MWServer = {} --- Create a new MWServer object function MWServer:new() obj = { chunks = {}, xchunks = {}, protectedFunctions = {}, protectedEnvironments = {}, baseEnv = {} } setmetatable( obj, self ) self.__index = self obj:init() return obj end --- Initialise a new MWServer object function MWServer:init() self.baseEnv = self:newEnvironment() for funcName, func in pairs( self ) do if type(func) == 'function' then self.protectedFunctions[func] = true end end self.protectedEnvironments[_G] = true end --- Serve requests until exit is requested function MWServer:execute() self:dispatch( nil ) self:debug( 'MWServer:execute: returning' ) end --- Call a PHP function -- Raise an error if the PHP handler requests it. May return any number -- of values. -- -- @param id The function ID, specified by a registerLibrary message -- @param args The function arguments -- @return The return values from the PHP function function MWServer:call( id, args ) local result = self:dispatch( { op = 'call', id = id, args = args } ) if result.op == 'return' then return unpack( result.values ) elseif result.op == 'error' then -- Raise an error in the actual user code that called the function -- The level is 3 since our immediate caller is a closure error( result.value, 3 ) else self:internalError( 'MWServer:call: unexpected result op' ) end end --- Handle a "call" message from PHP. Call the relevant function. -- -- @param message The message from PHP -- @return A response message to send back to PHP function MWServer:handleCall( message ) local result = { xpcall( function () return self.chunks[]( unpack( message.args ) ) end, function ( err ) return MWServer:attachTrace( err ) end ) } if result[1] then table.remove( result, 1 ) return { op = 'return', values = result } else if result[2].value and result[2].trace then return { op = 'error', value = result[2].value, trace = result[2].trace, } else return { op = 'error', value = result[2] } end end end --- The xpcall() error handler for handleCall(). Modifies the error object -- to include a structured backtrace -- -- @param err The error object -- @return The new error object function MWServer:attachTrace( err ) return { value = err, trace = self:getStructuredTrace( 2 ) } end --- Handle a "loadString" message from PHP. -- Load the function and return a chunk ID. -- -- @param message The message from PHP -- @return A response message to send back to PHP function MWServer:handleLoadString( message ) if string.find( message.text, '\27Lua', 1, true ) then return { op = 'error', value = 'cannot load code with a Lua binary chunk marker escape sequence in it' } end local chunk, errorMsg = loadstring( message.text, message.chunkName ) if chunk then setfenv( chunk, self.baseEnv ) local id = self:addChunk( chunk ) return { op = 'return', values = {id} } else return { op = 'error', value = errorMsg } end end --- Add a function value to the list of tracked chunks and return its associated ID. -- Adding a chunk allows it to be referred to in messages from PHP. -- -- @param chunk The function value -- @return The chunk ID function MWServer:addChunk( chunk ) local id = #self.chunks + 1 self.chunks[id] = chunk self.xchunks[chunk] = id return id end --- Handle a "registerLibrary" message from PHP. -- Add the relevant functions to the base environment. -- -- @param message The message from PHP -- @return The response message function MWServer:handleRegisterLibrary( message ) local startPos = 1 local component if not self.baseEnv[] then self.baseEnv[] = {} end local t = self.baseEnv[] for name, id in pairs( message.functions ) do t[name] = function( ... ) return self:call( id, { ... } ) end -- Protect the function against setfenv() self.protectedFunctions[t[name]] = true end return { op = 'return', values = {} } end --- Handle a "getStatus" message from PHP -- -- @param message The request message -- @return The response message function MWServer:handleGetStatus( message ) local nullRet = { op = 'return', values = {} } local file = '/proc/self/stat' ) if not file then return nullRet end local s = file:read('*a') file:close() local t = {} for token in string.gmatch(s, '[^ ]+') do t[#t + 1] = token end if #t < 22 then return nullRet end return { op = 'return', values = {{ pid = tonumber(t[1]), time = tonumber(t[14]) + tonumber(t[15]) + tonumber(t[16]) + tonumber(t[17]), vsize = tonumber(t[23]), }} } end --- The main request/response loop -- -- Send a request message