null ); function register() { $lib = array( 'newTitle' => array( $this, 'newTitle' ), 'makeTitle' => array( $this, 'makeTitle' ), 'getUrl' => array( $this, 'getUrl' ), 'getContent' => array( $this, 'getContent' ), 'fileExists' => array( $this, 'fileExists' ), 'protectionLevels' => array( $this, 'protectionLevels' ), 'cascadingProtection' => array( $this, 'cascadingProtection' ), ); $this->getEngine()->registerInterface( 'mw.title.lua', $lib, array( 'thisTitle' => $this->returnTitleToLua( $this->getTitle() ), 'NS_MEDIA' => NS_MEDIA, ) ); } private function checkNamespace( $name, $argIdx, &$arg, $default = null ) { global $wgContLang; if ( $arg === null && $default !== null ) { $arg = $default; } elseif ( is_numeric( $arg ) ) { $arg = (int)$arg; if ( !MWNamespace::exists( $arg ) ) { throw new Scribunto_LuaError( "bad argument #$argIdx to '$name' (unrecognized namespace number '$arg')" ); } } elseif ( is_string( $arg ) ) { $ns = $wgContLang->getNsIndex( $arg ); if ( $ns === false ) { throw new Scribunto_LuaError( "bad argument #$argIdx to '$name' (unrecognized namespace name '$arg')" ); } $arg = $ns; } else { $this->checkType( $name, $argIdx, $arg, 'namespace number or name' ); } } /** * Extract information from a Title object for return to Lua * * This also records a link to this title in the current ParserOutput * and caches the title for repeated lookups. The caller should call * incrementExpensiveFunctionCount() if necessary. * * @param $title Title Title to return * @return array Lua data */ private function returnTitleToLua( Title $title ) { // Cache it $this->titleCache[$title->getPrefixedDBkey()] = $title; if ( $title->getArticleID() > 0 ) { $this->idCache[$title->getArticleID()] = $title; } // Record a link if ( $this->getParser() && !$title->equals( $this->getTitle() ) ) { $this->getParser()->getOutput()->addLink( $title ); } $ns = $title->getNamespace(); $ret = array( 'isLocal' => (bool)$title->isLocal(), 'isRedirect' => (bool)$title->isRedirect(), 'interwiki' => $title->getInterwiki(), 'namespace' => $ns, 'nsText' => $title->getNsText(), 'text' => $title->getText(), 'id' => $title->getArticleID(), 'fragment' => $title->getFragment(), 'contentModel' => $title->getContentModel(), 'thePartialUrl' => $title->getPartialURL(), ); if ( $ns === NS_SPECIAL ) { $ret['exists'] = (bool)SpecialPageFactory::exists( $title->getDBkey() ); } else { // bug 70495: don't just check whether the ID != 0 $ret['exists'] = $title->exists(); } if ( $ns !== NS_FILE && $ns !== NS_MEDIA ) { $ret['fileExists'] = false; } return $ret; } /** * Handler for * * Calls Title::newFromID or Title::newFromTitle as appropriate for the * arguments, and may call incrementExpensiveFunctionCount() if the title * is not already cached. * * @param $text_or_id string|int Title or page_id to fetch * @param $defaultNamespace string|int Namespace name or number to use if $text_or_id doesn't override * @return array Lua data */ function newTitle( $text_or_id, $defaultNamespace = null ) { $type = $this->getLuaType( $text_or_id ); if ( $type === 'number' ) { if ( array_key_exists( $text_or_id, $this->idCache ) ) { $title = $this->idCache[$text_or_id]; } else { $this->incrementExpensiveFunctionCount(); $title = Title::newFromID( $text_or_id ); $this->idCache[$text_or_id] = $title; } if ( !$title ) { return array( null ); } } elseif ( $type === 'string' ) { $this->checkNamespace( '', 2, $defaultNamespace, NS_MAIN ); // Note this just fills in the given fields, it doesn't fetch from // the page table. $title = Title::newFromText( $text_or_id, $defaultNamespace ); if ( !$title ) { return array( null ); } if ( isset( $this->titleCache[$title->getPrefixedDBkey()] ) ) { // Use the cached version, because that has already been loaded from the database $title = $this->titleCache[$title->getPrefixedDBkey()]; } else { $this->incrementExpensiveFunctionCount(); } } else { // This will always fail $this->checkType( '', 1, $text_or_id, 'number or string' ); } return array( $this->returnTitleToLua( $title ) ); } /** * Handler for title.makeTitle * * Calls Title::makeTitleSafe, and may call * incrementExpensiveFunctionCount() if the title is not already cached. * * @param $ns string|int Namespace * @param $text string Title text * @param $fragment string URI fragment * @param $interwiki string Interwiki code * @return array Lua data */ function makeTitle( $ns, $text, $fragment = null, $interwiki = null ) { $this->checkNamespace( 'makeTitle', 1, $ns ); $this->checkType( 'makeTitle', 2, $text, 'string' ); $this->checkTypeOptional( 'makeTitle', 3, $fragment, 'string', '' ); $this->checkTypeOptional( 'makeTitle', 4, $interwiki, 'string', '' ); // Note this just fills in the given fields, it doesn't fetch from the // page table. $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( $ns, $text, $fragment, $interwiki ); if ( !