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synced 2024-12-18 19:02:27 +00:00
Add more information to error messages in mw.html. This includes the error level, the function name, and the position of the argument in the argument list. Where possible, use the functions in libraryUtil.lua to do this. Some functions in mw.html accept multiple types, so add a checkTypeMulti function to libraryUtil.lua to make these kinds of functions easy to check. And while we're at it, add test cases for libraryUtil.lua as well. Change-Id: If9cf9a52bd4b1bb42cc7f9f1f1096828710cbc52
348 lines
13 KiB
348 lines
13 KiB
Tests for the mw.html module
@license GNU GPL v2+
@author Marius Hoch < hoo@online.de >
local testframework = require 'Module:TestFramework'
local function getEmptyTestDiv()
return mw.html.create( 'div' )
local function testHelper( obj, method, ... )
return obj[method]( obj, ... )
-- Test attrbutes which will always be paired in the same order
local testAttrs = { foo = 'bar', ab = 'cd' }
setmetatable( testAttrs, { __pairs = function ( t )
local keys = { 'ab', 'foo' }
local i = 0
return function()
i = i + 1
if i <= #keys then
return keys[i], t[keys[i]]
end } )
-- More complex test functions
local function testMultiAddClass()
return getEmptyTestDiv():addClass( 'foo' ):addClass( 'bar' )
local function testCssAndCssText()
return getEmptyTestDiv():css( 'foo', 'bar' ):cssText( 'abc:def' ):css( 'g', 'h' )
local function testTagDone()
return getEmptyTestDiv():tag( 'span' ):done()
local function testNodeDone()
return getEmptyTestDiv():node( getEmptyTestDiv() ):done()
local function testTagNodeAllDone()
return getEmptyTestDiv():tag( 'p' ):node( getEmptyTestDiv() ):allDone()
local function testAttributeOverride()
return getEmptyTestDiv():attr( 'good', 'MediaWiki' ):attr( 'good', 'Wikibase' )
local function testAttributeRemoval()
return getEmptyTestDiv():attr( 'a', 'b' ):attr( 'a', nil )
local function testGetAttribute()
return getEmptyTestDiv():attr( 'town', 'Berlin' ):getAttr( 'town' )
local function testGetAttributeEscaping()
return getEmptyTestDiv():attr( 'foo', '<ble"&rgh>' ):getAttr( 'foo' )
local function testNodeSelfClosingDone()
return getEmptyTestDiv():node( mw.html.create( 'br' ) ):done()
local function testNodeAppendToSelfClosing()
return mw.html.create( 'img' ):node( getEmptyTestDiv() )
local function testWikitextAppendToSelfClosing()
return mw.html.create( 'hr' ):wikitext( 'foo' )
local function testCreateWithValue( val )
return mw.html.create( val ):wikitext( 'foo' ):tag( 'div' ):attr( 'a', 'b' ):allDone()
local function testCssRemoval()
return getEmptyTestDiv():css( 'color', 'red' ):css( 'color', nil )
local function testComplex()
local builder = getEmptyTestDiv()
builder:addClass( 'firstClass' ):attr( 'what', 'ever' )
builder:tag( 'meh' ):attr( 'whynot', 'Русский' ):tag( 'hr' ):attr( 'a', 'b' )
builder:node( mw.html.create( 'hr' ) )
builder:node( getEmptyTestDiv():attr( 'abc', 'def' ):css( 'width', '-1px' ) )
return builder
-- Tests
local tests = {
-- Simple (inline) tests
{ name = 'mw.html.create', func = mw.html.create, type='ToString',
args = { 'table' },
expect = { '<table></table>' }
{ name = 'mw.html.create (self closing)', func = mw.html.create, type='ToString',
args = { 'br' },
expect = { '<br />' }
{ name = 'mw.html.create (self closing - forced)', func = mw.html.create, type='ToString',
args = { 'div', { selfClosing = true } },
expect = { '<div />' }
{ name = 'mw.html.create (invalid tag 1)', func = mw.html.create, type='ToString',
args = { '$$$$' },
expect = "invalid tag name '$$$$'"
{ name = 'mw.html.create (invalid tag 2)', func = mw.html.create, type='ToString',
args = { {} },
expect = "bad argument #1 to 'mw.html.create' (string expected, got table)"
{ name = 'mw.html.wikitext', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'wikitext', 'Plain text' },
expect = { '<div>Plain text</div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html.wikitext (invalid input)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'wikitext', 'Plain text', {} },
expect = "bad argument #2 to 'wikitext' (string or number expected, got table)"
{ name = 'mw.html.newline', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'newline' },
expect = { '<div>\n</div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html.tag', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'tag', 'span' },
-- tag is only supposed to return the new (inner) node
expect = { '<span></span>' }
{ name = 'mw.html.attr', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'attr', 'foo', 'bar' },
expect = { '<div foo="bar"></div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html.attr (nil noop)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'attr', 'foo', nil },
