csteipp 05e4e8fa64 Prevent xxe when loading feed XML
Turn off external entity loading while parsing feed xml.

bug: 46932
Change-Id: I41006fc10f2da1357d57c1566518c86351f522f1
2013-04-15 13:23:25 -07:00

662 lines
20 KiB

class RSSParser {
protected $maxheads = 32;
protected $date = "Y-m-d H:i:s";
protected $ItemMaxLength = 200;
protected $reversed = false;
protected $highlight = array();
protected $filter = array();
protected $filterOut = array();
protected $itemTemplate;
protected $url;
protected $etag;
protected $lastModified;
protected $xml;
protected $error;
protected $displayFields = array( 'author', 'title', 'encodedContent', 'description' );
* @var RSSData
public $rss;
* @var CurlHttpRequest|PhpHttpRequest
public $client;
* Convenience function that takes a space-separated string and returns an array of words
* @param $str String: list of words
* @return Array words found
private static function explodeOnSpaces( $str ) {
$found = preg_split( '# +#', $str );
return is_array( $found ) ? $found : array();
* Take a bit of WikiText that looks like
* <rss max=5></rss>
* and return an object that can produce rendered output.
function __construct( $url, $args ) {
global $wgRSSDateDefaultFormat,$wgRSSItemMaxLength;
$this->url = $url;
# Get max number of headlines from argument-array
if ( isset( $args['max'] ) ) {
$this->maxheads = $args['max'];
# Get reverse flag from argument array
if ( isset( $args['reverse'] ) ) {
$this->reversed = true;
# Get date format from argument array
# or use a default value
# @todo FIXME: not used yet
if ( isset( $args['date'] ) ) {
$this->date = $args['date'];
} elseif ( isset( $wgRSSDateDefaultFormat ) ) {
$this->date = $wgRSSDateDefaultFormat;
# Get highlight terms from argument array
if ( isset( $args['highlight'] ) ) {
# mapping to lowercase here so the regex can be case insensitive below.
$this->highlight = self::explodeOnSpaces( $args['highlight'] );
# Get filter terms from argument array
if ( isset( $args['filter'] ) ) {
$this->filter = self::explodeOnSpaces( $args['filter'] );
# Get a maximal length for item texts
if ( isset( $args['item-max-length'] ) ) {
$this->ItemMaxLength = $args['item-max-length'];
} elseif ( is_numeric( $wgRSSItemMaxLength ) ) {
$this->ItemMaxLength = $wgRSSItemMaxLength;
if ( isset( $args['filterout'] ) ) {
$this->filterOut = self::explodeOnSpaces( $args['filterout'] );
// 'template' is the pagename of a user's itemTemplate including
// a further pagename for the feedTemplate
// In that way everything is handled via these two pages
// and no default pages or templates are used.
// 'templatename' is an optional pagename of a user's feedTemplate
// In that way it substitutes $1 (default: RSSPost) in MediaWiki:Rss-item
if ( isset( $args['template'] ) ) {
$itemTemplateTitleObject = Title::newFromText( $args['template'], NS_TEMPLATE );
$itemTemplateArticleObject = new Article( $itemTemplateTitleObject, 0 );
$this->itemTemplate = $itemTemplateArticleObject->fetchContent();
} else {
if ( isset( $args['templatename'] ) ) {
$feedTemplatePagename = $args['templatename'];
} else {
// compatibility patch for rss extension
$feedTemplatePagename = 'RSSPost';
$feedTemplateTitleObject = Title::newFromText( $feedTemplatePagename, NS_TEMPLATE );
if ( !$feedTemplateTitleObject->exists() ) {
$feedTemplatePagename = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_MEDIAWIKI, 'Rss-feed' );
// MediaWiki:Rss-item = {{ feedTemplatePagename | title = {{{title}}} | ... }}
// if the attribute parameter templatename= is not present
// then it defaults to
// {{ Template:RSSPost | title = {{{title}}} | ... }} - if Template:RSSPost exists from pre-1.9 versions
// {{ MediaWiki:Rss-feed | title = {{{title}}} | ... }} - otherwise
$this->itemTemplate = wfMessage( 'rss-item', $feedTemplatePagename )->plain();
* Return RSS object for the given URL, maintaining caching.
