"replacetext-desc":"Provides a [[Special:ReplaceText|special page]] to allow administrators to do a global string find-and-replace on all the content pages of a wiki",
"replacetext_docu":"To replace one text string with another across all regular pages on this wiki, enter the two pieces of text here and then hit \"{{int:replacetext_continue}}\".\nYou will then be shown a list of pages that contain the search text, and you can choose the ones in which you want to replace it.\nYour name will appear in page histories as the user responsible for any changes.",
"replacetext_regexdocu":"(Example: values of \"a(.*)c\" for \"{{int:replacetext_originaltext}}\" and \"ac$1\" for \"{{int:replacetext_replacementtext}}\" would replace \"abc\" with \"acb\".)",
"replacetext_warning":"'''Warning:''' There {{PLURAL:$1|is one page that already contains|are $1 pages that already contain}} the replacement string, \"$2\". If you make this replacement you will not be able to separate your replacements from these strings.",
"replacetext_blankwarning":"'''Warning:''' Because the replacement string is blank, this operation will not be reversible.",