local testframework = require 'Module:TestFramework' local title, title_copy, title2, title3, title4, title5, title6u, title6s, title4p if mw.title.testPageId then title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() title_copy = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() title2 = mw.title.new( 'Module:TestFramework' ) title3 = mw.title.new( 'interwikiprefix:Module:TestFramework' ) title4 = mw.title.new( 'Talk:Has/A/Subpage' ) title5 = mw.title.new( 'Not/A/Subpage' ) title4.fragment = 'frag' title4p = mw.title.new( 'Talk:Has/A' ) title6u = mw.title.new( 'Module_talk:Test_Framework' ) title6u.fragment = '__frag__frag__' title6s = mw.title.new( 'Module talk:Test Framework' ) title6s.fragment = ' frag frag ' end local function prop_foreach( prop ) return title[prop], title2[prop], title3[prop], title4[prop], title5[prop], title6u[prop], title6s[prop] end local function func_foreach( func, ... ) return title[func]( title, ... ), title2[func]( title2, ... ), title3[func]( title3, ... ), title4[func]( title4, ... ), title5[func]( title5, ... ), title6u[func]( title6u, ... ), title6s[func]( title6s, ... ) end local function identity( ... ) return ... end local function test_space_normalization( s ) local title = mw.title.new( s ) return tostring( title ), tostring( title.fragment ) end local function test_expensive_10() for i = 1, 10 do local _ = mw.title.new( tostring( i ) ).id end return 'did not error' end local function test_expensive_11() for i = 1, 11 do local _ = mw.title.new( tostring( i ) ).id end return 'did not error' end local function test_expensive_cached() for i = 1, 100 do local _ = mw.title.new( 'Title' ).id end return 'did not error' end local function test_inexpensive() for i = 1, 100 do local _ = mw.title.new( 'Title' ).prefixedText end return 'did not error' end local function test_getContent() return mw.title.new( 'ScribuntoTestPage' ):getContent(), mw.title.new( 'ScribuntoTestNonExistingPage' ):getContent() end local function test_content() return mw.title.new( 'ScribuntoTestPage' ).content, mw.title.new( 'ScribuntoTestNonExistingPage' ).content end local function test_redirectTarget() local targets = {} local titles = { 'ScribuntoTestRedirect', 'ScribuntoTestNonRedirect', 'ScribuntoTestNonExistingPage' } for _, title in ipairs( titles ) do local target = mw.title.new( title ).redirectTarget if title.prefixedText ~= nil then target = title.prefixedText end table.insert( targets, target ) end return unpack( targets ) end local function test_getCurrentTitle_fragment() mw.title.getCurrentTitle().fragment = 'bad' return mw.title.getCurrentTitle().fragment end local function test_pageLang() local l = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().pageLang if l:getCode() ~= mw.language.getContentLanguage():getCode() then return 'error' end return 'did not error' end -- Tests local tests = { { name = 'tostring', func = identity, type = 'ToString', args = { title, title2, title3, title4, title5, title6u, title6s }, expect = { 'Main Page', 'Module:TestFramework', 'interwikiprefix:Module:TestFramework', 'Talk:Has/A/Subpage', 'Not/A/Subpage', 'Module talk:Test Framework', 'Module talk:Test Framework' } }, { name = 'title.equal', func = mw.title.equals, args = { title, title }, expect = { true } }, { name = 'title.equal (2)', func = mw.title.equals, args = { title, title_copy }, expect = { true } }, { name = 'title.equal (3)', func = mw.title.equals, args = { title, title2 }, expect = { false } }, { name = '==', func = function () return rawequal( title, title_copy ), title == title, title == title_copy, title == title2 end, expect = { false, true, true, false } }, { name = 'title.compare', func = mw.title.compare, args = { title, title }, expect = { 0 } }, { name = 'title.compare (2)', func = mw.title.compare, args = { title, title_copy }, expect = { 0 } }, { name = 'title.compare (3)', func = mw.title.compare, args = { title, title2 }, expect = { -1 } }, { name = 'title.compare (4)', func = mw.title.compare, args = { title2, title }, expect = { 1 } }, { name = 'title.compare (5)', func = mw.title.compare, args = { title2, title3 }, expect = { -1 } }, { name = 'title.compare (6)', func = mw.title.compare, args = { title6s, title6u }, expect = { 0 } }, { name = '<', func = function () return title < title, title < title_copy, title < title2, title2 < title end, expect = { false, false, true, false } }, { name = '<=', func = function () return title <= title, title <= title_copy, title <= title2, title2 <= title end, expect = { true, true, true, false } }, { name = 'title.new with namespace', func = mw.title.new, type = 'ToString', args = { 'TestFramework', 'Module' }, expect = { 'Module:TestFramework' } }, { name = 'title.new with namespace (2)', func = mw.title.new, type = 'ToString', args = { 'TestFramework', mw.site.namespaces.Module.id }, expect = { 'Module:TestFramework' } }, { name = 'title.new with namespace (3)', func = mw.title.new, type = 'ToString', args = { 'Template:TestFramework', 'Module' }, expect = { 'Template:TestFramework' } }, { name = 'title.new space normalization', func = test_space_normalization, args = { ' __ Template __ : __ Test _ Framework __ # _ frag _ frag _ ' }, expect = { 'Template:Test Framework', ' frag frag' } }, { name = 'title.new with invalid title', func = mw.title.new, args = { '' }, expect = { nil } }, { name = 'title.new with nonexistent pageid', func = mw.title.new, args = { -1 }, expect = { nil } }, { name = 'title.new with pageid 0', func = mw.title.new, args = { 0 }, expect = { nil } }, { name = 'title.new with existing pageid', func = mw.title.new, type = 'ToString', args = { mw.title.testPageId }, expect = { 'ScribuntoTestPage' } }, { name = 'title.makeTitle', func = mw.title.makeTitle, type = 'ToString', args = { 'Module', 'TestFramework' }, expect = { 'Module:TestFramework' } }, { name = 'title.makeTitle (2)', func = mw.title.makeTitle, type = 'ToString', args = { mw.site.namespaces.Module.id, 'TestFramework' }, expect = { 'Module:TestFramework' } }, { name = 'title.makeTitle (3)', func = mw.title.makeTitle, type = 'ToString', args = { mw.site.namespaces.Module.id, 'Template:TestFramework' }, expect = { 'Module:Template:TestFramework' } }, { name = '.isLocal', func = prop_foreach, args = { 'isLocal' }, expect = { true, true, false, true, true, true, true } }, { name = '.isTalkPage', func = prop_foreach, args = { 'isTalkPage' }, expect = { false, false, nil, true, false, true, true } }, { name = '.isSubpage', func = prop_foreach, args = { 'isSubpage' }, expect = { false, false, false, true, false, false, false } }, { name = '.text', func = prop_foreach, args = { 'text' }, expect = { 'Main Page', 'TestFramework', 'Module:TestFramework', 'Has/A/Subpage', 'Not/A/Subpage', 'Test Framework', 'Test Framework' } }, { name = '.prefixedText', func = prop_foreach, args = { 'prefixedText' }, expect = { 'Main Page', 'Module:TestFramework', 'interwikiprefix:Module:TestFramework', 