50000000, 'cpuLimit' => 30, 'allowEnvFuncs' => true, ]; public $standaloneOpts = [ 'errorFile' => null, 'luaPath' => null, 'memoryLimit' => 50000000, 'cpuLimit' => 30, 'allowEnvFuncs' => true, ]; protected $engines = []; private function makeEngine( $class, $opts ) { $parser = new Parser; $options = new ParserOptions; $options->setTemplateCallback( [ $this, 'templateCallback' ] ); $parser->startExternalParse( Title::newMainPage(), $options, Parser::OT_HTML, true ); $engine = new $class ( [ 'parser' => $parser ] + $opts ); $parser->scribunto_engine = $engine; $engine->setTitle( $parser->getTitle() ); $engine->getInterpreter(); return $engine; } protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); try { $this->engines['LuaSandbox'] = $this->makeEngine( 'Scribunto_LuaSandboxEngine', $this->sandboxOpts ); } catch ( Scribunto_LuaInterpreterNotFoundError $e ) { $this->markTestSkipped( "LuaSandbox interpreter not available" ); return; } try { $this->engines['LuaStandalone'] = $this->makeEngine( 'Scribunto_LuaStandaloneEngine', $this->standaloneOpts ); } catch ( Scribunto_LuaInterpreterNotFoundError $e ) { $this->markTestSkipped( "LuaStandalone interpreter not available" ); return; } } protected function tearDown() { foreach ( $this->engines as $engine ) { $engine->destroy(); } $this->engines = []; parent::tearDown(); } private function getGlobalEnvironment( $engine ) { static $script = <<getInterpreter()->loadString( $script, 'script' ); return $engine->getInterpreter()->callFunction( $func ); } public function testGlobalEnvironment() { // Grab the first engine as the "standard" $firstEngine = reset( $this->engines ); $firstName = key( $this->engines ); $firstEnv = $this->getGlobalEnvironment( $firstEngine ); // Test all others against it foreach ( $this->engines as $secondName => $secondEngine ) { if ( $secondName !== $firstName ) { $secondEnv = $this->getGlobalEnvironment( $secondEngine ); $this->assertEquals( $firstEnv, $secondEnv, "Environments for $firstName and $secondName are not equivalent" ); } } } }