143\191\191" }
{ name = 'sub: (4,7)', func = mw.ustring.sub,
args = { str1, 4, 7 },
expect = { "\223\191\224\160\128\239\191\191\240\144\128\128" }
{ name = 'sub: (4,-1)', func = mw.ustring.sub,
args = { str1, 4, -1 },
expect = { "\223\191\224\160\128\239\191\191\240\144\128\128\244\143\191\191" }
{ name = 'sub: (4,-2)', func = mw.ustring.sub,
args = { str1, 4, -2 },
expect = { "\223\191\224\160\128\239\191\191\240\144\128\128" }
{ name = 'sub: (-2)', func = mw.ustring.sub,
args = { str1, -2 },
expect = { "\240\144\128\128\244\143\191\191" }
{ name = 'sub: (9)', func = mw.ustring.sub,
args = { str1, 9 },
expect = { "" }
{ name = 'sub: (0)', func = mw.ustring.sub,
args = { str1, 0 },
expect = { str1 }
{ name = 'sub: (4,3)', func = mw.ustring.sub,
args = { str1, 4, 3 },
expect = { "" }
{ name = 'sub: (5,5)', func = mw.ustring.sub,
args = { str1, 5, 5 },
expect = { "\224\160\128" }
{ name = 'upper: basic test', func = mw.ustring.upper,
args = { "fóó?" },
expect = { "FÓÓ?" }
{ name = 'lower: basic test', func = mw.ustring.lower,
args = { "FÓÓ?" },
expect = { "fóó?" }
{ name = 'find: (simple)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "bar ¡foo bar", '¡foo' },
expect = { 5, 8 }
{ name = 'find: (%)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "bar ¡foo bar", '¡fo%+' },
expect = { }
{ name = 'find: (%)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "bar ¡fo+ bar", '¡fo%+' },
expect = { 5, 8 }
{ name = 'find: (+)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "bar ¡foo bar", '¡fo+' },
expect = { 5, 8 }
{ name = 'find: (+) (2)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "bar ¡foo bar", '¡fx+o+' },
expect = {}
{ name = 'find: (?)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "bar ¡foox bar", '¡foox?' },
expect = { 5, 9 }
{ name = 'find: (?) (2)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "bar ¡foo bar", '¡foox?' },
expect = { 5, 8 }
{ name = 'find: (*)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "bar ¡foo bar", '¡fx*oo' },
expect = { 5, 8 }
{ name = 'find: (-)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "bar ¡foo bar", '¡fo-' },
expect = { 5, 6 }
{ name = 'find: (-)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "bar ¡foo bar", '¡fo-o' },
expect = { 5, 7 }
{ name = 'find: (-)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "bar ¡foox bar", '¡fo-x' },
expect = { 5, 9 }
{ name = 'find: (%a)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "bar ¡foo bar", '¡f%a' },
expect = { 5, 7 }
{ name = 'find: (%a, utf8)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "bar ¡fóó bar", '¡f%a' },
expect = { 5, 7 }
{ name = 'find: (%a, utf8 2)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "bar ¡fóó bar", 'f%a' },
expect = { 6, 7 }
{ name = 'find: (%a+)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "bar ¡fóó bar", '¡f%a+' },
expect = { 5, 8 }
{ name = 'find: ([]+)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "bar ¡fóo bar", '¡f[oó]+' },
expect = { 5, 8 }
{ name = 'find: ([-]+)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "bar ¡fóo bar", '¡f[a-uá-ú]+' },
expect = { 5, 8 }
{ name = 'find: ([-]+ 2)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "bar ¡fóo bar", '¡f[a-ú]+' },
expect = { 5, 8 }
{ name = 'find: (%b)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "bar ¡<foo <foo> foo> bar", '¡%b<>' },