'Talk:Has/A/Subpage', 'Not/A/Subpage', 'Module talk:Test Framework', 'Module talk:Test Framework', } }, { name = '.rootText', func = prop_foreach, args = { 'rootText' }, expect = { 'Main Page', 'TestFramework', 'Module:TestFramework', 'Has', 'Not/A/Subpage', 'Test Framework', 'Test Framework' } }, { name = '.baseText', func = prop_foreach, args = { 'baseText' }, expect = { 'Main Page', 'TestFramework', 'Module:TestFramework', 'Has/A', 'Not/A/Subpage', 'Test Framework', 'Test Framework' } }, { name = '.subpageText', func = prop_foreach, args = { 'subpageText' }, expect = { 'Main Page', 'TestFramework', 'Module:TestFramework', 'Subpage', 'Not/A/Subpage', 'Test Framework', 'Test Framework' } }, { name = '.fullText', func = prop_foreach, args = { 'fullText' }, expect = { 'Main Page', 'Module:TestFramework', 'interwikiprefix:Module:TestFramework', 'Talk:Has/A/Subpage#frag', 'Not/A/Subpage', 'Module talk:Test Framework# frag frag', 'Module talk:Test Framework# frag frag' } }, { name = '.subjectNsText', func = prop_foreach, args = { 'subjectNsText' }, expect = { '', 'Module', nil, '', '', 'Module', 'Module' } }, { name = '.canTalk', func = prop_foreach, args = { 'canTalk' }, expect = { true, true, nil, true, true, true, true } }, { name = '.talkNsText', func = prop_foreach, args = { 'talkNsText' }, expect = { 'Talk', 'Module talk', nil, 'Talk', 'Talk', 'Module talk', 'Module talk' } }, { name = '.fragment', func = prop_foreach, args = { 'fragment' }, expect = { '', '', '', 'frag', '', ' frag frag', ' frag frag' } }, { name = '.interwiki', func = prop_foreach, args = { 'interwiki' }, expect = { '', '', 'interwikiprefix', '', '', '', '' } }, { name = '.namespace', func = prop_foreach, args = { 'namespace' }, expect = { 0, mw.site.namespaces.Module.id, 0, 1, 0, mw.site.namespaces.Module_talk.id, mw.site.namespaces.Module_talk.id } }, { name = '.protectionLevels', func = prop_foreach, args = { 'protectionLevels' }, expect = { { edit = {}, move = {} }, { edit = { 'sysop', 'bogus' }, move = { 'sysop', 'bogus' } }, {}, { create = { 'sysop' } }, { edit = { 'autoconfirmed' }, move = { 'sysop' } }, { edit = {}, move = { 'sysop' } }, { edit = {}, move = { 'sysop' } } } }, { name = '.cascadingProtection', func = prop_foreach, args = { 'cascadingProtection' }, expect = { { restrictions = { edit = { 'sysop' } }, sources = { 'Lockbox', 'Lockbox2' } }, { restrictions = {}, sources = {} }, { restrictions = {}, sources = {} }, { restrictions = {}, sources = {} }, { restrictions = {}, sources = {} }, { restrictions = {}, sources = {} }, { restrictions = {}, sources = {} } } }, { name = '.inNamespace()', func = func_foreach, args = { 'inNamespace', 'Module' }, expect = { false, true, false, false, false, false, false } }, { name = '.inNamespace() 2', func = func_foreach, args = { 'inNamespace', mw.site.namespaces.Module.id }, expect = { false, true, false, false, false, false, false } }, { name = '.inNamespaces()', func = func_foreach, args = { 'inNamespaces', 0, 1 }, expect = { true, false, true, true, true, false, false } }, { name = '.hasSubjectNamespace()', func = func_foreach, args = { 'hasSubjectNamespace', 0 }, expect = { true, false, true, true, true, false, false } }, { name = '.isSubpageOf() 1', func = func_foreach, args = { 'isSubpageOf', title }, expect = { false, false, false, false, false, false, false } }, { name = '.isSubpageOf() 2', func = func_foreach, args = { 'isSubpageOf', title4p }, expect = { false, false, false, true, false, false, false } }, { name = '.partialUrl()', func = func_foreach, args = { 'partialUrl' }, expect = { 'Main_Page', 'TestFramework', 'Module:TestFramework', 'Has/A/Subpage', 'Not/A/Subpage', 'Test_Framework', 'Test_Framework' } }, { name = '.fullUrl()', func = func_foreach, args = { 'fullUrl' }, expect = { '//wiki.local/wiki/Main_Page', '//wiki.local/wiki/Module:TestFramework', '//test.wikipedia.org/wiki/Module:TestFramework', '//wiki.local/wiki/Talk:Has/A/Subpage#frag', '//wiki.local/wiki/Not/A/Subpage', '//wiki.local/wiki/Module_talk:Test_Framework#_frag_frag', '//wiki.local/wiki/Module_talk:Test_Framework#_frag_frag', } }, { name = '.fullUrl() 2', func = func_foreach, args = { 'fullUrl', { action = 'test' } }, expect = { '//wiki.local/w/index.php?title=Main_Page&action=test', '//wiki.local/w/index.php?title=Module:TestFramework&action=test', '//test.wikipedia.org/wiki/Module:TestFramework?action=test', '//wiki.local/w/index.php?title=Talk:Has/A/Subpage&action=test#frag', '//wiki.local/w/index.php?title=Not/A/Subpage&action=test', '//wiki.local/w/index.php?title=Module_talk:Test_Framework&action=test#_frag_frag', '//wiki.local/w/index.php?title=Module_talk:Test_Framework&action=test#_frag_frag', } }, { name = '.fullUrl() 3', func = func_foreach, args = { 'fullUrl', nil, 'http' }, expect = { 'http://wiki.local/wiki/Main_Page', 'http://wiki.local/wiki/Module:TestFramework', 'http://test.wikipedia.org/wiki/Module:TestFramework', 'http://wiki.local/wiki/Talk:Has/A/Subpage#frag', 'http://wiki.local/wiki/Not/A/Subpage', 'http://wiki.local/wiki/Module_talk:Test_Framework#_frag_frag', 'http://wiki.local/wiki/Module_talk:Test_Framework#_frag_frag', } }, { name = '.localUrl()', func = func_foreach, args = { 'localUrl' }, expect = { '/wiki/Main_Page', '/wiki/Module:TestFramework', '//test.wikipedia.org/wiki/Module:TestFramework', '/wiki/Talk:Has/A/Subpage', '/wiki/Not/A/Subpage', '/wiki/Module_talk:Test_Framework', '/wiki/Module_talk:Test_Framework', } }, { name = '.canonicalUrl()', func = func_foreach, args = { 'canonicalUrl' }, expect = { 'http://wiki.local/wiki/Main_Page', 'http://wiki.local/wiki/Module:TestFramework', 'http://test.wikipedia.org/wiki/Module:TestFramework', 'http://wiki.local/wiki/Talk:Has/A/Subpage#frag', 'http://wiki.local/wiki/Not/A/Subpage', 'http://wiki.local/wiki/Module_talk:Test_Framework#_frag_frag', 'http://wiki.local/wiki/Module_talk:Test_Framework#_frag_frag', } }, { name = '.getContent()', func = test_getContent, expect = { '{{int:mainpage}}......', nil, } }, { name = '.content', func = test_content, expect = { '{{int:mainpage}}......', false, } }, { name = '.redirectTarget', func = test_redirectTarget, type = 'ToString', expect = { 'ScribuntoTestTarget', false, false } }, { name = 'not quite too many expensive functions', func = test_expensive_10, expect = { 'did not error' } }, { name = 'too many expensive functions', func = test_expensive_11, expect = 'too many expensive function calls' }, { name = "previously cached titles shouldn't count as expensive", func = test_expensive_cached, expect = { 'did not error' } }, { name = "inexpensive actions shouldn't count as expensive", func = test_inexpensive, expect = { 'did not error' } }, { name = "fragments don't leak via getCurrentTitle()", func = test_getCurrentTitle_fragment, expect = { '' } }, { name = "sample page language returns current content language", func = test_pageLang, expect = { 'did not error' } }, } return testframework.getTestProvider( tests )