@import 'mediawiki.skin.variables.less'; @media print { .mw-revslider-container { display: none; } } .mw-revslider-container { /* This will flip with CSSJanus in case */ /* the interface is in RTL */ direction: ltr; position: relative; border: @border-width-base @border-style-base #c8ccd1; .mw-revslider-toggle-button.oo-ui-buttonElement-frameless.oo-ui-labelElement { width: 100%; text-align: center; /* Overrule OOUI frameless button `margin` */ margin-left: 0 !important; /* stylelint-disable-line declaration-no-important */ margin-right: 0; } } .mw-revslider-toggle-button { .oo-ui-buttonElement-button { width: 100%; } .oo-ui-iconElement-icon { /* Overrule OOUI iconElement `left` */ left: auto !important; /* stylelint-disable-line declaration-no-important */ right: 0.28571429em; /* For OOUI-Apex */ position: absolute; } } .mw-revslider-slider-wrapper { // Same as the .mw-revslider-arrow height min-height: 142px; border-top: @border-width-base @border-style-base #c8ccd1; padding: 20px 10px; // Not a fix for resize issues like T336729 but makes it appear much less broken overflow-x: clip; } /* Loading spinner code borrowed from https://codepen.io/Volker_E/pen/yqNXMe */ .mw-revslider-spinner { white-space: nowrap; display: block; max-width: 56px; margin: 60px auto; .mw-revslider-bounce, &::before, &::after { content: ''; background-color: #72777d; display: block; float: left; width: 16px; height: 16px; border-radius: @border-radius-circle; animation: bouncedelay 1600ms infinite ease-in-out both; animation-delay: -160ms; } &::before { margin-right: 4px; animation-delay: -330ms; } &::after { margin-left: 4px; animation-delay: 0s; } } @keyframes bouncedelay { 0%, 50%, /* equals 800ms */ 100% { transform: scale( 0.625 ); } 20% { /* equals 320ms */ opacity: 0.87; transform: scale( 1 ); } }