newInterpreter(); } catch ( Scribunto_LuaInterpreterNotFoundError $e ) { $this->markTestSkipped( "interpreter not available" ); } } function getBusyLoop( $interpreter ) { $chunk = $interpreter->loadString( ' local args = {...} local x, i local s = string.rep("x", 1000000) local n = args[1] for i = 1, n do x = x or string.find(s, "y", 1, true) end', 'busy' ); return $chunk; } function getPassthru( $interpreter ) { return $interpreter->loadString( 'return ...', 'passthru' ); } /** @dataProvider provideRoundtrip */ function testRoundtrip( /*...*/ ) { $args = func_get_args(); $args = $this->normalizeOrder( $args ); $interpreter = $this->newInterpreter(); $passthru = $interpreter->loadString( 'return ...', 'passthru' ); $finalArgs = $args; array_unshift( $finalArgs, $passthru ); $ret = call_user_func_array( array( $interpreter, 'callFunction' ), $finalArgs ); $ret = $this->normalizeOrder( $ret ); $this->assertSame( $args, $ret ); } /** @dataProvider provideRoundtrip */ function testDoubleRoundtrip( /* ... */ ) { $args = func_get_args(); $args = $this->normalizeOrder( $args ); $interpreter = $this->newInterpreter(); $interpreter->registerLibrary( 'test', array( 'passthru' => array( $this, 'passthru' ) ) ); $doublePassthru = $interpreter->loadString( 'return test.passthru(...)', 'doublePassthru' ); $finalArgs = $args; array_unshift( $finalArgs, $doublePassthru ); $ret = call_user_func_array( array( $interpreter, 'callFunction' ), $finalArgs ); $ret = $this->normalizeOrder( $ret ); $this->assertSame( $args, $ret ); } /** * This cannot be done in testRoundtrip and testDoubleRoundtrip, because * assertSame( NAN, NAN ) returns false. */ function testRoundtripNAN() { $interpreter = $this->newInterpreter(); $passthru = $interpreter->loadString( 'return ...', 'passthru' ); $ret = $interpreter->callFunction( $passthru, NAN ); $this->assertEquals( array( NAN ), $ret ); $interpreter->registerLibrary( 'test', array( 'passthru' => array( $this, 'passthru' ) ) ); $doublePassthru = $interpreter->loadString( 'return test.passthru(...)', 'doublePassthru' ); $ret = $interpreter->callFunction( $doublePassthru, NAN ); $this->assertEquals( array( NAN ), $ret ); } function normalizeOrder( $a ) { ksort( $a ); foreach ( $a as &$value ) { if ( is_array( $value ) ) { $value = $this->normalizeOrder( $value ); } } return $a; } function passthru( /* ... */ ) { $args = func_get_args(); return $args; } function provideRoundtrip() { return array( array( 1 ), array( true ), array( false ), array( 'hello' ), array( implode( '', array_map( 'chr', range( 0, 255 ) ) ) ), array( 1, 2, 3 ), array( array() ), array( array( 0 => 'foo', 1 => 'bar' ) ), array( array( 1 => 'foo', 2 => 'bar' ) ), array( array( 'x' => 'foo', 'y' => 'bar', 'z' => array() ) ), array( INF ), array( -INF ), array( 'ok', null, 'ok' ), array( null, 'ok' ), array( 'ok', null ), array( null ), ); } /** * @expectedException ScribuntoException * @expectedExceptionMessage The time allocated for running scripts has expired. */ function testTimeLimit() { if( php_uname( 's' ) === 'Darwin' ) { $this->markTestSkipped( "Darwin is lacking POSIX timer, skipping CPU time limiting test." ); } $interpreter = $this->newInterpreter( array( 'cpuLimit' => 1 ) ); $chunk = $this->getBusyLoop( $interpreter ); $interpreter->callFunction( $chunk, 1e9 ); } /** * @expectedException ScribuntoException * @expectedExceptionMessage Lua error: not enough memory */ function testTestMemoryLimit() { $interpreter = $this->newInterpreter( array( 'memoryLimit' => 20 * 1e6 ) ); $chunk = $interpreter->loadString( ' t = {} for i = 1, 10 do t[#t + 1] = string.rep("x" .. i, 1000000) end ', 'memoryLimit' ); $interpreter->callFunction( $chunk ); } function testWrapPHPFunction() { $interpreter = $this->newInterpreter(); $func = $interpreter->wrapPhpFunction( function ( $n ) { return array( 42, $n ); } ); $res = $interpreter->callFunction( $func, 'From PHP' ); $this->assertEquals( array( 42, 'From PHP' ), $res ); $chunk = $interpreter->loadString( ' f = ... return f( "From Lua" ) ', 'wrappedPhpFunction' ); $res = $interpreter->callFunction( $chunk, $func ); $this->assertEquals( array( 42, 'From Lua' ), $res ); } }