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( function ( mw ) {
var RevisionListView = mw.libs.revisionSlider.RevisionListView,
RevisionList = mw.libs.revisionSlider.RevisionList,
Revision = mw.libs.revisionSlider.Revision;
QUnit.module( 'ext.RevisionSlider.RevisionListView' );
QUnit.test( 'render adds revisions', function ( assert ) {
var revisionListView = new RevisionListView( new RevisionList( [
{ revid: 1, size: 5, comment: '' },
{ revid: 3, size: 213, comment: '' },
{ revid: 37, size: 100, comment: '' }
] ) ),
$resultHtml, $revisionWrapperDivs, $revisionDivs;
$resultHtml = revisionListView.render( 11 );
$revisionWrapperDivs = $resultHtml.find( '.mw-revision-wrapper' );
$revisionDivs = $resultHtml.find( '.mw-revision' );
assert.equal( $revisionWrapperDivs.length, 3 );
assert.equal( $( $revisionDivs[0] ).attr( 'data-revid' ), 1 );
assert.equal( $( $revisionDivs[2] ).attr( 'data-revid' ), 37 );
assert.equal( $( $revisionDivs[1] ).css( 'width' ), '11px' );
assert.equal( $( $revisionDivs[1] ).css( 'height' ), '70px' ); // max relative size
assert.ok( $( $revisionDivs[1] ).hasClass( 'mw-revision-up' ) );
assert.ok( $( $revisionDivs[2] ).hasClass( 'mw-revision-down' ) );
} );
QUnit.test( 'tool tip is composed correctly', function ( assert ) {
var revisionListView = new RevisionListView(),
revision = new Revision( {
revid: 1,
size: 1230,
comment: 'Hello',
parsedcomment: '<strong>Hello</strong>',
timestamp: '2016-04-26T10:27:14Z', // 10:27, 26 Apr 2016
user: 'User1',
minor: true
} ),
revision.setRelativeSize( 3210 );
mw.libs.revisionSlider.userOffset = 0;
$tooltipHtml = revisionListView.makeTooltip( revision );
assert.ok( $tooltipHtml.match( /10:27, 26 Apr 2016/ ), 'Test the date.' );
assert.ok( $tooltipHtml.match( /User1/ ), 'Test the user.' );
assert.ok( $tooltipHtml.match( /Hello/ ), 'Test the comment.' );
assert.ok( $tooltipHtml.match( /1,230/ ), 'Test the page size.' );
assert.ok( $tooltipHtml.match( /\+3,210/ ), 'Test the change size.' );
assert.ok( $tooltipHtml.match( /This is a minor edit/ ), 'Test for minor edit.' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'empty user leads to no user line', function ( assert ) {
var revisionListView = new RevisionListView(),
$userLineHtml = revisionListView.makeUserLine( null );
assert.equal( $userLineHtml, '' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'user line is composed correctly', function ( assert ) {
var revisionListView = new RevisionListView(),
$userLineHtml = revisionListView.makeUserLine( 'User1' );
assert.equal( $userLineHtml.find( 'a' ).text(), 'User1' );
assert.ok( $userLineHtml.find( 'a' ).attr( 'href' ).match( /User:User1/ ) );
} );
QUnit.test( 'IP user line is composed correctly', function ( assert ) {
var revisionListView = new RevisionListView(),
$userLineHtml = revisionListView.makeUserLine( '' );
assert.equal( $userLineHtml.find( 'a' ).text(), '' );
assert.ok( $userLineHtml.find( 'a' ).attr( 'href' ).match( /Special:Contributions\/ ) );
} );
QUnit.test( 'empty comment leads to no comment line', function ( assert ) {
var revisionListView = new RevisionListView(),
$commentHtml = revisionListView.makeCommentLine( new Revision( {
comment: ' ',
parsedcomment: ' '
} ) );
assert.equal( $commentHtml, '' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'comment line is composed correctly', function ( assert ) {
var revisionListView = new RevisionListView(),
$commentLineHtml = revisionListView.makeCommentLine( new Revision( {
comment: 'Hello',
parsedcomment: '<strong>Hello</strong>'
} ) );
assert.equal( $commentLineHtml.find( 'strong' ).length, 2 );
} );
QUnit.test( 'positive change is composed correctly', function ( assert ) {
var revisionListView = new RevisionListView(),
$changeSizeLineHtml = revisionListView.makeChangeSizeLine( 9 );
assert.equal( $changeSizeLineHtml.find( '.mw-positive-change' ).length, 1 );
assert.equal( $changeSizeLineHtml.find( '.mw-positive-change' ).text(), '+9' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'negative change is composed correctly', function ( assert ) {
var revisionListView = new RevisionListView(),
$changeSizeLineHtml = revisionListView.makeChangeSizeLine( -9 );
assert.equal( $changeSizeLineHtml.find( '.mw-negative-change' ).length, 1 );
assert.equal( $changeSizeLineHtml.find( '.mw-negative-change' ).text(), '-9' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'neutral change is composed correctly', function ( assert ) {
var revisionListView = new RevisionListView(),
$changeSizeLineHtml = revisionListView.makeChangeSizeLine( 0 );
assert.equal( $changeSizeLineHtml.find( '.mw-no-change' ).length, 1 );
assert.equal( $changeSizeLineHtml.find( '.mw-no-change' ).text(), '0' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'big change number is formatted correctly', function ( assert ) {
var revisionListView = new RevisionListView(),
$changeSizeLineHtml = revisionListView.makeChangeSizeLine( 1000 );
assert.equal( $changeSizeLineHtml.find( '.mw-positive-change' ).text(), '+1,000' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'page size is formatted correctly', function ( assert ) {
var revisionListView = new RevisionListView(),
$pageSizeLineHtml = revisionListView.makePageSizeLine( 1337 );
assert.ok( $pageSizeLineHtml.text().match( /1,337/ ) );
} );
} )( mediaWiki );