$title ) { return array( null ); } if ( isset( $this->titleCache[$title->getPrefixedDBkey()] ) ) { // Use the cached version, because that has already been loaded from the database $title = $this->titleCache[$title->getPrefixedDBkey()]; } else { $this->incrementExpensiveFunctionCount(); } return array( $this->returnTitleToLua( $title ) ); } // May call the following Title methods: // getFullUrl, getLocalUrl, getCanonicalUrl function getUrl( $text, $which, $query = null, $proto = null ) { static $protoMap = array( 'http' => PROTO_HTTP, 'https' => PROTO_HTTPS, 'relative' => PROTO_RELATIVE, 'canonical' => PROTO_CANONICAL, ); $this->checkType( 'getUrl', 1, $text, 'string' ); $this->checkType( 'getUrl', 2, $which, 'string' ); if ( !in_array( $which, array( 'fullUrl', 'localUrl', 'canonicalUrl' ), true ) ) { $this->checkType( 'getUrl', 2, $which, "'fullUrl', 'localUrl', or 'canonicalUrl'" ); } $func = "get" . ucfirst( $which ); $args = array( $query, false ); if ( !is_string( $query ) && !is_array( $query ) ) { $this->checkTypeOptional( $which, 1, $query, 'table or string', '' ); } if ( $which === 'fullUrl' ) { $this->checkTypeOptional( $which, 2, $proto, 'string', 'relative' ); if ( !isset( $protoMap[$proto] ) ) { $this->checkType( $which, 2, $proto, "'http', 'https', 'relative', or 'canonical'" ); } $args[] = $protoMap[$proto]; } $title = Title::newFromText( $text ); if ( !$title ) { return array( null ); } return array( call_user_func_array( array( $title, $func ), $args ) ); } function getContent( $text ) { $this->checkType( 'getContent', 1, $text, 'string' ); $title = Title::newFromText( $text ); if ( !$title ) { return array( null ); } // Record in templatelinks, so edits cause the page to be refreshed $this->getParser()->getOutput()->addTemplate( $title, $title->getArticleID(), $title->getLatestRevID() ); if ( $title->equals( $this->getTitle() ) ) { $this->getParser()->getOutput()->setFlag( 'vary-revision' ); } if ( is_callable( array( $this->getParser(), 'fetchCurrentRevisionOfTitle' ) ) ) { $rev = $this->getParser()->fetchCurrentRevisionOfTitle( $title ); } else { $rev = Revision::newFromTitle( $title ); } if ( !$rev ) { return array( null ); } $content = $rev->getContent(); if ( !$content ) { return array( null ); } return array( $content->serialize() ); } function fileExists( $text ) { $this->checkType( 'fileExists', 1, $text, 'string' ); $title = Title::newFromText( $text ); if ( !$title ) { return array( false ); } $ns = $title->getNamespace(); if ( $ns !== NS_FILE && $ns !== NS_MEDIA ) { return array( false ); } $this->incrementExpensiveFunctionCount(); $file = wfFindFile( $title ); if ( !$file ) { return array( false ); } $this->getParser()->getOutput()->addImage( $file->getName(), $file->getTimestamp(), $file->getSha1() ); return array( (bool)$file->exists() ); } private static function makeArrayOneBased( $arr ) { if ( empty( $arr ) ) { return $arr; } return array_combine( range( 1, count( $arr ) ), array_values( $arr ) ); } public function protectionLevels( $text ) { $this->checkType( 'protectionLevels', 1, $text, 'string' ); $title = Title::newFromText( $text ); if ( !$title ) { return array( null ); } if ( !$title->areRestrictionsLoaded() ) { $this->incrementExpensiveFunctionCount(); } return array( array_map( 'Scribunto_LuaTitleLibrary::makeArrayOneBased', $title->getAllRestrictions() ) ); } public function cascadingProtection( $text ) { $this->checkType( 'cascadingProtection', 1, $text, 'string' ); $title = Title::newFromText( $text ); if ( !$title ) { return array( null ); } if ( !$title->areCascadeProtectionSourcesLoaded() ) { $this->incrementExpensiveFunctionCount(); } list( $sources, $restrictions ) = $title->getCascadeProtectionSources(); return array( array( 'sources' => Scribunto_LuaTitleLibrary::makeArrayOneBased( array_map( function ( $t ) { return $t->getPrefixedText(); }, $sources ) ), 'restrictions' => array_map( 'Scribunto_LuaTitleLibrary::makeArrayOneBased', $restrictions ) ) ); } }