and return its matching reply message. Handle any -- intervening requests (i.e. re-entrant calls) by dispatching them to the -- relevant handler function. -- -- The request message may optionally be omitted, to listen for request messages -- without first sending a request of its own. Such a dispatch() call will -- continue running until termination is requested by PHP. Typically, PHP does -- this with a SIGTERM signal. -- -- @param msgToPhp The message to send to PHP. Optional. -- @return The matching response message function MWServer:dispatch( msgToPhp ) if msgToPhp then self:sendMessage( msgToPhp ) end while true do local msgFromPhp = self:receiveMessage() local msgToPhp local op = msgFromPhp.op if op == 'return' or op == 'error' then return msgFromPhp elseif op == 'call' then msgToPhp = self:handleCall( msgFromPhp ) self:sendMessage( msgToPhp ) elseif op == 'loadString' then msgToPhp = self:handleLoadString( msgFromPhp ) self:sendMessage( msgToPhp ) elseif op == 'registerLibrary' then msgToPhp = self:handleRegisterLibrary( msgFromPhp ) self:sendMessage( msgToPhp ) elseif op == 'getStatus' then msgToPhp = self:handleGetStatus( msgFromPhp ) self:sendMessage( msgToPhp ) elseif op == 'quit' then self:debug( 'MWServer:dispatch: quit message received' ) os.exit(0) else self:internalError( "Invalid message operation" ) end end end --- Write a message to the debug output stream. -- Some day this may be configurable, currently it just unconditionally writes -- the message to stderr. The PHP host will redirect those errors to /dev/null -- by default, but it can be configured to send them to a file. -- -- @param s The message function MWServer:debug( s ) if ( type(s) == 'string' ) then io.stderr:write( s .. '\n' ) else io.stderr:write( self:serialize( s ) .. '\n' ) end end --- Raise an internal error -- Write a message to stderr and then exit with a failure status. This should -- be called for errors which cannot be allowed to be caught with pcall(). -- -- This must be used for protocol errors, or indeed any error from a context -- where a dispatch() call lies between the error source and a possible pcall() -- handler. If dispatch() were terminated by a regular error() call, the -- resulting protocol violation could lead to a deadlock. -- -- @param msg The error message function MWServer:internalError( msg ) io.stderr:write( debug.traceback( msg ) .. '\n' ) os.exit( 1 ) end --- Raise an I/O error -- Helper function for errors from the io and file modules, which may optionally -- return an informative error message as their second return value. function MWServer:ioError( header, info ) if type( info) == 'string' then self:internalError( header .. ': ' .. info ) else self:internalError( header ) end end --- Send a message to PHP -- @param msg The message table function MWServer:sendMessage( msg ) if not msg.op then self:internalError( "MWServer:sendMessage: invalid message", 2 ) end self:debug('TX ==> ' .. msg.op) local encMsg = self:encodeMessage( msg ) local success, errorMsg = io.stdout:write( encMsg ) if not success then self:ioError( 'Write error', errorMsg ) end io.stdout:flush() end --- Wait for a message from PHP and then decode and return it as a table -- @return The received message function MWServer:receiveMessage() -- Read the header local header, errorMsg = io.stdin:read( 16 ) if header == nil and errorMsg == nil then -- End of file on stdin, exit gracefully os.exit(0) end if not header or #header ~= 16 then self:ioError( 'Read error', errorMsg ) end local length = self:decodeHeader( header ) -- Read the body local body, errorMsg = io.stdin:read( length ) if not body then self:ioError( 'Read error', errorMsg ) end if #body ~= length then self:ioError( 'Read error', errorMsg ) end -- Unserialize it msg = self:unserialize( body ) self:debug('RX <== ' .. msg.op) if msg.op == 'error' then self:debug( 'Error: ' .. tostring( msg.value ) ) end return msg end --- Encode a message for sending to PHP function MWServer:encodeMessage( message ) local serialized = self:serialize( message ) local length = #serialized local check = length * 2 - 1 return string.format( '%08x%08x%s', length, check, serialized ) end --- Convert a value to a string suitable for passing to PHP's unserialize(). -- -- @param var The value. function MWServer:serialize( var ) local done = {} local int_min = -2147483648 local int_max = 2147483647 local function isInteger( var ) return type(var) == 