setTemporaryHook( 'ScribuntoExternalLibraries', static function ( $engine, &$libs ) { $libs += [ 'CommonTestsLib' => [ 'class' => LuaCommonTestsLibrary::class, 'deferLoad' => true, ], 'CommonTestsFailLib' => [ 'class' => LuaCommonTestsFailLibrary::class, 'deferLoad' => true, ], ]; } ); $status = $this->editPage( Title::makeTitle( NS_MODULE, 'CommonTests-data.json' ), file_get_contents( __DIR__ . '/CommonTests-data.json' ) ); if ( !$status->isOK() ) { throw new \Exception( "Failed to create Module:CommonTests-data.json: " . $status->getWikitext() ); } // Create a non-JSON/Module page for loadJsonData() $status = $this->editPage( Title::makeTitle( NS_HELP, 'Foo' ), 'help' ); if ( !$status->isOK() ) { throw new \Exception( "Failed to create Help:Foo: " . $status->getWikitext() ); } // Note this depends on every iteration of the data provider running with a clean parser $this->getEngine()->getParser()->getOptions()->setExpensiveParserFunctionLimit( 10 ); // Some of the tests need this $interpreter = $this->getEngine()->getInterpreter(); $interpreter->callFunction( $interpreter->loadString( 'mw.makeProtectedEnvFuncsForTest = mw.makeProtectedEnvFuncs', 'fortest' ) ); } protected function getTestModules() { return parent::getTestModules() + [ 'CommonTests' => __DIR__ . '/CommonTests.lua', 'CommonTests-data' => __DIR__ . '/CommonTests-data.lua', 'CommonTests-data-fail1' => __DIR__ . '/CommonTests-data-fail1.lua', 'CommonTests-data-fail2' => __DIR__ . '/CommonTests-data-fail2.lua', 'CommonTests-data-fail3' => __DIR__ . '/CommonTests-data-fail3.lua', 'CommonTests-data-fail4' => __DIR__ . '/CommonTests-data-fail4.lua', 'CommonTests-data-fail5' => __DIR__ . '/CommonTests-data-fail5.lua', ]; } public function testNoLeakedGlobals() { $interpreter = $this->getEngine()->getInterpreter(); list( $actualGlobals ) = $interpreter->callFunction( $interpreter->loadString( 'local t = {} for k in pairs( _G ) do t[#t+1] = k end return t', 'getglobals' ) ); $leakedGlobals = array_diff( $actualGlobals, self::$allowedGlobals ); $this->assertCount( 0, $leakedGlobals, 'The following globals are leaked: ' . implode( ' ', $leakedGlobals ) ); } public function testPHPLibrary() { $engine = $this->getEngine(); $frame = $engine->getParser()->getPreprocessor()->newFrame(); $title = Title::makeTitle( NS_MODULE, 'TestInfoPassViaPHPLibrary' ); $this->extraModules[$title->getFullText()] = ' local p = {} function p.test() local lib = require( "CommonTestsLib" ) return table.concat( { lib.test() }, "; " ) end function p.setVal( frame ) local lib = require( "CommonTestsLib" ) lib.val = frame.args[1] lib.foobar.val = frame.args[1] end function p.getVal() local lib = require( "CommonTestsLib" ) return tostring( lib.val ), tostring( lib.foobar.val ) end function p.getSetVal( frame ) p.setVal( frame ) return p.getVal() end function p.checkPackage() local ret = {} ret[1] = package.loaded["CommonTestsLib"] == nil require( "CommonTestsLib" ) ret[2] = package.loaded["CommonTestsLib"] ~= nil return ret[1], ret[2] end function p.libSetVal( frame ) local lib = require( "CommonTestsLib" ) return lib.setVal( frame ) end function p.libGetVal() local lib = require( "CommonTestsLib" ) return lib.getVal() end return p '; # Test loading $module = $engine->fetchModuleFromParser( $title ); $ret = $module->invoke( 'test', $frame->newChild() ); $this->assertSame( 'Test option; Test function', $ret, 'Library can be loaded and called' ); # Test package.loaded $module = $engine->fetchModuleFromParser( $title ); $ret = $module->invoke( 'checkPackage', $frame->newChild() ); $this->assertSame( 'truetrue', $ret, 'package.loaded is right on the first call' ); $ret = $module->invoke( 'checkPackage', $frame->newChild() ); $this->assertSame( 'truetrue', $ret, 'package.loaded is right on the second call' ); # Test caching for require $args = $engine->getParser()->getPreprocessor()->newPartNodeArray( [ 