false, ); } public function getLimitReport() { $this->load(); $lang = Language::factory( 'en' ); $t = $this->interpreter->getCPUUsage(); $s = 'Lua time usage: ' . sprintf( "%.3f", $t ) . "s\n" . 'Lua memory usage: ' . $lang->formatSize( $this->interpreter->getPeakMemoryUsage() ) . "\n"; if ( $t < 1.0 ) { return $s; } $percentProfile = $this->interpreter->getProfilerFunctionReport( Scribunto_LuaSandboxInterpreter::PERCENT ); if ( !count( $percentProfile ) ) { return $s; } $timeProfile = $this->interpreter->getProfilerFunctionReport( Scribunto_LuaSandboxInterpreter::SECONDS ); $s .= "Lua Profile:\n"; $cumulativePercent = $cumulativeTime = 0; $num = $otherTime = $otherPercent = 0; $format = " %-59s %8.0f ms %8.1f%%\n"; foreach ( $percentProfile as $name => $percent ) { $time = $timeProfile[$name] * 1000; $cumulativePercent += $percent; $cumulativeTime += $time; $num++; if ( $cumulativePercent <= 99 && $num <= 10 ) { // Map some regularly appearing internal names if ( preg_match( '/^$/', $name, $m ) ) { $line = $this->getMwLuaLine( $m[1] ); if ( preg_match( '/^\s*(local\s+)?function ([a-zA-Z0-9_.]*)/', $line, $m ) ) { $name = $m[2] . ' ' . $name; } } $s .= sprintf( $format, $name, $time, $percent ); } else { $otherTime += $time; $otherPercent += $percent; } } if ( $otherTime ) { $s .= sprintf( $format, "[others]", $otherTime, $otherPercent ); } return $s; } protected function getMwLuaLine( $lineNum ) { if ( !isset( $this->lineCache['mw.lua'] ) ) { $this->lineCache['mw.lua'] = file( $this->getLuaLibDir() . '/mw.lua' ); } return $this->lineCache['mw.lua'][$lineNum - 1]; } function newInterpreter() { return new Scribunto_LuaSandboxInterpreter( $this, $this->options ); } } class Scribunto_LuaSandboxInterpreter extends Scribunto_LuaInterpreter { var $engine, $sandbox, $libraries, $profilerEnabled; const SAMPLES = 0; const SECONDS = 1; const PERCENT = 2; function __construct( $engine, $options ) { if ( !extension_loaded( 'luasandbox' ) ) { throw new Scribunto_LuaInterpreterNotFoundError( 'The luasandbox extension is not present, this engine cannot be used.' ); } $this->engine = $engine; $this->sandbox = new LuaSandbox; $this->sandbox->setMemoryLimit( $options['memoryLimit'] ); $this->sandbox->setCPULimit( $options['cpuLimit'] ); if ( is_callable( array( $this->sandbox, 'enableProfiler' ) ) ) { if ( !isset( $options['profilerPeriod'] ) ) { $options['profilerPeriod'] = 0.02; } if ( $options['profilerPeriod'] ) { $this->profilerEnabled = true; $this->sandbox->enableProfiler( $options['profilerPeriod'] ); } } } protected function convertSandboxError( $e ) { $opts = array(); if ( isset( $e->luaTrace ) ) { $opts['trace'] = $e->luaTrace; } $message = $e->getMessage(); if ( preg_match( '/^(.*?):(\d+): (.*)$/', $message, $m ) ) { $opts['module'] = $m[1]; $opts['line'] = $m[2]; $message = $m[3]; } return $this->engine->newLuaError( $message, $opts ); } public function loadString( $text, $chunkName ) { try { return $this->sandbox->loadString( $text, $chunkName ); } catch ( LuaSandboxError $e ) { throw $this->convertSandboxError( $e ); } } public function registerLibrary( $name, $functions ) { $realLibrary = array(); foreach ( $functions as $funcName => $callback ) { $realLibrary[$funcName] = array( new Scribunto_LuaSandboxCallback( $callback ), $funcName ); } $this->sandbox->registerLibrary( $name, $realLibrary ); # TODO: replace this with #$this->sandbox->registerVirtualLibrary( # $name, array( $this, 'callback' ), $functions ); } public function callFunction( $func /*, ... */ ) { $args = func_get_args(); $func = array_shift( $args ); try { return call_user_func_array( array( $func, 'call' ), $args ); } catch ( LuaSandboxTimeoutError $e ) { throw $this->engine->newException( 'scribunto-common-timeout' ); } catch ( LuaSandboxError $e ) { throw $this->convertSandboxError( $e ); } } public function wrapPhpFunction( $callable ) { if ( is_callable( array( $this->sandbox, 'wrapPhpFunction' ) ) ) { return $this->sandbox->wrapPhpFunction( $callable ); } // We have to hack around the lack of the wrapper function by loading a // dummy library with $callable, then extracting the function, and then // for good measure nilling out the library table. list( $name ) = $this->sandbox->loadString( ' for i = 0, math.huge do if not _G["*LuaSandbox* temp" .. i] then return "*LuaSandbox* temp" .. i end end ' )->call(); $this->sandbox->registerLibrary( $name, array( 'func' => $callable ) ); list( $func ) = $this->sandbox->loadString( "local ret = _G['$name'].func _G['$name'] = nil return ret" )->call(); return $func; } public function isLuaFunction( $object ) { return $object instanceof LuaSandboxFunction; } public function getPeakMemoryUsage() { return $this->sandbox->getPeakMemoryUsage(); } public function getCPUUsage() { return $this->sandbox->getCPUUsage(); } public function getProfilerFunctionReport( $units ) { if ( $this->profilerEnabled ) { static $unitsMap; if ( !$unitsMap ) { $unitsMap = array( self::SAMPLES => LuaSandbox::SAMPLES, self::SECONDS => LuaSandbox::SECONDS, self::PERCENT => LuaSandbox::PERCENT ); } return $this->sandbox->getProfilerFunctionReport( $unitsMap[$units] ); } else { return array(); } } } class Scribunto_LuaSandboxCallback { function __construct( $callback ) { $this->callback = $callback; } /** * We use __call with a variable function name so that LuaSandbox will be * able to return a meaningful function name in profiling data. */ function __call( $funcName, $args ) { try { return call_user_func_array( $this->callback, $args ); } catch ( Scribunto_LuaError $e ) { throw new LuaSandboxRuntimeError( $e->getLuaMessage() ); } } }