Merge "Refactor unit tests"

This commit is contained in:
Demon 2013-01-24 19:58:04 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit 8b784ce3f9
8 changed files with 447 additions and 171 deletions

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@ -1,86 +1,26 @@
-- Parts are based on lua-TestMore (Copyright © 2009-2012 François Perrad, MIT
-- license)
local testframework = require 'Module:TestFramework'
local test = {}
local function is_deeply (got, expected, name)
if type(got) ~= 'table' then
return false
elseif type(expected) ~= 'table' then
error("expected value isn't a table : " .. tostring(expected))
local msg1
local msg2
local function deep_eq (t1, t2, key_path)
if t1 == t2 then
return true
for k, v2 in pairs(t2) do
local v1 = t1[k]
if type(v1) == 'table' and type(v2) == 'table' then
local r = deep_eq(v1, v2, key_path .. "." .. tostring(k))
if not r then
return false
if v1 ~= v2 then
key_path = key_path .. "." .. tostring(k)
msg1 = " got" .. key_path .. ": " .. tostring(v1)
msg2 = "expected" .. key_path .. ": " .. tostring(v2)
return false
for k in pairs(t1) do
local v2 = t2[k]
if v2 == nil then
key_path = key_path .. "." .. tostring(k)
msg1 = " got" .. key_path .. ": " .. tostring(t1[k])
msg2 = "expected" .. key_path .. ": " .. tostring(v2)
return false
return true
end -- deep_eq
return deep_eq(got, expected, '')
function test.getTests( engine )
return {
{ 'clone1', 'ok' },
{ 'clone2', 'ok' },
{ 'clone3', 'ok' },
{ 'clone4', 'ok' },
{ 'setfenv1', { error = '%s cannot set the global %s' } },
{ 'setfenv2', { error = '%s cannot set an environment %s' } },
{ 'setfenv3', { error = '%s cannot set the requested environment%s' } },
{ 'setfenv4', 'ok' },
{ 'setfenv5', 'ok' },
{ 'setfenv6', { error = '%s cannot be called on a protected function' } },
{ 'setfenv7', { error = '%s can only be called with a function%s' } },
{ 'getfenv1', 'ok' },
{ 'getfenv2', { error = '%s cannot get the global environment' } },
{ 'getfenv3', { error = '%Sno function environment for tail call %s' } },
function test.clone1()
local x = 1
local y = mw.clone( x )
assert( x == y )
return 'ok'
return ( x == y )
function test.clone2()
local x = { 'a' }
local y = mw.clone( x )
assert( x ~= y )
assert( is_deeply( y, x ) )
return testframework.deepEquals( x, y )
function test.clone2b()
local x = { 'a' }
local y = mw.clone( x )
assert( x ~= y )
y[2] = 'b'
assert( not is_deeply( y, x ) )
return 'ok'
return testframework.deepEquals( x, y )
function test.clone3()
@ -89,8 +29,7 @@ function test.clone3()
setmetatable( x, mt )
local y = mw.clone( x )
assert( getmetatable( x ) ~= getmetatable( y ) )
assert( is_deeply( getmetatable( y ), getmetatable( x ) ) )
return 'ok'
return testframework.deepEquals( getmetatable( x ), getmetatable( y ) )
function test.clone4()
