array( $this, 'textUnstrip' ), 'getEntityTable' => array( $this, 'getEntityTable' ), ); $opts = array( 'comma' => wfMessage( 'comma-separator' )->inContentLanguage()->text(), 'and' => wfMessage( 'and' )->inContentLanguage()->text() . wfMessage( 'word-separator' )->inContentLanguage()->text(), 'ellipsis' => wfMessage( 'ellipsis' )->inContentLanguage()->text(), 'nowiki_protocols' => array(), ); foreach ( $wgUrlProtocols as $prot ) { if ( substr( $prot, -1 ) === ':' ) { // To convert the protocol into a case-insensitive Lua pattern, // we need to replace letters with a character class like [Xx] // and insert a '%' before various punctuation. $prot = preg_replace_callback( '/([a-zA-Z])|([()^$%.\[\]*+?-])/', function ( $m ) { if ( $m[1] ) { return '[' . strtoupper( $m[1] ) . strtolower( $m[1] ) . ']'; } else { return '%' . $m[2]; } }, substr( $prot, 0, -1 ) ); $opts['nowiki_protocols']["($prot):"] = '%1:'; } } return $this->getEngine()->registerInterface( 'mw.text.lua', $lib, $opts ); } function textUnstrip( $s ) { $this->checkType( 'unstrip', 1, $s, 'string' ); return array( $this->getParser()->mStripState->unstripBoth( $s ) ); } function getEntityTable() { $flags = ENT_QUOTES; // PHP 5.3 compat if ( defined( "ENT_HTML5" ) ) { $flags |= constant( "ENT_HTML5" ); } $table = array_flip( get_html_translation_table( HTML_ENTITIES, $flags, "UTF-8" ) ); return array( $table ); } }