1 => 'cached' ] ); $ret = $module->invoke( 'getSetVal', $frame->newChild( $args ) ); $this->assertSame( 'cachedcached', $ret, 'same loaded table is returned by multiple require calls' ); # Test no data communication between invokes $module = $engine->fetchModuleFromParser( $title ); $args = $engine->getParser()->getPreprocessor()->newPartNodeArray( [ 1 => 'fail' ] ); $module->invoke( 'setVal', $frame->newChild( $args ) ); $ret = $module->invoke( 'getVal', $frame->newChild() ); $this->assertSame( 'nilnope', $ret, 'same loaded table is not shared between invokes' ); # Test that the library isn't being recreated between invokes $module = $engine->fetchModuleFromParser( $title ); $ret = $module->invoke( 'libGetVal', $frame->newChild() ); $this->assertSame( 'nil', $ret, 'sanity check' ); $args = $engine->getParser()->getPreprocessor()->newPartNodeArray( [ 1 => 'ok' ] ); $module->invoke( 'libSetVal', $frame->newChild( $args ) ); $module = $engine->fetchModuleFromParser( $title ); $ret = $module->invoke( 'libGetVal', $frame->newChild() ); $this->assertSame( 'ok', $ret, 'library is not recreated between invokes' ); } public function testModuleStringExtend() { $engine = $this->getEngine(); $interpreter = $engine->getInterpreter(); $interpreter->callFunction( $interpreter->loadString( 'string.testModuleStringExtend = "ok"', 'extendstring' ) ); $ret = $interpreter->callFunction( $interpreter->loadString( 'return ("").testModuleStringExtend', 'teststring1' ) ); $this->assertSame( [ 'ok' ], $ret, 'string can be extended' ); $this->extraModules['Module:testModuleStringExtend'] = ' return { test = function() return ("").testModuleStringExtend end } '; $module = $engine->fetchModuleFromParser( Title::makeTitle( NS_MODULE, 'testModuleStringExtend' ) ); $ret = $interpreter->callFunction( $engine->executeModule( $module->getInitChunk(), 'test', null ) ); $this->assertSame( [ 'ok' ], $ret, 'string extension can be used from module' ); $this->extraModules['Module:testModuleStringExtend2'] = ' return { test = function() string.testModuleStringExtend = "fail" return ("").testModuleStringExtend end } '; $module = $engine->fetchModuleFromParser( Title::makeTitle( NS_MODULE, 'testModuleStringExtend2' ) ); $ret = $interpreter->callFunction( $engine->executeModule( $module->getInitChunk(), 'test', null ) ); $this->assertSame( [ 'ok' ], $ret, 'string extension cannot be modified from module' ); $ret = $interpreter->callFunction( $interpreter->loadString( 'return string.testModuleStringExtend', 'teststring2' ) ); $this->assertSame( [ 'ok' ], $ret, 'string extension cannot be modified from module' ); $ret = $engine->runConsole( [ 'prevQuestions' => [], 'question' => '=("").testModuleStringExtend', 'content' => 'return {}', 'title' => Title::makeTitle( NS_MODULE, 'dummy' ), ] ); $this->assertSame( 'ok', $ret['return'], 'string extension can be used from console' ); $ret = $engine->runConsole( [ 'prevQuestions' => [ ' = "fail"' ], 'question' => '=("").fail', 'content' => 'return {}', 'title' => Title::makeTitle( NS_MODULE, 'dummy' ), ] ); $this->assertSame( 'nil', $ret['return'], 'string cannot be extended from console' ); $ret = $engine->runConsole( [ 'prevQuestions' => [ 'string.testModuleStringExtend = "fail"' ], 'question' => '=("").testModuleStringExtend', 'content' => 'return {}', 'title' => Title::makeTitle( NS_MODULE, 'dummy' ), ] ); $this->assertSame( 'ok', $ret['return'], 'string extension cannot be modified from console' ); $ret = $interpreter->callFunction( $interpreter->loadString( 'return string.testModuleStringExtend', 'teststring3' ) ); $this->assertSame( [ 'ok' ], $ret, 'string extension cannot be modified from console' ); $interpreter->callFunction( $interpreter->loadString( 'string.testModuleStringExtend = nil', 'unextendstring' ) ); } public function testLoadDataLoadedOnce() { $engine = $this->getEngine(); $interpreter = $engine->getInterpreter(); $frame = $engine->getParser()->getPreprocessor()->newFrame(); $loadcount = 0; $interpreter->callFunction( $interpreter->loadString( 'mw.markLoaded = ...', 'fortest' ), $interpreter->wrapPHPFunction( static function () use ( &$loadcount ) { $loadcount++; } ) ); $this->extraModules['Module:TestLoadDataLoadedOnce-data'] = ' mw.markLoaded() return {} '; $this->extraModules['Module:TestLoadDataLoadedOnce'] = ' local data = mw.loadData( "Module:TestLoadDataLoadedOnce-data" ) return { foo = function() end, bar = function() return tostring( package.loaded["Module:TestLoadDataLoadedOnce-data"] ) end, } '; // Make sure data module isn't parsed twice. Simulate several {{#invoke:}}s $title = Title::makeTitle( NS_MODULE, 'TestLoadDataLoadedOnce' ); for ( $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++ ) { $module = $engine->fetchModuleFromParser( $title ); $module->invoke( 'foo', $frame->newChild() ); } $this->assertSame( 1, $loadcount, 'data module was loaded more than once' ); // Make sure data module isn't in package.loaded $this->assertSame( 'nil', $module->invoke( 'bar', $frame ), 'data module was stored in module\'s package.loaded' ); $this->assertSame( [ 'nil' ], $interpreter->callFunction( $interpreter->loadString( 'return tostring( package.loaded["Module:TestLoadDataLoadedOnce-data"] )', 'getLoaded' ) ), 'data module was stored in top level\'s package.loaded' ); } public function testLoadJsonDataLoadedOnce() { $this->extraModules['Module:TestLoadDataLoadedOnce'] = ' local data = mw.loadJsonData( "Module:CommonTests-data.json" ) return { foo = function() end, } '; $engine = $this->getEngine(); $interpreter = $engine->getInterpreter(); $frame = $engine->getParser()->getPreprocessor()->newFrame(); // Make sure JSON data isn't parsed twice. Simulate several {{#invoke:}}s $title = Title::makeTitle( NS_MODULE, 'TestLoadDataLoadedOnce' ); for ( $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++ ) { $module = $engine->fetchModuleFromParser( $title ); $module->invoke( 'foo', $frame->newChild() ); } $this->assertSame( 1, $this->templateLoadCounts['Module:CommonTests-data.json'], 'JSON data was loaded more than once' ); } public function testFrames() { $engine = $this->getEngine(); $ret = $engine->runConsole( [ 'prevQuestions' => [], 'question' => '=mw.getCurrentFrame()', 'content' => 'return {}', 'title' => Title::makeTitle( NS_MODULE, 'dummy' ), ] ); $this->assertSame( 'table', $ret['return'], 'frames can be used in the console' ); $ret = $engine->runConsole( [ 'prevQuestions' => [], 'question' => '=mw.getCurrentFrame():newChild{}', 'content' => 'return {}', 'title' => Title::makeTitle( NS_MODULE, 'dummy' ), ] ); $this->assertSame( 'table', $ret['return'], 'child frames can be created' ); $ret = $engine->runConsole( [ 'prevQuestions' => [ 'f = mw.getCurrentFrame():newChild{ args = { "ok" } }', 'f2 = f:newChild{ args = {} }' ], 'question' => '=f2:getParent().args[1], f2:getParent():getParent()', 'content' => 'return {}', 'title' => Title::makeTitle( NS_MODULE, 'dummy' ), ] ); $this->assertSame( "ok\ttable", $ret['return'], 'child frames have correct parents' ); } public function testCallParserFunction() { $engine = $this->getEngine(); $parser = $engine->getParser(); $args = [ 'prevQuestions' => [], 'content' => 'return {}', 'title' => Title::makeTitle( NS_MODULE, 'dummy' ), ]; // Test argument calling conventions $ret = $engine->runConsole( [ 'question' => '=mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction{ name = "urlencode", args = { "x x", "wiki" } }', ] + $args ); $this->assertSame( "x_x", $ret['return'], 'callParserFunction works for {{urlencode:x x|wiki}} (named args w/table)' ); $ret = $engine->runConsole( [ 'question' => '=mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction{ name = "urlencode", args = "x x" }', ] + $args ); $this->assertSame( "x+x", $ret['return'], 'callParserFunction works for {{urlencode:x x}} (named args w/scalar)' ); $ret = $engine->runConsole( [ 'question' => '=mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction( "urlencode", { "x x", "wiki" } )', ] + $args ); $this->assertSame( "x_x", $ret['return'], 'callParserFunction works for {{urlencode:x x|wiki}} (positional args w/table)' ); $ret = $engine->runConsole( [ 'question' => '=mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction( "urlencode", "x x", "wiki" )', ] + $args ); $this->assertSame( "x_x", $ret['return'], 'callParserFunction works for {{urlencode:x x|wiki}} (positional args w/scalars)' ); $ret = $engine->runConsole( [ 'question' => '=mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction{ name = "urlencode:x x", args = { "wiki" } }', ] + $args ); $this->assertSame( "x_x", $ret['return'], 'callParserFunction works for {{urlencode:x x|wiki}} (colon in name, named args w/table)' ); $ret = $engine->runConsole( [ 'question' => '=mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction{ name = "urlencode:x x", args = "wiki" }', ] + $args ); $this->assertSame( "x_x", $ret['return'], 'callParserFunction works for {{urlencode:x x|wiki}} (colon in name, named args w/scalar)' ); $ret = $engine->runConsole( [ 'question' => '=mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction( "urlencode:x x", { "wiki" } )', ] + $args ); $this->assertSame( "x_x", $ret['return'], 'callParserFunction works for {{urlencode:x x|wiki}} (colon in name, positional args w/table)' ); $ret = $engine->runConsole( [ 'question' => '=mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction( "urlencode:x x", "wiki" )', ] + $args ); $this->assertSame( "x_x", $ret['return'], 'callParserFunction works for {{urlencode:x x|wiki}} (colon in name, positional args w/scalars)' ); // Test named args to the parser function $ret = $engine->runConsole( [ 'question' => '=mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction( "#tag:pre", { "foo", style = "margin-left: 1.6em" } )', ] + $args ); $this->assertSame( '
foo', $parser->getStripState()->unstripBoth( $ret['return'] ), 'callParserFunction works for {{#tag:pre|foo|style=margin-left: 1.6em}}' ); // Test extensionTag $ret = $engine->runConsole( [ 'question' => '=mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag( "pre", "foo", { style = "margin-left: 1.6em" } )', ] + $args ); $this->assertSame( '
foo', $parser->getStripState()->unstripBoth( $ret['return'] ), 'extensionTag works for {{#tag:pre|foo|style=margin-left: 1.6em}}' ); $ret = $engine->runConsole( [ 'question' => '=mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag{ name = "pre", content = "foo", args = { style = "margin-left: 1.6em" } }', ] + $args ); $this->assertSame( '
foo', $parser->getStripState()->unstripBoth( $ret['return'] ), 'extensionTag works for {{#tag:pre|foo|style=margin-left: 1.6em}}' ); // Test calling a non-existent function try { $engine->runConsole( [ 'question' => '=mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction{ name = "thisDoesNotExist", args = { "" } }', ] + $args ); $this->fail( "Expected LuaError not thrown for nonexistent parser function" ); } catch ( LuaError $err ) { $this->assertSame( 'Lua error: callParserFunction: function "thisDoesNotExist" was not found.', $err->getMessage(), 'callParserFunction correctly errors for nonexistent function' ); } } public function testBug62291() { $engine = $this->getEngine(); $frame = $engine->getParser()->getPreprocessor()->newFrame(); $this->extraModules['Module:Bug62291'] = ' local p = {} function return table.concat( { math.random(), math.random(), math.random(), math.random(), math.random() }, ", " ) end function local t = {} t[1] = t[2] = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess( "{{#invoke:Bug62291|bar2}}" ) t[3] = return