@ -98,8 +37,7 @@ function test.clone4()
x.x = x
local y = mw.clone( x )
assert( x ~= y )
assert( y == y.x )
return 'ok'
return y == y.x
function test.setfenv1()
@ -120,8 +58,8 @@ function test.setfenv3()
function test.setfenv4()
-- Set an unprotected environment at a higher stack level than a protected
-- environment. It's assumed that any higher-level environment will protect
-- Set an unprotected environment at a higher stack level than a protected
-- environment. It's assumed that any higher-level environment will protect
-- itself with its own setfenv wrapper, so this succeeds.
local function level3()
local function level2()
@ -129,7 +67,7 @@ function test.setfenv4()
local function level1()
setfenv( 3, {} )
setfenv( level1, env )()
local protected = {mw = mw}
@ -165,10 +103,6 @@ function test.setfenv7()
setfenv( {}, {} )
function test.setfenv8()
setfenv( 2, {} )
function test.getfenv1()
assert( getfenv( 1 ) == _G )
return 'ok'
@ -187,7 +121,62 @@ function test.getfenv3()
return foo()
-- The "at level #" bit varies between environments, so
-- catch the error and strip that part out
local ok, err = pcall( bar )
if not ok then
err = string.gsub( err, '^%S+:%d+: ', '' )
err = string.gsub( err, ' at level %d$', '' )
error( err )
return test
return testframework.getTestProvider( {
{ name = 'clone', func = test.clone1,
expect = { true },
{ name = 'clone table', func = test.clone2,
expect = { true },
{ name = 'clone table then modify', func = test.clone2b,
expect = { false, { 2 }, nil, 'b' },
{ name = 'clone table with metatable', func = test.clone3,
expect = { true },
{ name = 'clone recursive table', func = test.clone4,
expect = { true },
{ name = 'setfenv global', func = test.setfenv1,
expect = "'setfenv' cannot set the global environment, it is protected",
{ name = 'setfenv invalid level', func = test.setfenv2,
expect = "'setfenv' cannot set an environment at a level greater than 10",
{ name = 'setfenv invalid environment', func = test.setfenv3,
expect = "'setfenv' cannot set the requested environment, it is protected",
{ name = 'setfenv on unprotected past protected', func = test.setfenv4,
expect = { 'ok' },
{ name = 'setfenv from inside protected', func = test.setfenv5,
expect = { 'ok' },
{ name = 'setfenv protected function', func = test.setfenv6,
expect = "'setfenv' cannot be called on a protected function",
{ name = 'setfenv on a non-function', func = test.setfenv7,
expect = "'setfenv' can only be called with a function or integer as the first argument",
{ name = 'getfenv(1)', func = test.getfenv1,
expect = { 'ok' },
{ name = 'getfenv(0)', func = test.getfenv2,
expect = "'getfenv' cannot get the global environment",
{ name = 'getfenv with tail call', func = test.getfenv3,
expect = "no function environment for tail call",
} )

