[ $this, 'getNsIndex' ], 'pagesInCategory' => [ $this, 'pagesInCategory' ], 'pagesInNamespace' => [ $this, 'pagesInNamespace' ], 'usersInGroup' => [ $this, 'usersInGroup' ], 'interwikiMap' => [ $this, 'interwikiMap' ], ]; $parser = $this->getParser(); $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance(); $config = $services->getMainConfig(); $contLang = $services->getContentLanguage(); $info = [ 'siteName' => $config->get( MainConfigNames::Sitename ), 'server' => $config->get( MainConfigNames::Server ), 'scriptPath' => $config->get( MainConfigNames::ScriptPath ), 'stylePath' => $config->get( MainConfigNames::StylePath ), 'currentVersion' => SpecialVersion::getVersion( '', $parser ? $parser->getTargetLanguage() : $contLang ), ]; if ( !self::$namespacesCache || self::$namespacesCacheLang !== $contLang->getCode() ) { $namespaces = []; $namespacesByName = []; $namespaceInfo = $services->getNamespaceInfo(); foreach ( $contLang->getFormattedNamespaces() as $ns => $title ) { $canonical = $namespaceInfo->getCanonicalName( $ns ); $namespaces[$ns] = [ 'id' => $ns, 'name' => $title, 'canonicalName' => strtr( $canonical, '_', ' ' ), 'hasSubpages' => $namespaceInfo->hasSubpages( $ns ), 'hasGenderDistinction' => $namespaceInfo->hasGenderDistinction( $ns ), 'isCapitalized' => $namespaceInfo->isCapitalized( $ns ), 'isContent' => $namespaceInfo->isContent( $ns ), 'isIncludable' => !$namespaceInfo->isNonincludable( $ns ), 'isMovable' => $namespaceInfo->isMovable( $ns ), 'isSubject' => $namespaceInfo->isSubject( $ns ), 'isTalk' => $namespaceInfo->isTalk( $ns ), 'defaultContentModel' => $namespaceInfo->getNamespaceContentModel( $ns ), 'aliases' => [], ]; if ( $ns >= NS_MAIN ) { $namespaces[$ns]['subject'] = $namespaceInfo->getSubject( $ns ); $namespaces[$ns]['talk'] = $namespaceInfo->getTalk( $ns ); $namespaces[$ns]['associated'] = $namespaceInfo->getAssociated( $ns ); } else { $namespaces[$ns]['subject'] = $ns; } $namespacesByName[strtr( $title, ' ', '_' )] = $ns; if ( $canonical ) { $namespacesByName[$canonical] = $ns; } } $namespaceAliases = $config->get( MainConfigNames::NamespaceAliases ); $aliases = array_merge( $namespaceAliases, $contLang->getNamespaceAliases() ); foreach ( $aliases as $title => $ns ) { if ( !isset( $namespacesByName[$title] ) && isset( $namespaces[$ns] ) ) { $ct = count( $namespaces[$ns]['aliases'] ); $namespaces[$ns]['aliases'][$ct + 1] = $title; $namespacesByName[$title] = $ns; } } $namespaces[NS_MAIN]['displayName'] = wfMessage( 'blanknamespace' )->inContentLanguage()->text(); self::$namespacesCache = $namespaces; self::$namespacesCacheLang = $contLang->getCode(); } $info['namespaces'] = self::$namespacesCache; if ( defined( 'MW_PHPUNIT_TEST' ) ) { $info['stats'] = [ 'pages' => 1, 'articles' => 1, 'files' => 0, 'edits' => 1, 'users' => 1, 'activeUsers' => 1, 'admins' => 1, ]; } else { $info['stats'] = [ 'pages' => (int)SiteStats::pages(), 'articles' => (int)SiteStats::articles(), 'files' => (int)SiteStats::images(), 'edits' => (int)SiteStats::edits(), 'users' => (int)SiteStats::users(), 'activeUsers' => (int)SiteStats::activeUsers(), 'admins' => (int)SiteStats::numberingroup( 'sysop' ), ]; } return $this->getEngine()->registerInterface( 'mw.site.lua', $lib, $info ); } /** * Handler for pagesInCategory * @internal * @param string|null $category * @param string|null $which * @return int[]|int[][] */ public function pagesInCategory( $category = null, $which = null ) { $this->checkType( 'pagesInCategory', 1, $category, 'string' ); $this->checkTypeOptional( 'pagesInCategory', 2, $which, 'string', 'all' ); $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_CATEGORY, $category ); if ( !