Given(/^I am on the diff page$/) do visit(ArticlePage, using_params: { article_name: "RevisionSlider-#{@random_string}", query: 'type=revision&diff=' }) sleep 0.7 end Given(/^a page with (\d+) revision\(s\) exists$/) do |number_of_revisions| (1..number_of_revisions.to_i).each do |i| api.edit(title: "RevisionSlider-#{@random_string}", text: "RS-Text-#{i}", summary: "RS-Summary-#{i}") end end Given(/^I refresh the page$/) do on(ArticlePage) do |page| page.refresh sleep 0.7 end end When(/^I click the browser back button$/) do on(ArticlePage).back end When(/^I click the browser forward button$/) do on(ArticlePage).forward end When(/^I wait until the RevisionSlider has loaded$/) do step 'The RevisionSlider has loaded' end When(/^I have loaded the RevisionSlider and dismissed the help dialog$/) do step 'I am on the diff page and disabled the help dialog' step 'I click on the expand button' step 'I wait until the RevisionSlider has loaded' end Then(/^The RevisionSlider has loaded$/) do on(DiffPage).wait_for_slider_to_load end Given(/^The window size is (\d+) by (\d+)$/) do |width, height| browser.window.resize_to(width.to_i, height.to_i) end Then(/^The auto expand button should be visible/) do expect(on(DiffPage).revisionslider_auto_expand_button_element.when_present).to be_present end Given(/^I wait for the setting to be saved$/) do on(DiffPage).wait_for_ajax_calls end Then(/^The auto expand button should be off/) do expect(on(DiffPage).revisionslider_auto_expand_button_element.class_name).to match 'oo-ui-toggleWidget-off' end Then(/^The auto expand button should be on/) do expect(on(DiffPage).revisionslider_auto_expand_button_element.class_name).to match 'oo-ui-toggleWidget-on' end Then(/^There should be a RevisionSlider expand button/) do expect(on(DiffPage).revisionslider_toggle_button_element.when_present).to be_present end Then(/^There should not be a RevisionSlider expand button/) do expect(on(DiffPage).revisionslider_toggle_button_element.when_not_present).not_to be_present end Then(/^RevisionSlider wrapper should be hidden/) do expect(on(DiffPage).revisionslider_wrapper_element.when_not_present).not_to be_present end Then(/^RevisionSlider wrapper should be visible/) do expect(on(DiffPage).revisionslider_wrapper_element.when_present).to be_present end Given(/^I click on the auto expand button/) do on(DiffPage) end Given(/^I click on the expand button/) do on(DiffPage) end