( function () { var data = require( './data.json' ), RelatedPagesGateway = require( './RelatedPagesGateway.js' ), relatedPages = new RelatedPagesGateway( new mw.Api(), mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ), mw.config.get( 'wgRelatedArticles' ), data.useCirrusSearch, data.onlyUseCirrusSearch, data.descriptionSource ), // Make sure this is never undefined as I'm paranoid LIMIT = mw.config.get( 'wgRelatedArticlesCardLimit', 3 ); /** * Load related articles when the user scrolls past half of the window height. * * @ignore */ function loadRelatedArticles() { var readMore = document.querySelector( '.read-more-container' ), isSupported = 'IntersectionObserver' in window; if ( !readMore || !isSupported ) { // The container is not in the HTML for some reason and cannot be queried. // See T281547 return; } /** * @param {Element} container */ function initRelatedArticlesModule( container ) { $.when( mw.loader.using( 'ext.relatedArticles.readMore' ), relatedPages.getForCurrentPage( LIMIT ) ).then( function ( require, pages ) { if ( pages.length ) { require( 'ext.relatedArticles.readMore' ).render( pages, readMore ); } else if ( container.parentNode ) { container.parentNode.removeChild( container ); } } ); } var doc = document.documentElement; // IntersectionObserver will not work if the component is already visible on the page. // To handle this case, we compare scroll height to viewport height. if ( ( doc.scrollHeight / 2 ) < doc.clientHeight ) { // Load straight away. We are on a stub page. initRelatedArticlesModule( readMore ); return; } // eslint-disable-next-line compat/compat var observer = /** @type {IntersectionObserver} */( new IntersectionObserver( function ( entries ) { if ( !entries[ 0 ].isIntersecting ) { return; } // @ts-ignore observer.unobserve( readMore ); observer.disconnect(); // @ts-ignore initRelatedArticlesModule( readMore ); }, { rootMargin: '-100% 0% 0% 0%' } ) ); observer.observe( readMore ); } function showReadMore() { // try an initial load, in case of no scroll loadRelatedArticles(); } $( showReadMore ); }() );