setFunctionHook( 'related', array( &$wgRelatedArticles, 'onFuncRelated' ) ); return true; } /** * @return CustomData */ public function getCustomData() { global $wgCustomData; if ( !$wgCustomData instanceof CustomData ) { throw new Exception( 'CustomData extension is not properly installed.' ); } return $wgCustomData; } /** * @param Parser $parser * @return bool */ public function onParserClearState( Parser &$parser ) { $this->mRelatedArticlesSet = array(); return true; } public function onFuncRelated() { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift( $args ); foreach ( $args as $relatedArticle ) { $this->mRelatedArticlesSet[] = $relatedArticle; } return ''; } /** * After parsing is done, store the $mRelatedArticlesSet in $wgCustomData. * * @param Parser $parser * @param string $text * @return bool */ public function onParserBeforeTidy( Parser &$parser, &$text ) { if ( $this->mRelatedArticlesSet ) { $this->getCustomData()->setParserData( $parser->mOutput, 'RelatedArticles', $this->mRelatedArticlesSet ); } return true; } /** * Preprocess relatedarticles links. * * @param SkinTemplate $skinTpl * @param QuickTemplate $QuickTmpl * @return bool */ public function onSkinTemplateOutputPageBeforeExec( SkinTemplate &$skinTpl, &$QuickTmpl ) { global $wgOut; $customData = $this->getCustomData(); // Fill the RelatedArticles array. $relatedArticles = $customData->getPageData( $wgOut, 'RelatedArticles' ); $customData->setSkinData( $QuickTmpl, 'RelatedArticles', $relatedArticles ); return true; } /** * @param array $relatedArticles * @return array */ protected function getRelatedArticlesUrls( array $relatedArticles ) { $relatedArticlesUrls = array(); foreach ( $relatedArticles as $article ) { // Tribute to Evan $article = urldecode( $article ); $altText = ''; if ( preg_match( '/\&\&/', $article ) ) { $parts = array_map( 'trim', explode( '&&', $article, 2 ) ); $article = $parts[0]; $altText = $parts[1]; } $title = Title::newFromText( $article ); if ( $title ) { $relatedArticlesUrls[] = array( 'href' => $title->getLocalURL(), 'text' => $altText ?: $title->getPrefixedText(), 'class' => 'interwiki-relart' ); } }; return $relatedArticlesUrls; } /** * Write out HTML-code. * * @param Skin $skin * @param array $bar * @return bool */ public function onSkinBuildSidebar( $skin, &$bar ) { $out = $skin->getOutput(); $relatedArticles = $this->getCustomData()->getParserData( $out, 'RelatedArticles' ); if ( count( $relatedArticles ) == 0 ) { return true; } $relatedArticlesUrls = $this->getRelatedArticlesUrls( $relatedArticles ); // build relatedarticles