* No attempt will be made to fetch remote files if there is something in cache.
* If there is an HTTP error while fetching an RSS object, the cached version
* will be returned, if it exists.
* @return Status object
function fetch() {
if ( !isset( $this->url ) ) {
return Status::newFatal( 'rss-fetch-nourl' );
// Flow
// 1. check cache
// 2. if there is a hit, make sure its fresh
// 3. if cached obj fails freshness check, fetch remote
// 4. if remote fails, return stale object, or error
$key = wfMemcKey( 'rss', $this->url );
$cachedFeed = $this->loadFromCache( $key );
if ( $cachedFeed !== false ) {
wfDebugLog( 'RSS', 'Outputting cached feed for ' . $this->url );
return Status::newGood();
wfDebugLog( 'RSS', 'Cache Failed, fetching ' . $this->url . ' from remote.' );
$status = $this->fetchRemote( $key );
return $status;
* Retrieve the URL from the cache
* @param $key String: lookup key to associate with this item
* @return boolean
protected function loadFromCache( $key ) {
global $wgMemc, $wgRSSCacheCompare;
$data = $wgMemc->get( $key );
if ( !is_array( $data ) ) {
return false;
list( $etag, $lastModified, $rss ) =
if ( !isset( $rss->items ) ) {
return false;
wfDebugLog( 'RSS', "Got '$key' from cache" );
# Now that we've verified that we got useful data, keep it around.
$this->rss = $rss;
$this->etag = $etag;
$this->lastModified = $lastModified;
// We only care if $wgRSSCacheCompare is > 0
if ( $wgRSSCacheCompare && time() - $wgRSSCacheCompare > $lastModified ) {
wfDebugLog( 'RSS', 'Content is old enough that we need to check cached content' );
return false;
return true;
* Store these objects (i.e. etag, lastModified, and RSS) in the cache.
* @param $key String: lookup key to associate with this item
* @return boolean
protected function storeInCache( $key ) {
global $wgMemc, $wgRSSCacheAge;
if ( !isset( $this->rss ) ) {
return false;
$r = $wgMemc->set( $key,
array( $this->etag, $this->lastModified, $this->rss ),
$wgRSSCacheAge );
wfDebugLog( 'RSS', "Stored '$key' as in cache? $r");
return true;
* Retrieve a feed.
* @param $key String:
* @param $headers Array: headers to send along with the request
* @return Status object
protected function fetchRemote( $key, array $headers = array()) {
global $wgRSSFetchTimeout, $wgRSSUserAgent, $wgRSSProxy,
if ( $this->etag ) {
wfDebugLog( 'RSS', 'Used etag: ' . $this->etag );
$headers['If-None-Match'] = $this->etag;
if ( $this->lastModified ) {
$lm = gmdate( 'r', $this->lastModified );
wfDebugLog( 'RSS', "Used last modified: $lm" );
$headers['If-Modified-Since'] = $lm;
* 'noProxy' can conditionally be set as shown in the commented
* example below; in HttpRequest 'noProxy' takes precedence over
* any value of 'proxy' and disables the use of a proxy.
* This is useful if you run the wiki in an intranet and need to
* access external feed urls through a proxy but internal feed
* urls must be accessed without a proxy.
* The general handling of such cases will be subject of a
* forthcoming version.
