local testframework = require 'Module:TestFramework' local langs = nil local function getLangs() if langs == nil then langs = { mw.language.new( 'en' ), mw.language.new( 'kaa' ), mw.language.new( 'fa' ), mw.language.new( '[[bogus]]' ), } end return langs end local function test_method( func, ... ) local langs = getLangs() local ret = {} for i = 1, #langs do local got = { pcall( langs[i][func], langs[i], ... ) } if table.remove( got, 1 ) then ret[i] = got else ret[i] = string.gsub( got[1], '^%S+:%d+: ', '' ) end end return unpack( ret ) end local function test_method_lang( lang, func, ... ) local obj = mw.language.new( lang ) return obj[func]( obj, ... ) end local function test_plural( lang ) local obj = mw.language.new( lang ) local ret1, ret2 = '', '' local ret3, ret4 = '', '' for i = 0, 29 do ret1 = ret1 .. obj:convertPlural( i, 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' ) ret2 = ret2 .. obj:convertPlural( i, { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' } ) ret3 = ret3 .. obj:plural( i, 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' ) ret4 = ret4 .. obj:plural( i, { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' } ) end if ret1 ~= ret2 or ret1 ~= ret3 or ret1 ~= ret4 then error( "Plural tests don't match:" .. " " .. ret1 " " .. ret2 " " .. ret3 " " .. ret4 ) end return ret1 end local function test_multi( func, ... ) local ret = {} for i = 1, select( '#', ... ) do ret[i] = func( select( i, ... ) ) end return unpack( ret, 1, select( '#', ... ) ) end local function test_fetchLanguageNames( ... ) local ret = mw.language.fetchLanguageNames( ... ) if type( ret ) == 'table' then return { en = ret.en, ru = ret.ru, } else return ret end end local function test_parseFormattedNumber() local langs = getLangs() local ret = {} for i = 1, #langs do local ok, num = pcall( langs[i].formatNum, langs[i], 123456.78901 ) local got = { pcall( langs[i].parseFormattedNumber, langs[i], num ) } if table.remove( got, 1 ) then ret[i] = got else ret[i] = string.gsub( got[1], '^%S+:%d+: ', '' ) end end return unpack( ret ) end return testframework.getTestProvider( { { name = 'fetchLanguageName (en)', func = mw.language.fetchLanguageName, args = { 'en' }, expect = { 'English' } }, { name = 'fetchLanguageName (ru)', func = mw.language.fetchLanguageName, args = { 'ru' }, expect = { 'русский' } }, { name = 'fetchLanguageName (en,ru)', func = mw.language.fetchLanguageName, args = { 'en', 'ru' }, expect = { 'английский' } }, { name = 'fetchLanguageName (ru,en)', func = mw.language.fetchLanguageName, args = { 'ru', 'en' }, expect = { 'Russian' } }, { name = 'fetchLanguageName ([[bogus]])', func = mw.language.fetchLanguageName, args = { '[[bogus]]' }, expect = { '' } }, { name = 'fetchLanguageName (en,[[bogus]])', func = mw.language.fetchLanguageName, args = { 'en', '[[bogus]]' }, expect = { 'English' } }, { name = 'fetchLanguageNames ()', func = test_fetchLanguageNames, args = {}, expect = { { en = 'English', ru = 'русский' } } }, { name = 'fetchLanguageNames (de)', func = test_fetchLanguageNames, args = { 'de' }, expect = { { en = 'Englisch', ru = 'Russisch' } } }, { name = 'fetchLanguageNames ([[bogus]])', func = test_fetchLanguageNames, args = { '[[bogus]]' }, expect = { { en = 'English', ru = 'Russian' } } }, { name = 'getFallbacksFor', func = test_multi, args = { mw.language.getFallbacksFor, 'en', 'de', 'arz', '[[bogus]]' }, expect = { {}, { 'en' }, { 'ar', 'en' }, {} } }, { name = 'isKnownLanguageTag', func = test_multi, args = { mw.language.isKnownLanguageTag, 'en', 'not-a-real-code', 'extension code', '[[bogus]]' }, expect = { true, false, false, false } }, { name = 'isSupportedLanguage', func = test_multi, args = { mw.language.isSupportedLanguage, 'en', 'not-a-real-code', 'extension code', '[[bogus]]' }, expect = { true, false, false, false } }, { name = 'isValidBuiltInCode', func = test_multi, args = { mw.language.isValidBuiltInCode, 'en', 'not-a-real-code', 'extension code', '[[bogus]]' }, expect = { true, true, false, false } }, { name = 'isValidCode', func = test_multi, args = { mw.language.isValidCode, 'en', 'not-a-real-code', 'extension code', '[[bogus]]' }, expect = { true, true, true, false } }, { name = 'mw.language.new', func = test_multi, type = 'ToString', args = { mw.language.new, 'en', 'ru', '[[bogus]]' }, expect = { 'table', 'table', 'table' } }, { name = 'lang:getCode', func = test_method, args = { 'getCode' }, expect = { { 'en' }, { 'kaa' }, { 'fa' }, { '[[bogus]]' }, } }, { name = 'lang:getFallbackLanguages', func = test_method, args = { 'getFallbackLanguages' }, expect = { { {} }, { { 'kk-latn', 'kk-cyrl', 'en' } }, { { 'en' } }, { {} }, } }, { name = 'lang:isRTL', func = test_method, args = { 'isRTL' }, expect = { { false }, { false }, { true }, "language code '[[bogus]]' is invalid", } }, { name = 'lang:lc', func = test_method, args = { 'lc', 'IX' }, expect = { { 'ix' }, { 'ix' }, -- Probably not actually right, but it's what LanguageKaa returns { 'ix' }, "language code '[[bogus]]' is invalid", } }, { name = 'lang:lcfirst', func = test_method, args = { 'lcfirst', 'IX' }, expect = { { 'iX' }, { 'ıX' }, { 'iX' }, "language code '[[bogus]]' is invalid", } }, { name = 'lang:uc', func = test_method, args = { 'uc', 'ix' }, expect = { { 'IX' }, { 'IX' }, -- Probably not actually right, but it's what LanguageKaa returns { 'IX' }, "language code '[[bogus]]' is invalid", } }, { name = 'lang:ucfirst', func = test_method, args = { 'ucfirst', 'ix' }, expect = { { 'Ix' }, { 'İx' }, { 'Ix' }, "language code '[[bogus]]' is invalid", } }, { name = 'lang:caseFold', func = test_method, args = { 'caseFold', 'ix' }, expect = { { 'IX' }, { 'IX' }, -- Probably not actually right, but it's what LanguageKaa returns { 'IX' }, "language code '[[bogus]]' is invalid", } }, { name = 'lang:formatNum', func = test_method, args = { 'formatNum', 123456.78901 }, expect = { { '123,456.78901' }, { "123\194\160456,78901" }, { '۱۲۳٬۴۵۶٫۷۸۹۰۱' }, "language code '[[bogus]]' is invalid", } }, { name = 'lang:formatDate', func = test_method, args = { 'formatDate', 'Y-F-d H:i:s', '20140305123456' }, expect = { { '2014-March-05 12:34:56' }, { '2014-Mart-05 12:34:56' }, { '۲۰۱۴-مارس-۰۵ ۱۲:۳۴:۵۶' }, "language code '[[bogus]]' is invalid", } }, { name = 'lang:formatDuration', func = test_method, args = { 'formatDuration', 86461 }, expect = { { "1 day, 1 minute and 1 second" }, { "1 күн, 1 минут ha'm 1 секунт" }, { "۱ روز، ۱ دقیقه و ۱ ثانیه" }, "language code '[[bogus]]' is invalid", } }, { name = 'lang:formatDuration (hours and minutes)', func = test_method, args = { 'formatDuration', 86461, { 'hours', 'minutes' } }, expect = { { "24 hours and 1 minute" }, { "24 сағат ha'm 1 минут" }, { "۲۴ ساعت و ۱ دقیقه" }, "language code '[[bogus]]' is invalid", } }, { name = 'lang:parseFormattedNumber', func = test_parseFormattedNumber, args = {}, expect = { { 123456.78901 }, { 123456.78901 }, { 123456.78901 }, "language code '[[bogus]]' is invalid", } }, { name = 