langCache[$wgContLang->getCode()] = $wgContLang; $statics = array( 'getContLangCode', 'isSupportedLanguage', 'isKnownLanguageTag', 'isValidCode', 'isValidBuiltInCode', 'fetchLanguageName', ); $methods = array( 'lcfirst', 'ucfirst', 'lc', 'uc', 'caseFold', 'formatNum', 'formatDate', 'parseFormattedNumber', 'convertPlural', 'convertGrammar', 'gender', 'isRTL', ); $lib = array(); foreach ( $statics as $name ) { $lib[$name] = array( $this, $name ); } $ths = $this; foreach ( $methods as $name ) { $lib[$name] = function () use ( $ths, $name ) { $args = func_get_args(); return $ths->languageMethod( $name, $args ); }; } $this->getEngine()->registerInterface( 'mw.language.lua', $lib ); } function getContLangCode() { global $wgContLang; return array( $wgContLang->getCode() ); } function isSupportedLanguage( $code ) { $this->checkType( 'isSupportedLanguage', 1, $code, 'string' ); return array( Language::isSupportedLanguage( $code ) ); } function isKnownLanguageTag( $code ) { $this->checkType( 'isKnownLanguageTag', 1, $code, 'string' ); return array( Language::isKnownLanguageTag( $code ) ); } function isValidCode( $code ) { $this->checkType( 'isValidCode', 1, $code, 'string' ); return array( Language::isValidCode( $code ) ); } function isValidBuiltInCode( $code ) { $this->checkType( 'isValidBuiltInCode', 1, $code, 'string' ); return array( (bool)Language::isValidBuiltInCode( $code ) ); } function fetchLanguageName( $code, $inLanguage ) { $this->checkType( 'fetchLanguageName', 1, $code, 'string' ); $this->checkTypeOptional( 'fetchLanguageName', 2, $inLanguage, 'string', null ); return array( Language::fetchLanguageName( $code, $inLanguage ) ); } /** * Language object method handler */ function languageMethod( $name, $args ) { $name = strval( $name ); $code = array_shift( $args ); if ( !isset( $this->langCache[$code] ) ) { if ( count( $this->langCache ) > self::MAX_LANG_CACHE_SIZE ) { throw new Scribunto_LuaError( 'too many language codes requested' ); } $this->langCache[$code] = Language::factory( $code ); } $lang = $this->langCache[$code]; switch ( $name ) { // Zero arguments case 'isRTL': return array( $lang->$name() ); // One string argument passed straight through case 'lcfirst': case 'ucfirst': case 'lc': case 'uc': case 'caseFold': $this->checkType( $name, 1, $args[0], 'string' ); return array( $lang->$name( $args[0] ) ); case 'parseFormattedNumber': if ( is_numeric( $args[0] ) ) { $args[0] = strval( $args[0] ); } $this->checkType( $name, 1, $args[0], 'string' ); return array( $lang->$name( $args[0] ) ); // Custom handling default: return $this->$name( $lang, $args ); } } /** * convertPlural handler */ function convertPlural( $lang, $args ) { $number = array_shift( $args ); $this->checkType( 'convertPlural', 1, $number, 'number' ); if ( is_array( $args[0] ) ) { $args = $args[0]; } $forms = array_values( array_map( 'strval', $args ) ); return array( $lang->convertPlural( $number, $forms ) ); } /** * convertGrammar handler */ function convertGrammar( $lang, $args ) { $this->checkType( 'convertGrammar', 1, $args[0], 'string' ); $this->checkType( 'convertGrammar', 2, $args[1], 'string' ); return array( $lang->convertGrammar( $args[0], $args[1] ) ); } /** * gender handler */ function gender( $lang, $args ) { $this->checkType( 'gender', 1, $args[0], 'string' ); $username = trim( array_shift( $args[0] ) ); if ( is_array( $args[0] ) ) { $args = $args[0]; } $forms = array_values( array_map( 'strval', $args ) ); // Shortcuts if ( count( $forms ) === 0 ) { return ''; } elseif ( count( $forms ) === 1 ) { return $forms[0]; } if ( $username === 'male' || $username === 'female' ) { $gender = $username; } else { // default $gender = User::getDefaultOption( 'gender' ); // Check for "User:" prefix $title = Title::newFromText( $username ); if ( $title && $title->getNamespace() == NS_USER ) { $username = $title->getText(); } // check parameter, or use the ParserOptions if in interface message $user = User::newFromName( $username ); if ( $user ) { $gender = GenderCache::singleton()->getGenderOf( $user, __METHOD__ ); } elseif ( $username === '' ) { $parserOptions = $this->getParserOptions(); if ( $parserOptions->getInterfaceMessage() ) { $gender = GenderCache::singleton()->getGenderOf( $parserOptions->getUser(), __METHOD__ ); } } } return array( $lang->gender( $gender, $forms ) ); } /** * formatNum handler */ function formatNum( $lang, $args ) { $num = $args[0]; $this->checkType( 'formatNum', 1, $num, 'number' ); $noCommafy = false; if ( isset( $args[1] ) ) { $this->checkType( 'formatNum', 2, $args[1], 'table' ); $options = $args[1]; $noCommafy = !empty( $options['noCommafy'] ); } return array( $lang->formatNum( $num, $noCommafy ) ); } /** * formatDate handler */ function formatDate( $lang, $args ) { $this->checkType( 'formatDate', 1, $args[0], 'string' ); $this->checkTypeOptional( 'formatDate', 2, $args[1], 'string', '' ); $this->checkTypeOptional( 'formatDate', 3, $args[2], 'boolean', false ); list( $format, $date, $local ) = $args; $langcode = $lang->getCode(); if ( $date === '' ) { $cacheKey = $this->getParserOptions()->getTimestamp(); $timestamp = new MWTimestamp( $cacheKey ); $date = $timestamp->getTimestamp( TS_ISO_8601 ); } else { # Correct for DateTime interpreting 'XXXX' as XX:XX o'clock if ( preg_match( '/^[0-9]{4}$/', $date ) ) { $date = '00:00 '.$date; } $cacheKey = $date; } if ( isset( $this->timeCache[$format][$cacheKey][$langcode][$local] ) ) { return array( $this->timeCache[$format][$cacheKey][$langcode][$local] ); } $this->timeChars += strlen( $format ); if ( $this->timeChars > self::MAX_TIME_CHARS ) { throw new Scribunto_LuaError( "Too many calls to mw.language:formatDate()" ); } # Default input timezone is UTC. try { $utc = new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ); $dateObject = new DateTime( $date, $utc ); } catch ( Exception $ex ) { throw new Scribunto_LuaError( "bad argument #2 to 'formatDate' (not a valid timestamp)" ); } # Set output timezone. if ( $local ) { if ( isset( $wgLocaltimezone ) ) { $tz = new DateTimeZone( $wgLocaltimezone ); } else { $tz = new DateTimeZone( date_default_timezone_get() ); } $dateObject->setTimezone( $tz ); } else { $dateObject->setTimezone( $utc ); } # Generate timestamp $ts = $dateObject->format( 'YmdHis' ); if ( $ts >= 100000000000000 ) { throw new Scribunto_LuaError( "mw.language:formatDate() only supports years up to 9999" ); } $ret = $lang->sprintfDate( $format, $ts ); $this->timeCache[$format][$cacheKey][$langcode][$local] = $ret; return array( $ret ); } }