View file

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
class LuaDataProvider implements Iterator {
protected $engine = null;
protected $exports = null;
protected $key = 1;
public function __construct( $engine, $moduleName ) {
$this->engine = $engine;
$this->key = 1;
$module = $engine->fetchModuleFromParser(
Title::makeTitle( NS_MODULE, $moduleName )
if ( $module === null ) {
throw new Exception( "Failed to load module $moduleName" );
$this->exports = $module->execute();
public function destroy() {
$this->engine = null;
$this->exports = null;
public function rewind() {
$this->key = 1;
public function valid() {
return $this->key <= $this->exports['count'];
public function key() {
return $this->key;
public function next() {
public function current() {
return $this->engine->getInterpreter()->callFunction( $this->exports['provide'], $this->key );
public function run( $key ) {
list( $ret ) = $this->engine->getInterpreter()->callFunction( $this->exports['run'], $key );
return $ret;

View file

@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
// To add additional test modules, add the module to getTestModules() and
// implement a data provider method and test method, using provideCommonTests()
// and testCommonTests() as a template.
require_once( __DIR__ . '/LuaDataProvider.php' );
abstract class Scribunto_LuaEngineTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
private $engine = null;
private $dataProviders = array();
private $luaTestName = null;
abstract function newEngine( $opts = array() );
@ -13,22 +22,28 @@ abstract class Scribunto_LuaEngineTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
function tearDown() {
foreach ( $this->dataProviders as $k => $p ) {
$this->dataProviders = array();
if ( $this->engine ) {
$this->engine = null;
function getEngine() {
if ( $this->engine ) {
return $this->engine;
$parser = new Parser;
$options = new ParserOptions;
$options->setTemplateCallback( array( $this, 'templateCallback' ) );
$parser->startExternalParse( Title::newMainPage(), $options, Parser::OT_HTML, true );
return $this->newEngine( array( 'parser' => $parser ) );
function getFrame( $engine ) {
return $engine->getParser()->getPreprocessor()->newFrame();
function getTestModules() {
return array(
'CommonTests' => dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/CommonTests.lua'
$this->engine = $this->newEngine( array( 'parser' => $parser ) );
return $this->engine;
function templateCallback( $title, $parser ) {
@ -46,52 +61,43 @@ abstract class Scribunto_LuaEngineTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
return Parser::statelessFetchTemplate( $title, $parser );
function getTestModuleName() {
return 'CommonTests';
function getTestModule( $engine, $moduleName ) {
return $engine->fetchModuleFromParser(
Title::makeTitle( NS_MODULE, $moduleName ) );
function testProvider() {
$tests = $this->provideLua();
$this->assertGreaterThan( 2, count( $tests ) );
function provideLua() {
$engine = $this->getEngine();
$allTests = array();
foreach ( $this->getTestModules() as $moduleName => $fileName ) {
$module = $this->getTestModule( $engine, $moduleName );
$exports = $module->execute();
$result = $engine->getInterpreter()->callFunction( $exports['getTests'] );
$moduleTests = $result[0];
foreach ( $moduleTests as $test ) {
array_unshift( $test, $moduleName );
$allTests[] = $test;
function toString() {
// When running tests written in Lua, return a nicer representation in
// the failure message.
if ( $this->luaTestName ) {
return $this->luaTestName;
return $allTests;
return parent::toString();
/** @dataProvider provideLua */
function testLua( $moduleName, $testName, $expected ) {
$engine = $this->getEngine();
$module = $this->getTestModule( $engine, $moduleName );
if ( is_array( $expected ) && isset( $expected['error'] ) ) {
$caught = false;
try {
$ret = $module->invoke( $testName, $this->getFrame( $engine ) );
} catch ( Scribunto_LuaError $e ) {
$caught = true;
$this->assertStringMatchesFormat( $expected['error'], $e->getLuaMessage() );
$this->assertTrue( $caught, 'expected an exception' );
} else {
$ret = $module->invoke( $testName, $this->getFrame( $engine ) );
$this->assertSame( $expected, $ret );
function getTestModules() {
return array(
'TestFramework' => __DIR__ . '/TestFramework.lua',
'CommonTests' => __DIR__ . '/CommonTests.lua',
function getTestProvider( $moduleName ) {
if ( !isset( $this->dataProviders[$moduleName] ) ) {
$this->dataProviders[$moduleName] = new LuaDataProvider( $this->getEngine(), $moduleName );
return $this->dataProviders[$moduleName];
function runTestProvider( $moduleName, $key, $testName, $expected ) {
$this->luaTestName = "{$moduleName}[$key]: $testName";
$dataProvider = $this->getTestProvider( $moduleName );
$actual = $dataProvider->run( $key );
$this->assertSame( $expected, $actual );
$this->luaTestName = null;
function provideCommonTests() {
return $this->getTestProvider( 'CommonTests' );
/** @dataProvider provideCommonTests */
function testCommonTests( $key, $testName, $expected ) {
$this->runTestProvider( 'CommonTests', $key, $testName, $expected );