'lang:convertPlural (en)', func = test_plural, args = { 'en' }, expect = { 'babbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb' } }, { name = 'lang:convertPlural (pl)', func = test_plural, args = { 'pl' }, expect = { 'cabbbcccccccccccccccccbbbccccc' } }, { name = 'lang:convertPlural (bogus)', func = test_plural, args = { '[[bogus]]' }, expect = "language code '[[bogus]]' is invalid", }, { name = 'lang:convertGrammar (ru)', func = test_method_lang, args = { 'ru', 'convertGrammar', '**ия', 'genitive' }, expect = { '**ии' } }, { name = 'lang:convertGrammar (bogus)', func = test_method_lang, args = { '[[bogus]]', 'convertGrammar', '**ия', 'genitive' }, expect = "language code '[[bogus]]' is invalid", }, { name = 'lang:grammar (ru)', func = test_method_lang, args = { 'ru', 'grammar', 'genitive', '**ия' }, expect = { '**ии' } }, { name = 'lang:grammar (bogus)', func = test_method_lang, args = { '[[bogus]]', 'grammar', 'genitive', '**ия' }, expect = "language code '[[bogus]]' is invalid", }, { name = 'lang:gender (male)', func = test_method, args = { 'gender', 'male', 'masculine', 'feminine', 'neutral' }, expect = { { 'masculine' }, { 'masculine' }, { 'masculine' }, "language code '[[bogus]]' is invalid", } }, { name = 'lang:gender (female)', func = test_method, args = { 'gender', 'female', 'masculine', 'feminine', 'neutral' }, expect = { { 'feminine' }, { 'feminine' }, { 'feminine' }, "language code '[[bogus]]' is invalid", } }, { name = 'lang:gender (male, with sequence)', func = test_method, args = { 'gender', 'male', { 'masculine', 'feminine', 'neutral' } }, expect = { { 'masculine' }, { 'masculine' }, { 'masculine' }, "language code '[[bogus]]' is invalid", } }, { name = 'lang:getArrow (forward)', func = test_method, args = { 'getArrow', 'forwards' }, expect = { { "→" }, { "→" }, { "←" }, "language code '[[bogus]]' is invalid", } }, { name = 'lang:getArrow (right)', func = test_method, args = { 'getArrow', 'right' }, expect = { { "→" }, { "→" }, { "→" }, { "→" }, } }, { name = 'lang:getDir', func = test_method, args = { 'getDir' }, expect = { { "ltr" }, { "ltr" }, { "rtl" }, "language code '[[bogus]]' is invalid", } }, { name = 'lang:getDirMark', func = test_method, args = { 'getDirMark' }, expect = { { "\226\128\142" }, { "\226\128\142" }, { "\226\128\143" }, "language code '[[bogus]]' is invalid", } }, { name = 'lang:getDirMark opposite', func = test_method, args = { 'getDirMark', true }, expect = { { "\226\128\143" }, { "\226\128\143" }, { "\226\128\142" }, "language code '[[bogus]]' is invalid", } }, { name = 'lang:getDirMarkEntity', func = test_method, args = { 'getDirMarkEntity' }, expect = { { "‎" }, { "‎" }, { "‏" }, "language code '[[bogus]]' is invalid", } }, { name = 'lang:getDirMarkEntity opposite', func = test_method, args = { 'getDirMarkEntity', true }, expect = { { "‏" }, { "‏" }, { "‎" }, "language code '[[bogus]]' is invalid", } }, { name = 'lang:getDurationIntervals', func = test_method, args = { 'getDurationIntervals', 86461 }, expect = { { { days = 1, minutes = 1, seconds = 1 } }, { { days = 1, minutes = 1, seconds = 1 } }, { { days = 1, minutes = 1, seconds = 1 } }, "language code '[[bogus]]' is invalid", } }, { name = 'lang:getDurationIntervals (hours and minutes)', func = test_method, args = { 'getDurationIntervals', 86461, { 'hours', 'minutes' } }, expect = { { { hours = 24, minutes = 1 } }, { { hours = 24, minutes = 1 } }, { { hours = 24, minutes = 1 } }, "language code '[[bogus]]' is invalid", } }, } )