$url = $this->url;
$noProxy = !isset( $wgRSSProxy );
// Example for disabling proxy use for certain urls
// $noProxy = preg_match( '!\.internal\.example\.com$!i', parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_HOST ) );
if ( isset( $wgRSSUrlNumberOfAllowedRedirects )
&& is_numeric( $wgRSSUrlNumberOfAllowedRedirects ) ) {
$maxRedirects = $wgRSSUrlNumberOfAllowedRedirects;
} else {
$maxRedirects = 0;
// we set followRedirects intentionally to true to see error messages
// in cases where the maximum number of redirects is reached
$client = MWHttpRequest::factory( $url,
'timeout' => $wgRSSFetchTimeout,
'followRedirects' => true,
'maxRedirects' => $maxRedirects,
'proxy' => $wgRSSProxy,
'noProxy' => $noProxy,
'userAgent' => $wgRSSUserAgent,
foreach ( $headers as $header => $value ) {
$client->setHeader( $header, $value );
$fetch = $client->execute();
$this->client = $client;
if ( !$fetch->isGood() ) {
wfDebug( 'RSS', 'Request Failed: ' . $fetch->getWikiText() );
return $fetch;
$ret = $this->responseToXML( $key );
return $ret;
function sandboxParse($wikiText) {
global $wgTitle, $wgUser;
$myParser = new Parser();
$myParserOptions = ParserOptions::newFromUser($wgUser);
$result = $myParser->parse($wikiText, $wgTitle, $myParserOptions);
return $result->getText();
* Render the entire feed so that each item is passed to the
* template which the MediaWiki then displays.
* @param Parser $parser
* @param string $frame The frame param to pass to recursiveTagParse()
* @return string
function renderFeed( $parser, $frame ) {
$renderedFeed = '';
if ( isset( $this->itemTemplate ) && isset( $parser ) && isset( $frame ) ) {
$headcnt = 0;
if ( $this->reversed ) {
$this->rss->items = array_reverse( $this->rss->items );
foreach ( $this->rss->items as $item ) {
if ( $this->maxheads > 0 && $headcnt >= $this->maxheads ) {
if ( $this->canDisplay( $item ) ) {
$renderedFeed .= $this->renderItem( $item, $parser ) . "\n";
$renderedFeed = $this->sandboxParse( $renderedFeed );
$parser->addTrackingCategory( 'rss-tracking-category' );
return $renderedFeed;
* Render each item, filtering it out if necessary, applying any highlighting.
* @param $item Array: an array produced by RSSData where keys are the names of the RSS elements
* @return mixed
protected function renderItem( $item, $parser ) {
$renderedItem = $this->itemTemplate;
// $info will only be an XML element name, so we're safe using it.
// $item[$info] is handled by the XML parser --
// and that means bad RSS with stuff like
// <description><script>alert("hi")</script></description> will find its
// rogue <script> tags neutered.
// use the overloaded multi byte wrapper functions in GlobalFunctions.php
foreach ( array_keys( $item ) as $info ) {
switch ( $info ) {
// ATOM <id> elements and RSS <link> elements are item link urls
case 'id':
$txt = $this->sanitizeUrl( $item['id'] );
$renderedItem = str_replace( '{{{link}}}', $txt, $renderedItem );
case 'link':
if ( !isset( $item['id'] ) ) {
$txt = $this->sanitizeUrl( $item['link'] );
$renderedItem = str_replace( '{{{link}}}', $txt, $renderedItem );
case 'date':
$tempTimezone = date_default_timezone_get();
date_default_timezone_set( 'UTC' );
$txt = date( $this->date, strtotime( $this->escapeTemplateParameter( $item['date'] ) ) );
date_default_timezone_set( $tempTimezone );
$renderedItem = str_replace( '{{{date}}}', $txt, $renderedItem );
$str = $this->escapeTemplateParameter( $item[$info] );
global $wgLang;
$str = $wgLang->truncate( $str, $this->ItemMaxLength );
$str = $this->highlightTerms( $str );
$renderedItem = str_replace( '{{{' . $info . '}}}', $parser->insertStripItem( $str ), $renderedItem );
// nullify all remaining info items in the template
// without a corresponding info in the current feed item
$renderedItem = preg_replace( "!{{{[^}]+}}}!U", "", $renderedItem );
return $renderedItem;
* Sanitize a URL for inclusion in wikitext. Escapes characters that have
* a special meaning in wikitext, replacing them with URL escape codes, so
* that arbitrary input can be included as a free or bracketed external
* link and both work and be safe.
protected function sanitizeUrl( $url ) {
# Remove control characters
$url = preg_replace( '/[\000-\037\177]/', '', $url );
# Escape other problematic characters
$out = '';
for ( $i = 0; $i < strlen( $url ); $i++ ) {
$boringLength = strcspn( $url, '<>"[|]\ {', $i );
if ( $boringLength ) {
$out .= substr( $url, $i, $boringLength );
$i += $boringLength;
if ( $i < strlen( $url ) ) {
$out .= rawurlencode( $url[$i] );
return $out;
* Sanitize user input for inclusion as a template parameter.
