libraryupgrader dfb3995a90 build: Updating dependencies
* mediawiki/mediawiki-codesniffer: 28.0.0 → 29.0.0
  The following sniffs are failing and were disabled:
  * MediaWiki.Commenting.FunctionComment.MissingParamTag

* eslint-config-wikimedia: 0.11.0 → 0.15.0
  The following rules are failing and were disabled:
  * no-jquery/no-parse-html-literal

* grunt-eslint: 21.0.0 → 22.0.0
* grunt-stylelint: 0.10.1 → 0.13.0
* stylelint-config-wikimedia: 0.6.0 → 0.8.0

Additional changes:
* Also sorted "composer fix" command to run phpcbf last.
* Removing manual reportUnusedDisableDirectives for eslint.

Change-Id: Iab538420d73bbbebfd05cf815ab06773f16da8da
2020-01-15 06:11:54 +00:00

89 lines
2.2 KiB

* See also:
const fs = require( 'fs' ),
saveScreenshot = require( 'wdio-mediawiki' ).saveScreenshot;
exports.config = {
// ======
// Custom WDIO config specific to MediaWiki
// ======
// Use in a test as `browser.options.<key>`.
// Defaults are for convenience with MediaWiki-Vagrant
// Wiki admin
username: process.env.MEDIAWIKI_USER || 'Admin',
password: process.env.MEDIAWIKI_PASSWORD || 'vagrant',
// Base for browser.url() and Page#openTitle()
baseUrl: ( process.env.MW_SERVER || '' ) + (
process.env.MW_SCRIPT_PATH || '/w'
// ==================
// Test Files
// ==================
specs: [
__dirname + '/specs/*.js'
// ============
// Capabilities
// ============
capabilities: [ {
browserName: 'chrome',
maxInstances: 1,
chromeOptions: {
// If DISPLAY is set, assume developer asked non-headless or CI with Xvfb.
// Otherwise, use --headless (added in Chrome 59)
args: [
...( process.env.DISPLAY ? [] : [ '--headless' ] ),
// Chrome sandbox does not work in Docker
...( fs.existsSync( '/.dockerenv' ) ? [ '--no-sandbox' ] : [] )
} ],
// ===================
// Test Configurations
// ===================
// Level of verbosity: silent | verbose | command | data | result | error
logLevel: 'error',
// Setting this enables automatic screenshots for when a browser command fails
// It is also used by afterTest for capturig failed assertions.
screenshotPath: process.env.LOG_DIR || __dirname + '/log',
// Default timeout for each waitFor* command.
waitforTimeout: 10 * 1000,
// See also:
reporters: [ 'spec' ],
// See also:
mochaOpts: {
ui: 'bdd',
timeout: 60 * 1000
// =====
// Hooks
// =====
* Save a screenshot when test fails.
* @param {Object} test Mocha Test object
afterTest: function ( test ) {
var filePath;
if ( !test.passed ) {
filePath = saveScreenshot( test.title );
console.log( '\n\tScreenshot: ' + filePath + '\n' );