expect = { '<div></div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html.attr (table 1)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'attr', { foo = 'bar' } },
expect = { '<div foo="bar"></div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html.attr (table 2)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'attr', testAttrs },
expect = { '<div ab="cd" foo="bar"></div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html.attr (invalid name 1)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'attr', 123, 'bar' },
expect = "bad argument #1 to 'attr' (string expected, got number)"
{ name = 'mw.html.attr (invalid name 2)', func = testHelper,
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'attr', '§§§§', 'foo' },
expect = "bad argument #1 to 'attr' (invalid attribute name '§§§§')"
{ name = 'mw.html.attr (table no value)', func = testHelper,
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'attr', { foo = 'bar' }, 'foo' },
expect = "bad argument #2 to 'attr' (if argument #1 is a table, argument #2 must be left empty)"
{ name = 'mw.html.attr (invalid value)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'attr', 'foo', true },
expect = "bad argument #2 to 'attr' (string, number or nil expected, got boolean)"
{ name = 'mw.html.attr (invalid table 1)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'attr', { foo = {} } },
expect = "bad argument #1 to 'attr' " ..
'(table keys must be strings, and values must be strings or numbers)'
{ name = 'mw.html.attr (invalid table 2)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'attr', { 1, 2 ,3 } },
expect = "bad argument #1 to 'attr' " ..
'(table keys must be strings, and values must be strings or numbers)'
{ name = 'mw.html.attr (invalid table 3)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'attr', { foo = 'bar', blah = true } },
expect = "bad argument #1 to 'attr' " ..
'(table keys must be strings, and values must be strings or numbers)'
{ name = 'mw.html.attr (invalid table 4)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'attr', { [{}] = 'foo' } },
expect = "bad argument #1 to 'attr' " ..
'(table keys must be strings, and values must be strings or numbers)'
{ name = 'mw.html.getAttr (nil)', func = testHelper,
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'getAttr', 'foo' },
expect = { nil }
{ name = 'mw.html.getAttr (invalid name)', func = testHelper,
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'getAttr', 123 },
expect = "bad argument #1 to 'getAttr' (string expected, got number)"
{ name = 'mw.html.addClass', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'addClass', 'foo' },
expect = { '<div class="foo"></div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html.addClass (numeric argument)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'addClass', 123 },
expect = { '<div class="123"></div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html.addClass (invalid value)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'addClass', {} },
expect = "bad argument #1 to 'addClass' (string, number or nil expected, got table)"
{ name = 'mw.html.css', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'css', 'foo', 'bar' },
expect = { '<div style="foo:bar"></div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html.css (numeric arguments)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'css', 123, 456 },
expect = { '<div style="123:456"></div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html.css (nil noop)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'css', 'foo', nil },
expect = { '<div></div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html.css (invalid name 1)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'css', function() end, 'bar' },
expect = "bad argument #1 to 'css' (string or number expected, got function)"
{ name = 'mw.html.css (table no value)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'css', {}, 'bar' },
expect = "bad argument #2 to 'css' (if argument #1 is a table, argument #2 must be left empty)"
{ name = 'mw.html.css (invalid value)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'css', 'foo', {} },
expect = "bad argument #2 to 'css' (string, number or nil expected, got table)"
{ name = 'mw.html.css (table)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'css', testAttrs },
expect = { '<div style="ab:cd;foo:bar"></div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html.css (invalid table)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'css', { foo = 'bar', ab = true } },
expect = "bad argument #1 to 'css' " ..