View file

@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
testframework = testframework or {}
-- Return a string represetation of a value, including the deep structure of a table
local function deepToString( val, indent, done )
done = done or {}
indent = indent or 0
local tp = type( val )
if tp == 'string' then
return string.format( "%q", val )
elseif tp == 'table' then
if done[val] then return '{ ... }' end
done[val] = true
local sb = { '{\n' }
local donekeys = {}
for key, value in ipairs( val ) do
donekeys[key] = true
sb[#sb + 1] = string.rep( " ", indent + 2 )
sb[#sb + 1] = deepToString( value, indent + 2, done )
sb[#sb + 1] = ",\n"
local keys = {}
for key in pairs( val ) do
if not donekeys[key] then
keys[#keys + 1] = key
table.sort( keys )
for i = 1, #keys do
local key = keys[i]
sb[#sb + 1] = string.rep( " ", indent + 2 )
if type( key ) == 'table' then
sb[#sb + 1] = '[{ ... }] = '
sb[#sb + 1] = '['
sb[#sb + 1] = deepToString( key, indent + 3, done )
sb[#sb + 1] = '] = '
sb[#sb + 1] = deepToString( val[key], indent + 2, done )
sb[#sb + 1] = ",\n"
sb[#sb + 1] = string.rep( " ", indent )
sb[#sb + 1] = "}"
return table.concat( sb )
return tostring( val )
testframework.deepToString = deepToString
-- Test whether two objects are equal, including the deep structure of a table.
-- Returns 4 values:
-- boolean equal?
-- list key path to first inequality
-- mixed value from 'a' for key path
-- mixed value from 'b' for key path
local function deepEquals( a, b, keypath, done )
-- Simple equality
if a == b then
return true
keypath = keypath or {}
done = done or {}
-- Must be equal types to be equal
local tp = type( a )
if type( b ) ~= tp then
return false, keypath, a, b
-- Special tests for certain types
if tp == 'number' then
-- For test framework purposes, NaNs are equivalent. Lua has no
-- standard "isNaN" function, but only NaN will return true for
-- "x ~= x".
if a ~= a and b ~= b then
return true
return false, keypath, a, b
if tp == 'table' then
-- To avoid recursion, see if we've seen this pair of tables before. If
-- so, they must be equal or the test would have failed the first time we saw them.
done[a] = done[a] or {}
done[b] = done[b] or {}
if done[a][b] or done[b][a] then
return true
-- Not seen before, record them and compare key by key.
done[a][b] = true
local n = #keypath + 1
-- First, check if the values for all keys in 'a' are equal in 'b'.
for k in pairs( a ) do
keypath[n] = k
local ok, kp, aa, bb = deepEquals( a[k], b[k], keypath, done )
if not ok then
return false, kp, aa, bb
keypath[n] = nil
-- Then check if there are any keys in 'b' that don't exist in 'a'.
for k, v in pairs( b ) do
if a[k] == nil then
keypath[n] = k
return false, keypath, nil, v
-- Ok, all keys equal so it must match.
return true
-- Ok, they're not equal
return false, keypath, a, b
testframework.deepEquals = deepEquals
---- Test types available ---
-- Each type has a formatter and an executor:
-- Formatters take 1 arg: expected return value from the function.
-- Executors take 2 args: function and arguments.
-- Both return a string. The test passes if the two strings match.
testframework.types = testframework.types or {}
-- Execute a function and assert expected results
-- Expected value is a list of return values, or a string error message
testframework.types.Normal = {
format = function ( expect )
if type( expect ) == 'string' then
return 'ERROR: ' .. expect
return deepToString( expect )
exec = function ( func, args )
local got = { pcall( func, unpack( args ) ) }
if table.remove( got, 1 ) then
return deepToString( got )
got = string.gsub( got[1], '^%S+:%d+: ', '' )
return 'ERROR: ' .. got
-- Execute an iterator-returning function and assert expected results from each
-- iteration.
-- Expected value is a list of return value lists.
testframework.types.Iterator = {
format = function ( expect )
local sb = {}
for i = 1, #expect do
sb[i] = '[iteration ' .. i .. ']:\n' .. deepToString( expect[i] )
return table.concat( sb, '\n\n' )
exec = function ( func, args )
local sb = {}
local i = 0
local f, s, var = func( unpack( args ) )
while true do
local got = { f( s, var ) }
var = got[1]
if var == nil then break end
i = i + 1
sb[i] = '[iteration ' .. i .. ']:\n' .. deepToString( got )
return table.concat( sb, '\n\n' )
-- This takes a list of tests to run, and returns the object used by PHP to
-- call them.
-- Each test is a table with the following keys:
-- name: Name of the test
-- expect: Table of results expected
-- func: Function to execute
-- args: (optional) Table of args to be unpacked and passed to the function
-- type: (optional) Formatter/Executor name, default "Normal"
function testframework.getTestProvider( tests )
return {
count = #tests,
provide = function ( n )
local t = tests[n]
return n,, testframework.types[t.type or 'Normal'].format( t.expect )
run = function ( n )
local t = tests[n]
if not t then
return 'Test ' .. name .. ' does not exist'
return testframework.types[t.type or 'Normal'].exec( t.func, t.args or {} )
return testframework