$title ) { return [ 0 ]; } $cacheKey = $title->getDBkey(); if ( !isset( $this->pagesInCategoryCache[$cacheKey] ) ) { $this->incrementExpensiveFunctionCount(); $category = Category::newFromTitle( $title ); $counts = [ 'all' => $category->getMemberCount(), 'subcats' => $category->getSubcatCount(), 'files' => $category->getFileCount(), 'pages' => $category->getPageCount( Category::COUNT_CONTENT_PAGES ), ]; $this->pagesInCategoryCache[$cacheKey] = $counts; } if ( $which === '*' ) { return [ $this->pagesInCategoryCache[$cacheKey] ]; } if ( !isset( $this->pagesInCategoryCache[$cacheKey][$which] ) ) { $this->checkType( 'pagesInCategory', 2, $which, "one of '*', 'all', 'pages', 'subcats', or 'files'" ); } return [ $this->pagesInCategoryCache[$cacheKey][$which] ]; } /** * Handler for pagesInNamespace * @internal * @param int|string|null $ns * @return int[] */ public function pagesInNamespace( $ns = null ) { $this->checkType( 'pagesInNamespace', 1, $ns, 'number' ); return [ (int)SiteStats::pagesInNs( intval( $ns ) ) ]; } /** * Handler for usersInGroup * @internal * @param string|null $group * @return int[] */ public function usersInGroup( $group = null ) { $this->checkType( 'usersInGroup', 1, $group, 'string' ); return [ (int)SiteStats::numberingroup( strtolower( $group ) ) ]; } /** * Handler for getNsIndex * @internal * @param string|null $name * @return int[]|bool[] */ public function getNsIndex( $name = null ) { $this->checkType( 'getNsIndex', 1, $name, 'string' ); // PHP call is case-insensitive but chokes on non-standard spaces/underscores. $name = trim( preg_replace( '/[\s_]+/', '_', $name ), '_' ); return [ MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage()->getNsIndex( $name ) ]; } /** * Handler for interwikiMap * @internal * @param string|null $filter * @return array[] */ public function interwikiMap( $filter = null ) { $this->checkTypeOptional( 'interwikiMap', 1, $filter, 'string', null ); $local = null; if ( $filter === 'local' ) { $local = true; } elseif ( $filter === '!local' ) { $local = false; } elseif ( $filter !== null ) { throw new LuaError( "bad argument #1 to 'interwikiMap' (unknown filter '$filter')" ); } $cacheKey = $filter ?? 'null'; if ( !isset( self::$interwikiMapCache[$cacheKey] ) ) { // Not expensive because we can have a max of three cache misses in the // entire page parse. $interwikiMap = []; $lookup = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getInterwikiLookup(); $prefixes = $lookup->getAllPrefixes( $local ); $config = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMainConfig(); $localInterwikis = $config->get( MainConfigNames::LocalInterwikis ); $extraInterlanguageLinkPrefixes = $config->get( MainConfigNames::ExtraInterlanguageLinkPrefixes ); foreach ( $prefixes as $row ) { $prefix = $row['iw_prefix']; $val = [ 'prefix' => $prefix, 'url' => wfExpandUrl( $row['iw_url'], PROTO_RELATIVE ), 'isProtocolRelative' => substr( $row['iw_url'], 0, 2 ) === '//', 'isLocal' => isset( $row['iw_local'] ) && $row['iw_local'] == '1', 'isTranscludable' => isset( $row['iw_trans'] ) && $row['iw_trans'] == '1', 'isCurrentWiki' => in_array( $prefix, $localInterwikis ), 'isExtraLanguageLink' => in_array( $prefix, $extraInterlanguageLinkPrefixes ), ]; if ( $val['isExtraLanguageLink'] ) { $displayText = wfMessage( "interlanguage-link-$prefix" ); if ( !$displayText->isDisabled() ) { $val['displayText'] = $displayText->text(); } $tooltip = wfMessage( "interlanguage-link-sitename-$prefix" ); if ( !$tooltip->isDisabled() ) { $val['tooltip'] = $tooltip->text(); } } $interwikiMap[$prefix] = $val; } self::$interwikiMapCache[$cacheKey] = $interwikiMap; } return [ self::$interwikiMapCache[$cacheKey] ]; } }