table.concat( t, "; " ) end function p.bar2() return "bar2 called" end return p '; $title = Title::makeTitle( NS_MODULE, 'Bug62291' ); $module = $engine->fetchModuleFromParser( $title ); // Make sure multiple invokes return the same text $r1 = $module->invoke( 'foo', $frame->newChild() ); $r2 = $module->invoke( 'foo', $frame->newChild() ); $this->assertSame( $r1, $r2, 'Multiple invokes returned different sets of random numbers' ); // Make sure a recursive invoke doesn't reset the PRNG $r1 = $module->invoke( 'bar', $frame->newChild() ); $r = explode( '; ', $r1 ); $this->assertNotSame( $r[0], $r[2], 'Recursive invoke reset PRNG' ); $this->assertSame( 'bar2 called', $r[1], 'Sanity check failed' ); // But a second invoke does $r2 = $module->invoke( 'bar', $frame->newChild() ); $this->assertSame( $r1, $r2, 'Multiple invokes with recursive invoke returned different sets of random numbers' ); } public function testOsDateTimeTTLs() { $engine = $this->getEngine(); $pp = $engine->getParser()->getPreprocessor(); $this->extraModules['Module:DateTime'] = ' local p = {} function return "%d" ) end function p.AMPM() return "%p" ) end function p.hour() return "%H" ) end function p.minute() return "%M" ) end function p.second() return "%S" ) end function p.table() return "*t" ) end function p.tablesec() return "*t" ).sec end function p.time() return os.time() end function p.specificDateAndTime() return"%S", os.time{year = 2013, month = 1, day = 1}) end return p '; $title = Title::makeTitle( NS_MODULE, 'DateTime' ); $module = $engine->fetchModuleFromParser( $title ); $frame = $pp->newFrame(); $module->invoke( 'day', $frame ); $this->assertNotNull( $frame->getTTL(), 'TTL must be set when day is requested' ); $this->assertLessThanOrEqual( 86400, $frame->getTTL(), 'TTL must not exceed 1 day when day is requested' ); $frame = $pp->newFrame(); $module->invoke( 'AMPM', $frame ); $this->assertNotNull( $frame->getTTL(), 'TTL must be set when AM/PM is requested' ); $this->assertLessThanOrEqual( 43200, $frame->getTTL(), 'TTL must not exceed 12 hours when AM/PM is requested' ); $frame = $pp->newFrame(); $module->invoke( 'hour', $frame ); $this->assertNotNull( $frame->getTTL(), 'TTL must be set when hour is requested' ); $this->assertLessThanOrEqual( 3600, $frame->getTTL(), 'TTL must not exceed 1 hour when hours are requested' ); $frame = $pp->newFrame(); $module->invoke( 'minute', $frame ); $this->assertNotNull( $frame->getTTL(), 'TTL must be set when minutes are requested' ); $this->assertLessThanOrEqual( 60, $frame->getTTL(), 'TTL must not exceed 1 minute when minutes are requested' ); $frame = $pp->newFrame(); $module->invoke( 'second', $frame ); $this->assertSame( 1, $frame->getTTL(), 'TTL must be equal to 1 second when seconds are requested' ); $frame = $pp->newFrame(); $module->invoke( 'table', $frame ); $this->assertNull( $frame->getTTL(), 'TTL must not be set when "*t" ) is called but no values are looked at' ); $frame = $pp->newFrame(); $module->invoke( 'tablesec', $frame ); $this->assertSame( 1, $frame->getTTL(), 'TTL must be equal to 1 second when seconds are requested from a table' ); $frame = $pp->newFrame(); $module->invoke( 'time', $frame ); $this->assertSame( 1, $frame->getTTL(), 'TTL must be equal to 1 second when os.time() is called' ); $frame = $pp->newFrame(); $module->invoke( 'specificDateAndTime', $frame ); $this->assertNull( $frame->getTTL(), 'TTL must not be set when or os.time() are called with a specific time' ); } /** * @dataProvider provideVolatileCaching */ public function testVolatileCaching( $func ) { $engine = $this->getEngine(); $parser = $engine->getParser(); $pp = $parser->getPreprocessor(); $count = 0; $parser->setHook( 'scribuntocount', static function ( $str, $argv, $parser, $frame ) use ( &$count ) { $frame->setVolatile(); return ++$count; } ); $this->extraModules['Template:ScribuntoTestVolatileCaching'] = '