@chrome @en.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org @firefox @test2.wikipedia.org @vagrant @integration Feature: RevisionSlider help Background: Given I am logged in And The page "RevisionSliderTestPage1" has the following edits: | RS text | | RS longer text | | RS less text | And I have reset my preferences And RevisionSlider is enabled as a beta feature And I am on the "RevisionSliderTestPage1" diff page Scenario: RevisionSlider tutorial is present on first load only Given The RevisionSlider has loaded Then The help dialog should be visible When I have closed the help dialog at the start And I refresh the page And The RevisionSlider has loaded Then The help dialog should not be present Scenario: RevisionSlider tutorial sequence works Given The RevisionSlider has loaded Then The help dialog should be visible When I have moved to the next step And I have moved to the next step And I have moved to the next step And I have closed the help dialog at the end And I refresh the page And The RevisionSlider has loaded Then The help dialog should not be present