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
if ( php_sapi_name() !== 'cli' ) exit;
require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) .'/../LuaCommon/LuaEngineTest.php' );
require_once( __DIR__ . '/../LuaCommon/LuaEngineTest.php' );
class Scribunto_LuaSandboxEngineTest extends Scribunto_LuaEngineTest {
var $stdOpts = array(
@ -17,8 +17,17 @@ class Scribunto_LuaSandboxEngineTest extends Scribunto_LuaEngineTest {
function getTestModules() {
return parent::getTestModules() + array(
'SandboxTests' => dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/SandboxTests.lua'
'SandboxTests' => __DIR__ . '/SandboxTests.lua'
function provideSandboxTests() {
return $this->getTestProvider( 'SandboxTests' );
/** @dataProvider provideSandboxTests */
function testSandboxTests( $key, $testName, $expected ) {
$this->runTestProvider( 'SandboxTests', $key, $testName, $expected );

View file

@ -1,19 +1,18 @@
local test = require( 'Module:CommonTests' )
local sbtest = {}
local testframework = require( 'Module:TestFramework' )
function sbtest.getTests()
return {
{ 'setfenv1', { error = '%sinvalid level%s' } },
{ 'getfenv1', { error = '%sinvalid level%s' } },
local function setfenv1()
setfenv( 5, {} )
function sbtest.setfenv1()
setfenv( 3, {} )
local function getfenv1()
assert( getfenv( 5 ) == nil )
function sbtest.getfenv1()
assert( getfenv( 3 ) == nil )
return sbtest
return testframework.getTestProvider( {
{ name = 'setfenv invalid level', func = setfenv1,
expect = "bad argument #1 to 'old_getfenv' (invalid level)",
{ name = 'getfenv invalid level', func = getfenv1,
expect = "bad argument #1 to 'old_getfenv' (invalid level)",
} )

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
if ( php_sapi_name() !== 'cli' ) exit;
require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) .'/../LuaCommon/LuaEngineTest.php' );
require_once( __DIR__ . '/../LuaCommon/LuaEngineTest.php' );
class Scribunto_LuaStandaloneEngineTest extends Scribunto_LuaEngineTest {
var $stdOpts = array(
@ -16,11 +16,20 @@ class Scribunto_LuaStandaloneEngineTest extends Scribunto_LuaEngineTest {
$opts = $opts + $this->stdOpts;
return new Scribunto_LuaStandaloneEngine( $opts );
function getTestModules() {
return parent::getTestModules() + array(
'StandloneTests' => dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/StandaloneTests.lua'
'StandaloneTests' => __DIR__ . '/StandaloneTests.lua'
function provideStandaloneTests() {
return $this->getTestProvider( 'StandaloneTests' );
/** @dataProvider provideStandaloneTests */
function testStandaloneTests( $key, $testName, $expected ) {
$this->runTestProvider( 'StandaloneTests', $key, $testName, $expected );

View file

@ -1,20 +1,28 @@
local test = require( 'Module:CommonTests' )
local satest = {}
local testframework = require( 'Module:TestFramework' )
function satest.getTests()
return {
{ 'setfenv1', { error = '%s cannot set the requested environment%s' } },
{ 'getfenv1', 'ok' },
local function setfenv1()
local ok, err = pcall( function()
setfenv( 2, {} )
end )
if not ok then
err = string.gsub( err, '^%S+:%d+: ', '' )
error( err )
function satest.setfenv1()
setfenv( 4, {} )
local function getfenv1()
local env
pcall( function()
env = getfenv( 2 )
end )
return env
function satest.getfenv1()
assert( getfenv( 4 ) == nil )
return 'ok'
return satest
return testframework.getTestProvider( {
{ name = 'setfenv on a C function', func = setfenv1,
expect = "'setfenv' cannot set the requested environment, it is protected",
{ name = 'getfenv on a C function', func = getfenv1,
expect = { nil },
} )