* Unlike in wfEscapeWikiText() as of r77127, this escapes }} in addition
* to the other kinds of markup, to avoid user input ending a template
* invocation.
* If you want to allow clickable link Urls (HTML <a> tag) in RSS feeds:
* $wgRSSAllowLinkTag = true;
* If you want to allow images (HTML <img> tag) in RSS feeds:
* $wgRSSAllowImageTag = true;
protected function escapeTemplateParameter( $text ) {
global $wgRSSAllowLinkTag, $wgRSSAllowImageTag;
$extraInclude = array();
$extraExclude = array( "iframe" );
if ( isset( $wgRSSAllowLinkTag ) && $wgRSSAllowLinkTag ) {
$extraInclude[] = "a";
} else {
$extraExclude[] = "a";
if ( isset( $wgRSSAllowImageTag ) && $wgRSSAllowImageTag ) {
$extraInclude[] = "img";
} else {
$extraExclude[] = "img";
if ( ( isset( $wgRSSAllowLinkTag ) && $wgRSSAllowLinkTag )
|| ( isset( $wgRSSAllowImageTag ) && $wgRSSAllowImageTag ) ) {
$ret = Sanitizer::removeHTMLtags( $text, null, array(), $extraInclude, $extraExclude );
} else { // use the old escape method for a while
$text = str_replace(
array( '[', '|', ']', '\'', 'ISBN ',
'RFC ', '://', "\n=", '{{', '}}',
array( '&#91;', '&#124;', '&#93;', '&#39;', 'ISBN&#32;',
'RFC&#32;', '&#58;//', "\n&#61;", '&#123;&#123;', '&#125;&#125;',
htmlspecialchars( str_replace( "\n", "", $text ) )
// keep some basic layout tags
$ret = str_replace(
array( '&lt;p&gt;', '&lt;/p&gt;',
'&lt;br/&gt;', '&lt;br&gt;', '&lt;/br&gt;',
'&lt;b&gt;', '&lt;/b&gt;',
'&lt;i&gt;', '&lt;/i&gt;',
'&lt;u&gt;', '&lt;/u&gt;',
'&lt;s&gt;', '&lt;/s&gt;',
array( "", "<br/>",
"<br/>", "<br/>", "<br/>",
"'''", "'''",
"''", "''",
"<u>", "</u>",
"<s>", "</s>",
return $ret;
* Parse an HTTP response object into an array of relevant RSS data
* @param $key String: the key to use to store the parsed response in the cache
* @return string|bool parsed RSS object (see RSSParse) or false
protected function responseToXML( $key ) {
wfDebugLog( 'RSS', "Got '" . $this->client->getStatus() . "', updating cache for $key" );
if ( $this->client->getStatus() === 304 ) {
# Not modified, update cache
wfDebugLog( 'RSS', "Got 304, updating cache for $key" );
$this->storeInCache( $key );
} else {
$this->xml = new DOMDocument;
$raw_xml = $this->client->getContent();
if( $raw_xml == '' ) {
return Status::newFatal( 'rss-parse-error', 'No XML content' );
// Prevent loading external entities when parsing the XML (bug 46932)
$oldDisable = libxml_disable_entity_loader( true );
$this->xml->loadXML( $raw_xml );
libxml_disable_entity_loader( $oldDisable );
$this->rss = new RSSData( $this->xml );
// if RSS parsed successfully
if ( $this->rss && !$this->rss->error ) {
$this->etag = $this->client->getResponseHeader( 'Etag' );
$this->lastModified =
strtotime( $this->client->getResponseHeader( 'Last-Modified' ) );
wfDebugLog( 'RSS', 'Stored etag (' . $this->etag . ') and Last-Modified (' .
