( function ( M, $ ) { var RelatedPagesGateway = mw.relatedPages.RelatedPagesGateway, relatedPages = { query: { pages: [ { pageid: 123, title: 'Oh noes', ns: 0, thumbnail: { source: 'http://placehold.it/200x100' } } ] } }, emptyRelatedPages = { query: { pages: [] } }; QUnit.module( 'ext.relatedArticles.gateway', { setup: function () { this.api = new mw.Api(); } } ); QUnit.test( 'Returns an array with the results when api responds', function ( assert ) { var gateway = new RelatedPagesGateway( this.api, 'Foo', null, true ); this.sandbox.stub( this.api, 'get' ).returns( $.Deferred().resolve( relatedPages ) ); return gateway.getForCurrentPage( 1 ).then( function ( results ) { assert.ok( $.isArray( results ), 'Results must be an array' ); assert.strictEqual( results[ 0 ].title, 'Oh noes' ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Empty related pages is handled fine.', function ( assert ) { var gateway = new RelatedPagesGateway( this.api, 'Foo', null, true ); this.sandbox.stub( this.api, 'get' ).returns( $.Deferred().resolve( emptyRelatedPages ) ); return gateway.getForCurrentPage( 1 ).then( function ( results ) { assert.ok( $.isArray( results ), 'Results must be an array' ); assert.strictEqual( results.length, 0 ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Empty related pages with no cirrus search is handled fine. No API request.', function ( assert ) { var gateway = new RelatedPagesGateway( this.api, 'Foo', [], false ), spy = this.sandbox.stub( this.api, 'get' ).returns( $.Deferred().resolve( relatedPages ) ); return gateway.getForCurrentPage( 1 ).then( function ( results ) { assert.ok( $.isArray( results ), 'Results must be an array' ); assert.ok( !spy.called, 'API is not invoked' ); assert.strictEqual( results.length, 0 ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Related pages from editor curated content', function ( assert ) { var gateway = new RelatedPagesGateway( this.api, 'Foo', [ { title: 1 } ], false ); this.sandbox.stub( this.api, 'get' ).returns( $.Deferred().resolve( relatedPages ) ); return gateway.getForCurrentPage( 1 ).then( function ( results ) { assert.strictEqual( results.length, 1, 'API still hit despite cirrus being disabled.' ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Ignore related pages from editor curated content', function ( assert ) { var wgRelatedArticles = [ 'Bar', 'Baz', 'Qux' ], gateway = new RelatedPagesGateway( this.api, 'Foo', wgRelatedArticles, true, true ), spy; spy = this.sandbox.stub( this.api, 'get' ) .returns( $.Deferred().resolve( relatedPages ) ); return gateway.getForCurrentPage( 1 ).then( function () { var parameters = spy.lastCall.args[ 0 ]; assert.strictEqual( parameters.generator, 'search', 'it should hit the CirrusSearch API even though wgRelatedArticles is non-empty' ); } ); } ); }( mw.mobileFrontend, jQuery ) );