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synced 2024-12-19 02:10:57 +00:00

It turns out the view class doesn't really do anything with the RevisionList object. All it does it manually iterating the array of revisions. But it doesn't call anything from the RevisionList class. With a single exception. Warning: This doesn't mean the RevisionList class is pointless. It's critical because this is where the relativeSize fields are calculated. Bug: T224971 Change-Id: I06b8af815bb6f931355d68aa511070fb34b08156
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168 lines
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( function () {
const SliderModule = require( 'ext.RevisionSlider.Slider' ),
Revision = SliderModule.Revision,
RevisionList = SliderModule.RevisionList,
RevisionListView = SliderModule.RevisionListView;
QUnit.module( 'ext.RevisionSlider.RevisionListView' );
QUnit.test( 'render adds revisions', function ( assert ) {
const revisionListView = new RevisionListView( new RevisionList( [
new Revision( { revid: 1, size: 5, comment: '' } ),
new Revision( { revid: 3, size: 213, comment: '' } ),
new Revision( { revid: 37, size: 100, comment: '' } )
] ) );
const $resultHtml = revisionListView.render( 11 );
const $revisionWrapperDivs = $resultHtml.find( '.mw-revslider-revision-wrapper' );
const $revisionDivs = $resultHtml.find( '.mw-revslider-revision' );
assert.strictEqual( $revisionWrapperDivs.length, 3 );
assert.strictEqual( $( $revisionDivs[ 0 ] ).attr( 'data-revid' ), '1' );
assert.strictEqual( $( $revisionDivs[ 2 ] ).attr( 'data-revid' ), '37' );
assert.strictEqual( $( $revisionDivs[ 1 ] ).css( 'width' ), '11px' );
assert.strictEqual( $( $revisionDivs[ 1 ] ).css( 'height' ), '66px' ); // max relative size
assert.true( $( $revisionDivs[ 1 ] ).hasClass( 'mw-revslider-revision-up' ) );
assert.true( $( $revisionDivs[ 2 ] ).hasClass( 'mw-revslider-revision-down' ) );
} );
QUnit.test( 'tooltip is composed correctly', function ( assert ) {
const revisionListView = new RevisionListView( new RevisionList() ),
revision = new Revision( {
revid: 1,
size: 230,
parsedcomment: '<strong>Hello</strong>',
timestamp: '2016-04-26T10:27:14Z', // 10:27, 26 Apr 2016
user: 'User1',
minor: true
} );
revision.setRelativeSize( 210 );
SliderModule.setUserOffset( 0 );
const tooltip = revisionListView.makeTooltip( revision, {} );
const tooltipHtml = tooltip.$element.html();
assert.true( /User1/.test( tooltipHtml ), 'Test the user.' );
assert.true( /Hello/.test( tooltipHtml ), 'Test the comment.' );
assert.true( /230/.test( tooltipHtml ), 'Test the page size.' );
assert.true( /\+210/.test( tooltipHtml ), 'Test the change size.' );
} );
QUnit.revisionSlider.testOrSkip( 'tooltip is composed correctly with en lang', function ( assert ) {
const revisionListView = new RevisionListView( new RevisionList() ),
revision = new Revision( {
revid: 1,
size: 2300,
parsedcomment: '<strong>Hello</strong>',
timestamp: '2016-04-26T10:27:14Z', // 10:27, 26 Apr 2016
user: 'User1',
minor: true
} );
revision.setRelativeSize( 2100 );
SliderModule.setUserOffset( 0 );
const tooltip = revisionListView.makeTooltip( revision, {} );
const tooltipHtml = tooltip.$element.html();
assert.true( /User1/.test( tooltipHtml ), 'Test the user.' );
assert.true( /Hello/.test( tooltipHtml ), 'Test the comment.' );
assert.true( /2,300/.test( tooltipHtml ), 'Test the page size.' );
assert.true( /\+2,100/.test( tooltipHtml ), 'Test the change size.' );
assert.true( /26 April 2016 10:27 AM/.test( tooltipHtml ), 'Test the date.' );
assert.true( /minor/.test( tooltipHtml ), 'Test minor.' );
}, mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' ) !== 'en' );
QUnit.test( 'empty user leads to no user line', function ( assert ) {
const revisionListView = new RevisionListView( new RevisionList() );
const $userLineHtml = revisionListView.makeUserLine( null );
assert.strictEqual( $userLineHtml, '' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'user line is composed correctly', function ( assert ) {
const revisionListView = new RevisionListView( new RevisionList() );
const $userLineHtml = revisionListView.makeUserLine( 'User1' );
assert.strictEqual( $userLineHtml.find( 'a' ).text(), 'User1' );
assert.true( /User:User1/.test( $userLineHtml.find( 'a' ).attr( 'href' ) ) );
} );
QUnit.test( 'IP user line is composed correctly', function ( assert ) {
const revisionListView = new RevisionListView( new RevisionList() );
const $userLineHtml = revisionListView.makeUserLine( '' );
assert.strictEqual( $userLineHtml.find( 'a' ).text(), '' );
assert.true( /Special:Contributions\/ $userLineHtml.find( 'a' ).attr( 'href' ) ) );
} );
QUnit.test( 'empty comment leads to no comment line', function ( assert ) {
const revisionListView = new RevisionListView( new RevisionList() );
const $commentHtml = revisionListView.makeCommentLine( new Revision( {
parsedcomment: ' '
} ) );
assert.strictEqual( $commentHtml, '' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'comment line is composed correctly', function ( assert ) {
const revisionListView = new RevisionListView( new RevisionList() );
const $commentLineHtml = revisionListView.makeCommentLine( new Revision( {
parsedcomment: '<strong>Hello</strong>'
} ) );
assert.strictEqual( $commentLineHtml.find( 'strong' ).length, 2 );
} );
QUnit.test( 'positive change is composed correctly', function ( assert ) {
const revisionListView = new RevisionListView( new RevisionList() );
const $changeSizeLineHtml = revisionListView.makeChangeSizeLine( 9 );
assert.strictEqual( $changeSizeLineHtml.find( '.mw-revslider-change-positive' ).length, 1 );
assert.strictEqual( $changeSizeLineHtml.find( '.mw-revslider-change-positive' ).text(), '+9' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'negative change is composed correctly', function ( assert ) {
const revisionListView = new RevisionListView( new RevisionList() );
const $changeSizeLineHtml = revisionListView.makeChangeSizeLine( -9 );
assert.strictEqual( $changeSizeLineHtml.find( '.mw-revslider-change-negative' ).length, 1 );
assert.strictEqual( $changeSizeLineHtml.find( '.mw-revslider-change-negative' ).text(), '-9' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'neutral change is composed correctly', function ( assert ) {
const revisionListView = new RevisionListView( new RevisionList() );
const $changeSizeLineHtml = revisionListView.makeChangeSizeLine( 0 );
assert.strictEqual( $changeSizeLineHtml.find( '.mw-revslider-change-none' ).length, 1 );
assert.strictEqual( $changeSizeLineHtml.find( '.mw-revslider-change-none' ).text(), '0' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'big change number is formatted correctly', function ( assert ) {
const revisionListView = new RevisionListView( new RevisionList() );
const $changeSizeLineHtml = revisionListView.makeChangeSizeLine( 1000 );
assert.strictEqual( $changeSizeLineHtml.find( '.mw-revslider-change-positive' ).text(), '+1,000' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'page size is formatted correctly', function ( assert ) {
const revisionListView = new RevisionListView( new RevisionList() );
const $pageSizeLineHtml = revisionListView.makePageSizeLine( 1337 );
assert.true( /1,337/.test( $pageSizeLineHtml.text() ) );
} );
}() );