expect = { 5, 20 }
{ name = 'find: (%b 2)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "bar ¡(foo (foo) foo) bar", '¡%b()' },
expect = { 5, 20 }
{ name = 'find: (%b 3)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "bar ¡-foo-foo- bar", '¡%b--' },
expect = { 5, 10 }
{ name = 'find: (%b 4)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "bar «foo «foo» foo» bar", '%b«»' },
expect = { 5, 19 }
{ name = 'find: (%b 5)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "bar !foo !foo¡ foo¡ bar", '%b!¡' },
expect = { 5, 19 }
{ name = 'find: (%b 6)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "bar ¡foo ¡foo! foo! bar", '%b¡!' },
expect = { 5, 19 }
{ name = 'find: (%b 7)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "bar ¡foo¡foo¡ bar", '%b¡¡' },
expect = { 5, 9 }
{ name = 'find: (%A)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "fóó? bar", '%A+' },
expect = { 4, 5 }
{ name = 'find: ([^])', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "fóó? bar", '[^a-zó]+' },
expect = { 4, 5 }
{ name = 'find: ([^] 2)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "fó0? bar", '[^%a0-9]+' },
expect = { 4, 5 }
{ name = 'find: ([^] 3)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "¡fó0% bar", '¡[^%%]+' },
expect = { 1, 4 }
{ name = 'find: ($)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "¡foo1 ¡foo2 ¡foo3", '¡foo[0-9]+$' },
expect = { 13, 17 }
{ name = 'find: (.*)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "¡foo¡ ¡bar¡ baz", '¡.*¡' },
expect = { 1, 11 }
{ name = 'find: (.-)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "¡foo¡ ¡bar¡ baz", '¡.-¡' },
expect = { 1, 5 }
{ name = 'find: capture (1)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "bar ¡foo bar", '(¡foo)' },
expect = { 5, 8, '¡foo' }
{ name = 'find: capture (2)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "bar ¡fóo bar", '(¡f%a+)' },
expect = { 5, 8, '¡fóo' }
{ name = 'find: capture (3)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "bar ¡fóo bar", '(¡f(%a)%a)' },
expect = { 5, 8, '¡fóo', 'ó' }
{ name = 'find: capture (4)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "bar ¡fóo bar", '(¡f(%a-)%a)' },
expect = { 5, 7, '¡fó', '' }
{ name = 'find: capture (5)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "bar ¡fóo bar", '()(()¡f()(%a)()%a())()' },
expect = { 5, 8, 5, '¡fóo', 5, 7, 'ó', 8, 9, 9 }
{ name = 'find: capture (6)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "fóó", "()(f)()(óó)()" },
expect = { 1, 3, 1, 'f', 2, 'óó', 4 }
{ name = 'find: capture (7)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "fóó fóó", "()(f)()(óó)()", 2 },
expect = { 5, 7, 5, 'f', 6, 'óó', 8 }
{ name = 'find: (%1)', func = mw.ustring.find,
args = { "foo foofóó foófoó bar", '(f%a+)%1' },
expect = { 12, 17, 'foó' }
{ name = 'match: (1)', func = mw.ustring.match,
args = { "bar fóo bar", 'f%a+' },
expect = { 'fóo' }
{ name = 'match: (2)', func = mw.ustring.match,
args = { "bar fóo bar", 'f(%a+)' },
expect = { 'óo' }
{ name = 'gsub: (string 1)', func = mw.ustring.gsub,
args = { str2, 'f%a+', 'X' },
expect = { 'X bar X X baz X X X', 6 }
{ name = 'gsub: (string 2)', func = mw.ustring.gsub,
args = { str3, 'f%a+', 'X' },
expect = { '??? X bar X X baz X X X ok?', 6 }
{ name = 'gsub: (string 3)', func = mw.ustring.gsub,
args = { str2, 'f%a+', 'X', 3 },
