[ $this, 'textUnstrip' ], 'unstripNoWiki' => [ $this, 'textUnstripNoWiki' ], 'killMarkers' => [ $this, 'killMarkers' ], 'getEntityTable' => [ $this, 'getEntityTable' ], 'jsonEncode' => [ $this, 'jsonEncode' ], 'jsonDecode' => [ $this, 'jsonDecode' ], ]; $opts = [ 'comma' => wfMessage( 'comma-separator' )->inContentLanguage()->text(), 'and' => wfMessage( 'and' )->inContentLanguage()->text() . wfMessage( 'word-separator' )->inContentLanguage()->text(), 'ellipsis' => wfMessage( 'ellipsis' )->inContentLanguage()->text(), 'nowiki_protocols' => [], ]; foreach ( $wgUrlProtocols as $prot ) { if ( substr( $prot, -1 ) === ':' ) { // To convert the protocol into a case-insensitive Lua pattern, // we need to replace letters with a character class like [Xx] // and insert a '%' before various punctuation. $prot = preg_replace_callback( '/([a-zA-Z])|([()^$%.\[\]*+?-])/', function ( $m ) { if ( $m[1] ) { return '[' . strtoupper( $m[1] ) . strtolower( $m[1] ) . ']'; } else { return '%' . $m[2]; } }, substr( $prot, 0, -1 ) ); $opts['nowiki_protocols']["($prot):"] = '%1:'; } } return $this->getEngine()->registerInterface( 'mw.text.lua', $lib, $opts ); } function textUnstrip( $s ) { $this->checkType( 'unstrip', 1, $s, 'string' ); $stripState = $this->getParser()->mStripState; return [ $stripState->killMarkers( $stripState->unstripNoWiki( $s ) ) ]; } function textUnstripNoWiki( $s ) { $this->checkType( 'unstripNoWiki', 1, $s, 'string' ); return [ $this->getParser()->mStripState->unstripNoWiki( $s ) ]; } function killMarkers( $s ) { $this->checkType( 'killMarkers', 1, $s, 'string' ); return [ $this->getParser()->mStripState->killMarkers( $s ) ]; } function getEntityTable() { $flags = ENT_QUOTES; // PHP 5.3 compat if ( defined( "ENT_HTML5" ) ) { $flags |= constant( "ENT_HTML5" ); } $table = array_flip( get_html_translation_table( HTML_ENTITIES, $flags, "UTF-8" ) ); return [ $table ]; } public function jsonEncode( $value, $flags ) { $this->checkTypeOptional( 'mw.text.jsonEncode', 2, $flags, 'number', 0 ); $flags = (int)$flags; if ( !( $flags & self::JSON_PRESERVE_KEYS ) && is_array( $value ) ) { $value = self::reindexArrays( $value, true ); } $ret = FormatJson::encode( $value, (bool)( $flags & self::JSON_PRETTY ), FormatJson::ALL_OK ); if ( $ret === false ) { throw new Scribunto_LuaError( 'mw.text.jsonEncode: Unable to encode value' ); } return [ $ret ]; } public function jsonDecode( $s, $flags ) { $this->checkType( 'mw.text.jsonDecode', 1, $s, 'string' ); $this->checkTypeOptional( 'mw.text.jsonDecode', 2, $flags, 'number', 0 ); $flags = (int)$flags; $opts = FormatJson::FORCE_ASSOC; if ( $flags & self::JSON_TRY_FIXING ) { $opts |= FormatJson::TRY_FIXING; } $status = FormatJson::parse( $s, $opts ); if ( !$status->isOk() ) { throw new Scribunto_LuaError( 'mw.text.jsonDecode: ' . $status->getMessage()->text() ); } $val = $status->getValue(); if ( !( $flags & self::JSON_PRESERVE_KEYS ) && is_array( $val ) ) { $val = self::reindexArrays( $val, false ); } return [ $val ]; } /** Recursively reindex array with integer keys to 0-based or 1-based * @param array $arr * @param bool $isEncoding * @return array */ private static function reindexArrays( array $arr, $isEncoding ) { if ( $isEncoding ) { ksort( $arr, SORT_NUMERIC ); $next = 1; } else { $next = 0; } $isSequence = true; foreach ( $arr as $k => &$v ) { if ( is_array( $v ) ) { $v = self::reindexArrays( $v, $isEncoding ); } if ( $isSequence ) { if ( is_int( $k ) ) { $isSequence = $next++ === $k; } elseif ( $isEncoding && ctype_digit( $k ) ) { // json_decode currently doesn't return integer keys for {} $isSequence = $next++ === (int)$k; } else { $isSequence = false; } } } if ( $isSequence ) { if ( $isEncoding ) { return array_values( $arr ); } else { return $arr ? array_combine( range( 1, count( $arr ) ), $arr ) : $arr; } } return $arr; } }