$this->client->getResponseHeader( 'Last-Modified' ) . ') and items (' .
count( $this->rss->items ) . ')!' );
$this->storeInCache( $key );
} else {
return Status::newFatal( 'rss-parse-error', $this->rss->error );
return Status::newGood();
* Determine if a given item should or should not be displayed
* @param $item Array: associative array that RSSData produced for an <item>
* @return boolean
protected function canDisplay( array $item ) {
$check = '';
/* We're only going to check the displayable fields */
foreach ( $this->displayFields as $field ) {
if ( isset( $item[$field] ) ) {
$check .= $item[$field];
if ( $this->filter( $check, 'filterOut' ) ) {
return false;
if ( $this->filter( $check, 'filter' ) ) {
return true;
return false;
* Filters items in or out if the match a string we're looking for.
* @param $text String: the text to examine
* @param $filterType String: "filterOut" to check for matches in the filterOut member list.
* Otherwise, uses the filter member list.
* @return Boolean: decision to filter or not.
protected function filter( $text, $filterType ) {
if ( $filterType === 'filterOut' ) {
$filter = $this->filterOut;
} else {
$filter = $this->filter;
if ( count( $filter ) == 0 ) {
return $filterType !== 'filterOut';
/* Using : for delimiter here since it'll be quoted automatically. */
$match = preg_match( ':(' . implode( '|', array_map( 'preg_quote', $filter ) ) . '):i', $text ) ;
if ( $match ) {
return true;
return false;
* Highlight the words we're supposed to be looking for
* @param $text String: the text to look in.
* @return String with matched text highlighted in a <span> element
protected function highlightTerms( $text ) {
if ( count( $this->highlight ) === 0 ) {
return $text;
RSSHighlighter::setTerms( $this->highlight );
$highlight = ':'. implode( '|', array_map( 'preg_quote', array_values( $this->highlight ) ) ) . ':i';
return preg_replace_callback( $highlight, 'RSSHighlighter::highlightThis', $text );
class RSSHighlighter {
static $terms = array();
* Set the list of terms to match for the next highlighting session
* @param $terms Array: list of words to match.
static function setTerms( array $terms ) {
self::$terms = array_flip( array_map( 'strtolower', $terms ) );
* Actually replace the supplied list of words with HTML code to highlight the words.
* @param $match Array: list of matched words to highlight.
* The words are assigned colors based upon the order
* they were supplied in setTerms()
* @return String word wrapped in HTML code.
static function highlightThis( $match ) {
$styleStart = "<span style='font-weight: bold; background: none repeat scroll 0%% 0%% rgb(%s); color: %s;'>";
$styleEnd = '</span>';
# bg colors cribbed from Google's highlighting of search terms
$bgcolor = array( '255, 255, 102', '160, 255, 255', '153, 255, 153',
'255, 153, 153', '255, 102, 255', '136, 0, 0', '0, 170, 0', '136, 104, 0',
'0, 70, 153', '153, 0, 153' );
# Spelling out the fg colors instead of using processing time to create this list
$color = array( 'black', 'black', 'black', 'black', 'black',
'white', 'white', 'white', 'white', 'white' );
$index = self::$terms[strtolower( $match[0] )] % count( $bgcolor );
return sprintf( $styleStart, $bgcolor[$index], $color[$index] ) . $match[0] . $styleEnd;
class RSSUtils {
* Output an error message, all wraped up nicely.
* @param String $errorMessageName The system message that this error is
* @param String|Array $param Error parameter (or parameters)
* @return String Html that is the error.
public static function RSSError( $errorMessageName, $param = false ) {
// Anything from a parser tag should use Content lang for message,
// since the cache doesn't vary by user language: do not use wfMsgForContent but wfMsgForContent
// The ->parse() part makes everything safe from an escaping standpoint.
return Html::rawElement( 'span', array( 'class' => 'error' ),
"Extension:RSS -- Error: " . wfMessage( $errorMessageName )->inContentLanguage()->params( $param )->parse()