expect = { 'X bar X X baz foooo foofoo fo', 3 }
{ name = 'gsub: (string 4)', func = mw.ustring.gsub,
args = { str3, 'f%a+', 'X', 3 },
expect = { '??? X bar X X baz foooo foofoo fo ok?', 3 }
{ name = 'gsub: (string 5)', func = mw.ustring.gsub,
args = { 'foo; fóó', '(f)(%a+)', '%%0=%0 %%1=%1 %%2=%2' },
expect = { '%0=foo %1=f %2=oo; %0=fóó %1=f %2=óó', 2 }
{ name = 'gsub: (anchored)', func = mw.ustring.gsub,
args = { 'foofoofoo foo', '^foo', 'X' },
expect = { 'Xfoofoo foo', 1 }
{ name = 'gsub: (table 1)', func = mw.ustring.gsub,
args = { str2, 'f%a+', { foo = 'X', ['főó'] = 'Y', ['foó'] = 'Z' } },
expect = { 'X bar Y Z baz foooo foofoo fo', 6 }
{ name = 'gsub: (table 2)', func = mw.ustring.gsub,
args = { str3, 'f%a+', { foo = 'X', ['főó'] = 'Y', ['foó'] = 'Z' } },
expect = { '??? X bar Y Z baz foooo foofoo fo ok?', 6 }
{ name = 'gsub: (table 3)', func = mw.ustring.gsub,
args = { str2, 'f%a+', { ['főó'] = 'Y', ['foó'] = 'Z' }, 1 },
expect = { str2, 1 }
{ name = 'gsub: (function 1)', func = mw.ustring.gsub,
args = { str2, 'f%a+', function(m) if m == 'fo' then return nil end return '-' .. mw.ustring.upper(m) .. '-' end },
expect = { '-FOO- bar -FŐÓ- -FOÓ- baz -FOOOO- -FOOFOO- fo', 6 }
{ name = 'gsub: (function 2)', func = mw.ustring.gsub,
args = { str3, 'f%a+', function(m) if m == 'fo' then return nil end return '-' .. mw.ustring.upper(m) .. '-' end },
expect = { '??? -FOO- bar -FŐÓ- -FOÓ- baz -FOOOO- -FOOFOO- fo ok?', 6 }
{ name = 'gsub: invalid replacement string', func = mw.ustring.gsub,
args = { 'foo; fóó', '(%a+)', '%2' },
expect = "invalid capture index %2 in replacement string"
{ name = 'gcodepoint: basic test', func = mw.ustring.gcodepoint,
args = { str1 },
expect = { { 0 }, { 0x7f }, { 0x80 }, { 0x7ff }, { 0x800 }, { 0xffff }, { 0x10000 }, { 0x10ffff } },
type = 'Iterator'
{ name = 'gcodepoint: (4)', func = mw.ustring.gcodepoint,
args = { str1, 4 },
expect = { { 0x7ff }, { 0x800 }, { 0xffff }, { 0x10000 }, { 0x10ffff } },
type = 'Iterator'
{ name = 'gcodepoint: (4, -2)', func = mw.ustring.gcodepoint,
args = { str1, 4, -2 },
expect = { { 0x7ff }, { 0x800 }, { 0xffff }, { 0x10000 } },
type = 'Iterator'
{ name = 'gmatch: test string 1', func = mw.ustring.gmatch,
args = { str2, 'f%a+' },
expect = { { 'foo' }, { 'főó' }, { 'foó' }, { 'foooo' }, { 'foofoo' }, { 'fo' } },
type = 'Iterator'
{ name = 'gmatch: test string 2', func = mw.ustring.gmatch,
args = { str3, 'f%a+' },
expect = { { 'foo' }, { 'főó' }, { 'foó' }, { 'foooo' }, { 'foofoo' }, { 'fo' } },
type = 'Iterator'
{ name = 'gmatch: anchored', func = mw.ustring.gmatch,
args = { str2, '^f%a+' },
expect = {},
type = 'Iterator'
{ name = 'string length limit',
func = function ()
local s = string.rep( "x", mw.ustring.maxStringLength + 1 )
local ret = { mw.ustring.gsub( s, 'a', 'b' ) }
-- So the output isn't insanely long
ret[1] = string.gsub( ret[1], 'xxxxx(x*)', function ( m )
return 'xxxxx[snip ' .. #m .. ' more]'
end )
return unpack( ret )
expect = "bad argument #1 to 'gsub' (string is longer than " .. mw.ustring.maxStringLength .. " bytes)"
{ name = 'pattern length limit',
func = function ()
local pattern = string.rep( "x", mw.ustring.maxPatternLength + 1 )
return mw.ustring.gsub( 'a', pattern, 'b' )
expect = "bad argument #2 to 'gsub' (pattern is longer than " .. mw.ustring.maxPatternLength .. " bytes)"
} )