'number' and math.floor( var ) == var and var >= int_min and var <= int_max end local function recursiveEncode( var, level ) local t = type( var ) if t == 'nil' then return 'N;' elseif t == 'number' then if isInteger(var) then return 'i:' .. var .. ';' else return 'd:' .. var .. ';' end elseif t == 'string' then return 's:' .. string.len( var ) .. ':"' .. var .. '";' elseif t == 'boolean' then if var then return 'b:1;' else return 'b:0;' end elseif t == 'table' then if done[var] then error("Cannot pass circular reference to PHP") end done[var] = true local buf = { '' } local tmpString local numElements = 0 for key, value in pairs(var) do if (isInteger(key)) then buf[#buf + 1] = 'i:' .. key .. ';' else tmpString = tostring( key ) buf[#buf + 1] = recursiveEncode( tostring( key ), level + 1 ) end buf[#buf + 1] = recursiveEncode( value, level + 1 ) numElements = numElements + 1 end buf[1] = 'a:' .. numElements .. ':{' buf[#buf + 1] = '}' return table.concat(buf) elseif t == 'function' then local id if self.xchunks[var] then id = self.xchunks[var] else id = self:addChunk(var) end return 'O:42:"Scribunto_LuaStandaloneInterpreterFunction":1:{s:2:"id";i:' .. id .. ';}' elseif t == 'thread' then error("Cannot pass thread to PHP") elseif t == 'userdata' then error("Cannot pass userdata to PHP") else error("Cannot pass unrecognised type to PHP") end end return recursiveEncode( var, 0 ) end --- Convert a Lua expression string to its corresponding value. -- Convert any references of the form chunk[id] to the corresponding function -- values. function MWServer:unserialize( text ) local func = loadstring( 'return ' .. text ) if not func then self:internalError( "MWServer:unserialize: invalid chunk" ) end -- Don't waste JIT cache space by storing every message in it if jit then func ) end setfenv( func, { chunks = self.chunks } ) return func() end --- Decode a message header. -- @param header The header string -- @return The body length function MWServer:decodeHeader( header ) local length = string.sub( header, 1, 8 ) local check = string.sub( header, 9, 16 ) if not string.match( length, '^%x+$' ) or not string.match( check, '^%x+$' ) then self:internalError( "Error decoding message header: " .. length .. '/' .. check ) end length = tonumber( length, 16 ) check = tonumber( check, 16 ) if length * 2 - 1 ~= check then self:internalError( "Error decoding message header" ) end return length end --- Get a traceback similar to the one from debug.traceback(), but as a table -- rather than formatted as a string -- -- @param The level to start at: 1 for the function that called getStructuredTrace() -- @return A table with the backtrace information function MWServer:getStructuredTrace( level ) level = level + 1 local trace = {} while true do local rawInfo = debug.getinfo( level, 'nSl' ) if rawInfo == nil then break end local info = {} for i, key in ipairs({'short_src', 'what', 'currentline', 'name', 'namewhat', 'linedefined'}) do info[key] = rawInfo[key] end if string.match( info['short_src'], '/MWServer.lua$' ) then info['short_src'] = 'MWServer.lua' end if string.match( rawInfo['short_src'], '/mw_main.lua$' ) then info['short_src'] = 'mw_main.lua' end table.insert( trace, info ) level = level + 1 end return trace end --- Create a table to be used as a restricted environment, based on the current -- global environment. -- -- @return The environment table function MWServer:newEnvironment() local allowedGlobals = { -- base "assert", "error", "getmetatable", "ipairs", "next", "pairs", "pcall", "rawequal", "rawget", "rawset", "select", "setmetatable", "tonumber", "type", "unpack", "xpcall", "_VERSION", -- libs "string", "table", "math" } local env = {} for i = 1, #allowedGlobals do env[allowedGlobals[i]] = mw.clone( _G[allowedGlobals[i]] ) end env._G = env env.tostring = function( val ) return self:tostring( val ) end env.string.dump = nil env.setfenv, env.getfenv = mw.makeProtectedEnvFuncs( self.protectedEnvironments, self.protectedFunctions ) env.debug = { traceback = debug.traceback } return env end --- An implementation of tostring() which does not expose pointers. function MWServer:tostring(val) local mt = getmetatable( val ) if mt and mt.__tostring then return mt.__tostring(val) end local typeName = type(val) local nonPointerTypes = {number = true, string = true, boolean = true, ['nil'] = true} if nonPointerTypes[typeName] then return tostring(val) else return typeName end end return MWServer