'(table keys and values must be strings or numbers)'
{ name = 'mw.html.cssText', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'cssText', 'Unit tests, ftw' },
expect = { '<div style="Unit tests, ftw"></div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html.cssText (numeric argument)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'cssText', 123 },
expect = { '<div style="123"></div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html.cssText (invalid value)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'cssText', {} },
expect = "bad argument #1 to 'cssText' (string, number or nil expected, got table)"
{ name = 'mw.html attribute escaping (value with double quotes)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'attr', 'foo', 'ble"rgh' },
expect = { '<div foo="ble"rgh"></div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html attribute escaping 1', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'attr', 'foo', 'ble<rgh' },
expect = { '<div foo="ble<rgh"></div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html attribute escaping 2', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'attr', 'foo', '<ble"&rgh>' },
expect = { '<div foo="<ble"&rgh>"></div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html attribute escaping (CSS)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'css', 'mu"ha', 'ha"ha' },
expect = { '<div style="mu"ha:ha"ha"></div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html attribute escaping (CSS raw)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'cssText', 'mu"ha:-ha"ha' },
expect = { '<div style="mu"ha:-ha"ha"></div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html.addClass (nil)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'addClass' },
expect = { '<div></div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html.cssText (nil)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'cssText' },
expect = { '<div></div>' }
-- Tests defined above
{ name = 'mw.html.addClass (twice) ', func = testMultiAddClass, type='ToString',
expect = { '<div class="foo bar"></div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html.css.cssText.css', func = testCssAndCssText, type='ToString',
expect = { '<div style="foo:bar;abc:def;g:h"></div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html.tag (using done)', func = testTagDone, type='ToString',
expect = { '<div><span></span></div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html.node (using done)', func = testNodeDone, type='ToString',
expect = { '<div><div></div></div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html.node (self closing, using done)', func = testNodeSelfClosingDone, type='ToString',
expect = { '<div><br /></div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html.node (append to self closing)', func = testNodeAppendToSelfClosing, type='ToString',
expect = "self-closing tags can't have child nodes"
{ name = 'mw.html.wikitext (append to self closing)', func = testWikitextAppendToSelfClosing, type='ToString',
expect = "self-closing tags can't have child nodes"
{ name = 'mw.html.tag.node (using allDone)', func = testTagNodeAllDone, type='ToString',
expect = { '<div><p><div></div></p></div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html.attr (overrides)', func = testAttributeOverride, type='ToString',
expect = { '<div good="Wikibase"></div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html.attr (removal)', func = testAttributeRemoval, type='ToString',
expect = { '<div></div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html.getAttr', func = testGetAttribute, type='ToString',
expect = { 'Berlin' }
{ name = 'mw.html.getAttr (escaping)', func = testGetAttributeEscaping, type='ToString',
expect = { '<ble"&rgh>' }
{ name = 'mw.html.create (empty string)', func = testCreateWithValue, type='ToString',
args = {''},
expect = { 'foo<div a="b"></div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html.create (nil)', func = testCreateWithValue, type='ToString',
args = {nil},
expect = { 'foo<div a="b"></div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html.css (removal)', func = testCssRemoval, type='ToString',
expect = { '<div></div>' }
{ name = 'mw.html complex test', func = testComplex, type='ToString',
expect = {
'<div class="firstClass" what="ever"><meh whynot="Русский"><hr a="b" /></meh>' ..
'<hr /><div abc="def" style="width:-1px"></div></div>'
return testframework.getTestProvider( tests )